Weapon question

Hello! I was wondering: is there a weapon that's decent, but would need just a bit more damage to really be good (perhaps even to the point of working on its own, meaning without a second weapon)? Of course, this extra damage that it would need is besides the UV's and sprite buffs.
Even if not according to stats, but that was just how you felt when you used the weapon, that a small damage buff would make it shine.

You asked specifically about "just a bit more damage". But what about just a bit more speed? Or a bit higher chance of status?
Iron Slug is already quite powerful because of its charge, but if the regular attacks had a bit more speed then they would be more useful.
Leviathan Blade is not bad, but more damage would make me use it much more, compared to non-normal swords.
Notice that both of my examples are normal damage, because you specifically asked about weapons working on their own. I don't think that these buffs should happen, because the game should maintain an advantage for non-normal weapons.
By the way, this should be in the Arsenal forum. You can move it there (without leaving a shadow copy) by editing the original post.

Ahh, thank you. I usually don't use forums all that much for other games, so i'm not that good with them.
And nope, i am more or less only interested in "just a bit more damage", and here is why:
I've watched quite a few videos of Enter the Gungeon, played by NorthenLion. In that game (which is a roguelike similar to binding of isaac but with guns), there are some guns that are quite weak. For example, a syringe gun that shoots poison liquid that covers a wide area. The liquid doesn't hit for much damage, barely pushes enemies away, and the poison on the ground isn't all that good. But NorthenLion has successfully used that gun as a support gun combined with others that lack a little extra damage.
I shall get a volcanic pepperbox in the following 1-2 days and i was thinking how i could effectively use it. I figured i could use it as a support gun, starting an arena/wave of monsters with a charge attack, setting them on fire then switching to that sword/gun/bomb that lacks a little damage to work great.
And i was honestly considering Leviathan Blade, but i wasn't that sure about it. Now that you mentioned it, i'll be sure to try it out.
Thus, the buff that you mentioned they would need, i will get through the use of another weapon, that is not that great (unless i'm mistaken and pepperbox is actually great???)

Volcanic Pepperbox is not bad. I don't own it, and I've rarely seen it used, but its statistics suggest that it should murder things much as Plague Needle does.
Your Leviathan Blade plan sounds fine. Here is a less-practical but more-fun version: Get Fang of Vog and lots of fire armor. I mean, Fang of Vog's regular attacks are slightly weak like Leviathan's, and its charge attack is stylistically similar to Leviathan's, but much more powerful.
And I would be derelict in my Boppish duty if I didn't mention even better combinations such as Combuster with Iron Slug.

The Volcanic Pepperbox isn't quite as effective as a Plague Needle in terms of damage output, simply because its charge knocks targets back out of its field of fire midway through, while the Needle lines stagger enemies in place. What it is good for is carving out personal space at point-blank absent a heavy sword, or doing the same for a surrounded teammate. I wouldn't terribly recommend the Pepperbox as an augment to damage; the DoT from its fire doesn't seem to me as salient as its capacity for area control.

Fang of vog and lots of fire armor? Got em! XD
Wanna know an even less practical but more fun and cool combo? Fang of vog/leviathan blade, lots of general charge time reduction and a torto gun.
Because torto gun creates walls whenever you need in order to push an enemy into it and hit them 3 times with the spin charge attack of one of the swords. I've tested it and it works better with leviathan blade because it charges faster, but i don't have chaos set, so that one might allow any of the two to be used much easier.
Acheron. Might as well make it OHKO since it now does GF damage at 1.5x the speed.