Seraphynx Aura Ultimate Upgrade

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Tapproot's picture

I'm a bomber and have been thinking about which upgrade would be best for the aura on Seraphynx. I mostly do solos right now, but I am planning on doing a lot more support bombing for groups in the clockworks after this summer. Valkyrian aura will be useless for me on solos, as I already have max cooldown reduction, but Seraphic aura just seems... bad. Which ultimate upgrade should I go with if I want to primarily focus on support bombing (essentially, which aura will help my teammates more)?

Sir-Pandabear's picture

In short, they're both worthless. Just pick whichever looks cooler to you so you can get swift steps 2.

The CTR Aura always pumps your CTR to max. That's really useful unless you have max CTR all the time like a bomber should. I picked it because Battle Sprites were new at the time and I wanted to find out first-hand if it could make CTR go above max. (It can't) Sometimes I use it in experimental loadouts but I would never seriously attempt any new content without max CTR from my set.

On the other hand, it's not certain that all of your party members will always have CTR max.

The shield regen aura gives a unique benefit you can't get anywhere else, which normally would make picking this one a no-brainer, only the unique benefit is highly situational and not that impressive. It requires that:

  1. Your shield is not full.
  2. Your shield is not broken.
  3. Your shield did not just take a hit, since there's a slight cooldown between taking a hit and the shield actually regenerating.
  4. You did not just shield bash, which also has a cooldown before the shield regenerates.
  5. Using it to assist your party members would require some God-tier timing and watching your allies like a hawk, all to give them a slight shield regen boost they might not even notice.

Neometal's picture

Just for the record, you can get the swift steps II starting from lvl 90, so u may get it before your 2nd ulti if you are lucky enough.

Just pick valkyrian, even if you have ctr max, there may be times in the future where you'll be trying out different stuff, and the ctr could come handy there.

The seraphic gives one whole second of shorter shield regen time (4 secs instead of 5)... so yeah it's unique thing in the game and all, but still crappy. Even if you are trying a torto shieldbashing tactic, it's still meh.

Helping out teammates with the aura can be tricky, there can be times, where you use the aura, and they have no idea that it protects them, too (it takes 1 second for it to work on them, but still) Like using it to go across spikes, floor traps, you wait for them to go after you, and they are just standing still...
But valkyrian is the better for team-play, not everyone is going to have max ctr, and if they know what they are doing, they can utilize the free ctr.

Ofc you can opt not to get an ulti for the aura at all, but if you want to get all the perks, you'll have to feed the evo cata anyways to get the 5 extra levels, so might as well pick one of the ultimates.