How to alchemer
Sáb, 07/30/2016 - 13:46

I think the alchemer line is really interesting, but I have no idea how to do the single/double switching thing with them, pls help
Sáb, 07/30/2016 - 18:29
Jue, 08/04/2016 - 05:34

What you also want is a mouse and move with wasd.
I can't believe people still struggle with this concept. I see so many noobs using arrow keys like it's 1995.
Jue, 08/04/2016 - 05:39

Some people play on laptops with crappy trackpads. By use of auto-target, arrow-key play is not so bad for casual play.
Jue, 08/04/2016 - 06:50

The concept isn't the trouble for most. It's inheriting the habit to do it.
Took me about 2 months to fully get the grasp of doing it without realizing it.
I do it too much that I eventually get hand and arm problems though.
I would always have at least 1 status alchemer and a nova or umbra driver when you double switch. Also if I am a beginner just have the two alchemers as your only weapons. What you also want is a mouse and move with wasd. When you double switch with alchemerst, only shoot one bullet, quickly shield, and switch with the scroll button, then shoot your other alchemerely, and repeat. As you keep going you will end up getting the hang of it and you will be a pro at this.
Now for single switching, it makes it so that you can have more freedom to use other weapons. To do single switching take one alchemy, and have at least one other weapons, and if you have 3 you need to scroll up and down instead of just up up or down down. What you do with single switching is shoot once, shield, switch down, then up, and shoot again. Again it will take practice but you will master it.
Hope this helps