How is Argent peacemaker and CIV

7 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Maruruz

Planning to get cold iron vanquisher because it looks nice and the bonus is pretty good imo, i have a silversix but is it worth upgrading to argent peacemaker? To sum it up is CIV & AP good for end game contents or something needs to be changed

Imagen de Neometal

Just before anyone else links it, here's Bopp's Sword Guide.

The CIV indeed does look good, but in most cases it is utter trash compared to the Levi, and even that is mediocore for the most part. You'd be better of with brandishes, sealed swords and toothpicks.

As for the gun, most of the 4* items do more damage at lvl10, then their lvl1 5* counterpart, and the 5* version will only do more damage when it reaches lvl8. So if you have enough radiants to upgrade it go ahead, but if you don't then leave it at 4* for the time being. (There are some exceptions when it is better to make the 5*, like the mist bombs, or the DA, due to their better charges).

The AP, and antiguas are nice and balanced weps: 6 shots/clip, longest range (9 tiles), fastest attack speed, but their charge is mostly useless, and they do the least amount of damage per shot. They can do decent dps, but you'll have to click a lot for that. If you mainly use swords, then antiguas are a great choise, but if you want to use guns as your main damage source, there are several better options (drivers, magnuses, autoguns, etc).

Imagen de Sir-Pandabear

Both are weak and boring.

Imagen de Bopp

Both are weak and boring, as Sir-Pandabear opined, for the reasons that Neometal laid out. I'll just add a historical note.

In the early days of Spiral Knights, it was much harder to get blanket (meaning, against all monster types) damage bonuses on weapons. There were a couple of options, such as Skolver and Bombastic Demo. But there were no Barbarous Thorn Shield, damage trinkets, Black Kat, buffed Chaos, or sprite perks. So these weapons that carried family-specific damage bonuses (CIV, AP, WHB, Sentenza) had substantial value.

Nowadays it is so easy to get huge blanket damage bonuses from armor, shields, trinkets, and perks, that family-specific damage bonuses are much less valuable. Weapons with family-specific bonuses are almost obsolete. And a substantial fraction of weapon UVs (the ones that aren't CTR and ASI) are nearly obsolete. This is one of the many parts of the game that need rebalancing.

Bopp makes a great point,

Bopp makes a great point, looking at the history shows why the weapons are bad.

It's unfortunate, because CIV looks awesome.

Imagen de Tiraid

Just a brainstorm here....
What if they changed the family specific weapons to do the damage buff against similar monsters?
E.G. CIV would have undead high and fiend high?
or WHB would have beast and slime high?
Just a thought.

Still wouldn't make it viable

Still wouldn't make it viable compared to other weapons. They need pure damage or attack style bonuses to be competent. Assuming CIV with high dmg bonus does more than levi against undead, levi would still be better than 4/6 monster types.

Unless CIV has a universal damage/speed/range/attack style buff, it will remain trash.

Imagen de Nebrium

I heard the Celestial Saber is better.