Flourish Variant?

I got myself the Dark Thorn Blade. But however... I'm not a fan of the charge.
It's just a bigger initial swing. I've heard people saying that BTB charge is a more defensive variant of the FF's but you have to stand right in an enemy's face for good damage as you'll backstep before slicing.
So I got a Flourish for 750cr from some random guy and I'm not sure if I should get FF like the last time I had a Flourish or if I should mix it up a bit.
Except that everyone tells me that the Flourish variants suck.
So... should I just stick to Final Flourish?

Barbarous Thorn Blade shoots 7 spikes on the charge, I don't know what kind of gimp blade you managed to craft yourself.
Maybe the 2* one doesn't have spikes?

Here is my comparison of the piercing swords, with data and opinions.
I don't know what the 4-star version looks like, but the 5-star BTB charge is great. (As is the Final Flourish charge.)

What I'm saying is for the BTB...
The spike part of the charge doesn't seem to do much.
The slash part? Plenty of damage. But I have to be 1 inch from an enemy for the slash to hit.
Unless the Snarby bite does some magic.
I like the Flourish charge as it allows me to rip into single or clustered targets. It just does more damage for me.

The BTB charge damage is not a secret. You can look at the damage tables on the wiki. BTB's charge projectiles do lots of damage, and you can land several of them on a target, if you're close. And the cooldown animation is shorter for BTB's charge, so you can do more charges per minute, if that's your thing.
I'm not trying to persuade you to get one over the other. As my guide says, they're both great. I find FF's charge to be a little harder to use, but also a little more fun. And you can get UVs more easily on FF than on BTB. But don't avoid BTB for the wrong reasons, like thinking that it doesn't do damage, when it certainly does.

Btb's charge is good against weird stuff and occasionally things that you want it to work against. Like zombies. It's great for fighting slow enemies that it can just sort of crowd control a bit. Or devilites and wolvers that aren't attacking you. You can just sort of run up and get all of them at once because you don't have aggro. Other than that none of the flourishes charges are very spectacular- you're choosing between a bit of single target damage for basically trojans or possibly gremlin menders and a mediocre area of effect attack for general use.
"I like the Flourish charge as it allows me to rip into single or clustered targets. It just does more damage for me."
Then craft a flourish and be done with it. Make rigadoon. You don't need better damage, you need "moderate" stun once every few strokes and a cool golden finish. Or make a final flourish and be super lame and just kill the things it really doesn't matter.

That's the point of using swords in the first place.
I assume your dtb doesn't have max dmg boost? Maybe not even lvl 10? A max dmg lvl 10 btb can do a lot of dmg, and as said above, it is safer to use.
Most ppl who attempt a flourish charge, either slide off the enemy after the first hit, or don't even land a hit at all. It can work with well with a vortex, though (almost everything pairs well with vortexes). And if you don't have asi, the recovery after the charge's 3rd hit is hellova slow.
Even if you decide to abandon your current toothpick..., and make a flourish, make the ff, the 2 status variants are crap.
The problem with the Flourish variants is that they have a large damage reduction compared to the regular flourish, while having an extremely low status-infliction rate. For the 5* Rigadoon, it has a Slight Chance of inflicting Moderate Stun to an enemy on hit, which sounds okay on paper, but in practice, I've found that the chances of inflicting stun are probably around 10% or lower, per swing. This hardly makes up for the damage reduction.
Unless the "Slight" chance is increased to "Fair" at some point in the future, I would stick with an FF or a BTB.