Need Help Choosing Damage Type

6 respuestas [Último envío]

I've already got an elemental weapon. For my second weapon, which damage type would be overall more usefull: shadow or piercing?

Imagen de Corporal-Shade
I'm a Wizard

Shadow. Gremlins and Slimes are trouble.
Unless you want to use Blitz, which is piercing.

Imagen de Strayed-Faris
Get everything.

If you're going for overall performance, just get a weapon for every damage type, that's the simplest answer. There is no damage type that's better than other damage types. So, it really depends on what you want to do. If you're having trouble with a specific monster family, this might help:

Shadow gives damage bonus for Gremlins and Slimes.

Piercing gives damage bonus for Fiends and Beasts.

Elemental gives damage bonus for Undeads and Constructs.

Normal for everything, but it gives no damage bonus.

If you're interested in learning more about damage, here is a useful link:

@Strayed Obviously he would


Obviously he would choose all 3 if he could. He didn't ask that.

Your other weapon choice depends on your intended playstyle. Shadow for general use, piercing (blitz) if you plan to be a hopelessly addicted vana farmer.

Imagen de Sir-Pandabear

We don't even know what your elemental weapon is. Is it Deadly Crystal Bomb? Stagger Storm?

Imagen de Bopp

Also, are you a sworder, gunner, bomber, or some kind of hybrid? How many weapon slots do you use? What kind of armor do you have? Where are you in the missions? Which kind of monster gives you the most trouble? Give us some information to work with.

Imagen de Fehzors-Forum-Alt

Make winmillion it looks cool. Yup. I give the best advice. No context needed.