Loadout Suggestions for D&N

For Dreams and Nightmares my current loadout is:
Black Kat Cowl
Black Kat Mail or Shadowsun Stetson
Swiftstrike buckler
Shadow Driver
Gigawatt Pulsar
2 Pentas
Quickdraw Sprite Perk
I am usually able to complete D&N deathless (ER is sometimes used in final arena) within about 25 minutes
I am wondering if I should switch out the Shadow Driver for another weapon (Like maybe shadow pulsar). Or change any other gear for a smoother run.

I think I will use the MSI perk then and just switch out the perks at the final arena. I am playing solo usually.
Bombing in DaN hinders visibility, just a heads up if you do that. Also, solo is the way to go because all other people do is trigger void slime spikes, which do hella dmg and poison you. When the mission first came out, I would usually end up being the only living person at the end of the run with 2 other people. I carried then with a wildfire and a crappy Sacred falcon shade set.
Heres the loadout I used to farm DaN solo back then:
Bk cloak
Ancient Plate Shield (The turrets barely touch it)
But whats a loadout without strategy?
Technique: Strategically charge Acheron when you can. be careful around void slimes. Retreat and single-switch shoot the wildfire to finish off enemies (herd them into a corner with the gun). Use Callahan charge against Gremlins (the callahan also works surprisingly well against slimes too). Looking back, a Winter Grave with some CTR would be solid too, since the only shadow-strong enemiez there are skellies. Aside from weapons, strafe the arena in a CCW fashion around the edges (same direction as turret rotation), dash, do your best not to get trapped (another reason to use APS: shield bumping).
With this strategy, you would use your ER only at worse. 12-15 minute DaN run.
We've had a lot of threads about this, which you can find by searching Google with "site:forums.spiralknights.com" thrown in (without the quotation marks).
In the first two levels, you can skip most of the fighting. Use the MSI+2 sprite perk and a fast gun to hit switches and move quickly.
In the last level, you can skip all but the final fight. In that I like bombing (Nitronome or Dark Retribution) for safety. But I'm not sure what the fastest loadout would be. Are you playing in a party? Then having one knight drop vortex bombs might help.