Buffing Tortodrone Guns.

5 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Milly-Souls

For the longest time since I've farmed the Torto event, I've regretted crafting the Savage Tortofist. To me, and I'm sure, to a lot of people, the majority of the Tortofists are a bit weak and not worth the effort to farm for. I have a few ideas to somehow buff it.

-Give it a weak to medium chance to inflict shock with the charge attack, referencing how the actual Tortodrones themselves use the shards to shock and damage you.

-Give the regular attack's ranged shard more distance.

-Slightly buff the overall damage.

What do you guys think?

Imagen de Putkisen-Seta

The invisible bullet used to target the charge attack needs to pierce enemies.

Imagen de Fehzors-Forum-Alt

I've found tortofists to be relatively acceptable, or at least on par with most other weapons. Once you learn how to aim them, they become some of the strongest possible crowd control- out-damaging many bombs, even. They were well designed and hardly needs a buff.

However, for such a unique and supposedly fun weapon not many choose to use it, quite likely due to its rather harsh learning curve. For that reason, I would like to see a buff and for it to enter that glorious and cherished over powered range. I'd personally give it much longer range and a bit more damage on its normal 'shots' as well as a faster charge with more falling crystals. Those should be well enough to push it over the top.

Imagen de Feranox

I think the invicniticks should go fudge themselves and leave these guns alone.

Imagen de Abelisk

The piercing one wrecks Vana, but I agree w/ the invincitinks

Imagen de Nebrium

Yeah they definitely need more dmg on melee. I've double switch ppl to death with one as a finisher. Fun ^^