New gunner armors

3 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Tiraid

Am I the only one that thinks there are a few too many armor options in these lines? At least in 5*?

Imagen de Bopp
not the only one

I agree. In the gunner update, the designers seemed to cave in to one or both of these pressures:

A. Players who want to have every possible option, including every combination of style, damage, and status. Either because they want to hyper-customize their setup, or because they just don't like being told that they can't do something.

B. Making it seem like a huge update, worthy of its development time, even though it's all variations on just a couple of ideas.

This applies to both armor (which you mentioned) and to weapons (such as the four blaster versions).

As I have often ranted on these forums, good design benefits from a balance of symmetry and asymmetry. Neuschwanstein is beautiful because of its asymmetries. The Padded armor lines are too symmetric.

Imagen de Tiraid

I love the internet. You ask about armor pieces for a video game, and get a link to a medieval castle. I do see your point though bopp.

Imagen de Fehzors-Forum-Alt

I really like reading rants and I've never seen you actually rant about anything Bopp. I know your ideas (and actually do agree with them) when it comes to asymmetry with regards to gear design, but aside from that you rarely do mention your desires.