Divine veil or Nitronome???

Which of these completely unrelated items would you rather have?

You have all of the weapons and armor in the game in this scenario.

But if you have all weps, doesn't that mean you have the nitro, too?

I'd go for Nitronome, because weapons are fun and the knockback is sometimes useful (Unknown Passage, and I used to use it in compounds).
Divine Veil is a fairly useful piece of armor, but armor is boring, especially in the age of Black Kat/Chaos.

Short of a few levels there are generally only ONE monster family and ONE status to deal with, this means dual/tri status resist armors and those that lack normal def bars tend to be "specialist" gear. The Divine veil truly shines in Ghosts in the Machine where it's shock resist and elemental shadow are used and in Shadow Lair FSC where it can resist the Fire and Curse combo. Other than those two places there are armors more specialized in dealing with each floor.
The nitronome is a fun weapon that is easy to spam, the downside is that it causes massive disruption which can make playing in groups difficult. Mastering the knockback takes some practice too and the large flash can obstruct your view, that and the lack of specialized damage choices means that this is a decent weapon for most solo situations when you need AOE knockback.

You do already have both in this scenario. It's more the philosophy of whether nitronome or divine veil suits you more that I'm interested in.
Do I already own Vog Cub Cap or Ash of Agni? If Blitz Needle then Chaos Cowl, but if Nova Driver then Dark Briar Barrage.