Help me with a good Vana Load out x-x

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Exaggerated's picture

So I've been running Vanaduke alot and I've been noticing I've been taking 26-30 minutes per run. Mind giving me a load out that would help me run faster? :o
Items I own----
Black Kat Cowl
Black Kat Cloak
Divine Avenger
Storm Driver

Neometal's picture

Drop the shiv, and get a vortex. Plant the bomb, suck everything up, and kill them all while they are grouped up.

Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture

26-30 minutes is hardly bad. It's just a slow run because of all the loading, watering, and zombie mashing.

The vortex strategy is the best for quickly clearing content by far though, so if you're looking to up your game then Neometal's got you covered. I'd recommend getting iron slug to pair with it as well, as you may wish to farm other content at some point and that lets you speed run a ton of other stuff- though for FSC voltedge is more than enough.

I would build-

Electron vortex
(optional) Shiver for extra support against trojans/vana

Nobody who is good at Vana

Nobody who is good at Vana uses a shiv.

Electron Vortex, Voltedge, Blitz are all you need. Max dmg of course. Hammer is alright as a 4th. Just get a vortex and you're good. 26 mins is good, try to go faster and you'll probably skip stuff and lower the crown/min ratio. If you want to make more money, do an alt run. Quite a fun challenge (took me a few runs to learn how to do an alt run without using sparks). 35 min alt run is best cr/min ratio (30 mins on a good day).

Uberer-Alt's picture

Skipping stuff to run fast does not lower the cr/time ratio. Why bother killing a few zombies somewhere and get a few crowns when you can run to the parts that give you the most cr. Vana himself is one of these parts. The fight takes very little time and gains 3kcr in tokens. If you could skip everything and teleport straight to the throne room you would do it, so that's what you should aim for. Most of the cr from fighting slags comes from the arena style forced fights anyway.

EDIT: Like ppl already said; don't use shiv. It just makes everything slower. If someone offered me a free ctr vh shiv but I had to take it to fsc every time I wouldn't take the damn bomb lol

Skiino's picture
Black Kat Cowl Black Kat

Black Kat Cowl
Black Kat Raiment
Combuster / Voltedge (I find better Combuster)
Blitz Needle
Argent Peacemaker / Arcana
Electron Vortex / Obsidian Crusher
With the right UVS trinkets perk and stuff, it's the best vana loadout of the moment.

Nebrium's picture

There's only one Brandish for FSC... Combuster....

Nuclear-Lynx's picture
^ agreed

I am pretty sure the best set for speed running FSC would be...

Black Kat Cowl
Black Kat Raiment
Swiftstrike Buckler
Combuster /Voltedge (in my opinion combuster is better as the charge does more dmg)
Blitz Needle
Iron Slug
Electron vortex / Obsidian Crusher

When people ask me why I bring a Combuster into FSC and not the freeze or shock brandish I always think why would you not bring a Combuster? And then when I tell them The charge does more damage than all the others they never believe it and say that all brandishes do the same. Even after I tell them the reason why it does more damage they still think the charge does the same lol.

Bopp's picture
right, but

In general I agree with you. But some players find that Voltedge's shock interacts particularly well with vortex bombs.

Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture

Shivermist buster is the least necessary, but does make fighting trojans cleaner and faster. Without it you must coax them as well as the surrounding mobs into position, with it you can simply place and blitz. It also lets you trap Vanaduke for free blitz attacks, should you require added safety.

Uberer-Alt's picture
Voltedge vs combuster

Combuster is better for basically everything else, but with electron vortex voltedge wins. The minions are trapped in the vortex anyway so the shock will deal a lot of dmg and that's just a fact. You shouldn't be using charges very much against single zombies anyway.

Electron vortex is better than obsidian crusher because the shock keeps the minions together better and the ending explosion does deal a fair amount of dmg. The crushers poison just doesn't do much at all when the slags die so fast.

The best loadout would look like this (like most others have said):

Drakon with the fast running thing and the firestorm that buffs everyone. msi perk
Black Kat Cowl
Black Kat Raiment
Swiftstrike Buckler
Voltedge (ctr vh UV/ a lower UV+ trinket)
Electron Vortex ( ^ )
Blitz Needle ( ^ )
Argent Peacemaker/Arcana (actually not sure which one is better)

Additionally you can max out the asi on your weapons with UVs or trinkets but it's not that important.

Flowchart's picture

^ that's pretty much what I use.. except maskeraith if solo, to take out the mask faster.