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Wqkipedia's picture

What is the most effective way to land all the dash hits in a hammer combo?

I know that some of the monsters (i.e. Knockback resistant or stationary) don’t require anything special to land the combo.

The strategies I've used:

Just push the monster into a corner before hammering them.
Gets the full combo reliably but you need to get the monster into a corner first.

Freezing and Shocking:
Freeze or shock the monster before hammering them.
Gets the combo reliably but you need to freeze or shock first

Drop a vortex bomb before hammering them.
Gets the combo reliably but you need to charge the bomb first.

Swinging at an angle:
Swing at an angle (like catching the monster on the side of you) then hammer towards the monster
Doesn't get the combo as reliably but no setup is needed. Auto Target cannot be used.

Swinging and then waiting a bit:
Swing the hammer and then wait a bit longer than normal to use the dash.
Gets the combo pretty (about 70% for me) reliably no setup is needed. A bit more player intensive.

Using the carry technique:
Swing the hammer but don't release the attack button immediately. Instead walk about a tile towards the target and then release the attack button before the combo resets. If you do this right, you will have a delay for the dash.
Gets the combo very reliably, no setup is needed. Pretty player intensive.

Can you guys leave other strategies below that work well for you?

Nuclear-Lynx's picture
I not a pro with the hammer but....

I have found that the most effective for me is to either delay the second attack for a nano second, push them into a wall with my shield, or just combo them normally and then hope I land a few hits on the second attack. In my opinion you should either shield them into the wall or do the carrying technique, Don't do the EV because it may seem like an easy way to use the hammer (which it is) but you will be much more effective if you used a Combuster, Voltedge, or Iron slug. All of their charges do wonders by themselves and even better with an EV.

Other then the strats you mentioned the only other thing that I know you could do is use a haze bomb but that requires krogmo tokens to get so it isn't the best of strats

Timoria's picture

If I ever bring my hammer, all I do is swing the first hit intentionally away from the target and miss, then angle the dash into them for all the hits.

It's easier than trying to catch them in a full combo and usually much faster.

Wqkipedia's picture

@ Grudging-Claw Yeah I tried that a bit but it was really awkward intentionally missing the first swing plus you don't get the damage from it.

Bopp's picture
not sure what I do

For me, auto-targeting is certainly off. I land the first stroke, then the dash, then shield-cancel. In the middle I probably delay a bit, but I'm not sure where. It's probably somewhere around your waiting/carrying techniques.

Nebrium's picture

I never combo my hammer...

Uberer-Alt's picture

just carry the first swing so you step closer to the monster for the dash. or kill monsters next to walls if they are there already. those are the 2 things i do. everything else seems less efficient.

Nebrium's picture

The gliding mechanic overall is lame...

Wqkipedia's picture

@ Nebrium Why would you just use the first swing? I mean isn't that just a DA then?

@Uberer Okay that's what I usually do now, it seems to be the most efficient way.

Nebrium's picture

I rarely use hammer for PvE because there's Combuster lol.

DA can only cancel twice while hammer has a better yield for a 3rd cancel.

I cancel my hammer in LD because Fatkidonetwothree and I live by it and in theory the proper way using it if you have the brains for it. While gliding is for the boring peeps.

Wqkipedia's picture

@Nebrium Ah I guess you do bring up good points with that. Why don't you single switch the weapons for unlimited cancelling? I usually do that when playing LD

Nebrium's picture

I do switch my swords but its a rare occurrence.

It's not always a good idea constantly do it because you'll be more focused trying to execute the switches rather landing them on something unless you have very intense coordination (with 3-4 directional configuration). But the main reason why I don't always do it is because it's inefficient in many ways. I care about whats efficient and only that. You'll lose a lot of mobility with sword switching too much which makes also makes you vulnerable. For gunning you're happily moving while shooting.

And it's kind of ironic though... If I use move fwd and only use GF or Hammer and switch them. I often get 25k+ with one weapon if I actually put a little more effort than usual casual using move fwd. So in a sense it's efficient to some extent. But that style is not flexible vs a hybrid which can deal with almost anything.

Doing it in PvE isn't worth while cos of knock back unless you are vs trojans, silkwings and turrets. But gliding is better in most cases because that's where damage comes from if it connects.

It also has to do with my play style... but that's another topic...

Drischa's picture

I always just swing, then hold the button to hold the combo for a moment while holding the move forward button so I go a bit closer to the monster then release the button to dash them. I never do the third hit unless I know for certain that the monster won't attack.
I also find it much easier to hit the dash if I aim slightly to the side of the monster.

If you time it right, you can hit a kat and then do the dash behind you so you sort of follow the kat's dash with your dash dash for loads of damage.