Quitting Sale! Darkfangs, Triple Maxes, GM Weapons, Prismatics, Walker Sets blah blah [UPDATED]

After 6 years of playing this game it has finally come to an end for me. Please find below item's I'd like to sell. Keep in mind I'm not selling EVERYTHING - I may keep some gear in-case I want a run now and then so if you see something missing that you think I might have, please don't ask about it (same goes with some accessories, but most will be in the list)
Due to being particularly busy IRL right now, I won't have time to reply to all replies below or mails ingame. I will keep an eye out for the highest bidder of each item and contact them accordingly but if you see something marked as sold that you were hoping to buy then I'm sorry but unfortunately you wren't successful in buying it.
Please contact me either by replying to this thread, mailing me ingame, or preferably by adding me on steam as I'll be on there the most. For steam please add Elliel SK .
Triple Max BKC Normal, Shadow, Shock w/ Surge Round Shades SOLD
Dread Skelly Helm Sleep Max, Curse High
Divine Veil Stun Med, Poison High, Freeze high w/ Divine Round Shades
Dragon Scale Helm w/ Volcanic Headband, Prismatic Glow Eyes and Volcanic Scarf
Triple Max Snarby Coat Normal, Shadow, Fire
Triple Max BKR Fire, Shock, Curse w/ Polar Leafy Aura SOLD
Divine Mantle Freeze Med, Stun High, Poison Med w/ Divine Wings and Twinkle Aura
Chaos Cloak Fire Max, Curse Max, Shock med
Dragon Scale Mail w/ Volcanic Dragon Wings
Mercurial Mail Shock High
Darkfang Shield Elemental Max, Normal med
Darkfang Shield Shadow Max SOLD
Swiftstrike Normal Max SOLD
Triglav ASI VH
Final Flourish ASI VH SOLD
DVS ASI Med - Will give this to someone for unbind if they want it
Arcana ASI VH
Blitz CTR Med
Grim Repeater ASI VH
Valiance ASI High
Volcanic Pepperbox CTR Med
Electron Vortex CTR Med SOLD
Nitronome CTR Med
Stagger Storm CTR VH SOLD
Venom Veiler CTR VH SOLD
Voltaic Tempest CTR Med
A little explanation of some armor's. The Divine Mantle/Veil Set allows you to walk all bombs as a guardian. This with the bombs was a bombing set. The BKC with the Mercurial Mail allows you to walk VT as a striker.
Before I get into accessories I'd just like to point out this list includes accessories attached to the above gear. Repetitions are not a mistake, I'm putting them separately to make it easier to see what has/hasn't already been sold.
Prismatic Scarf SOLD
Prismatic Scarf SOLD
Prismatic Mech'Tennas SOLD
Prismatic Glow Eyes SOLD
Prismatic Glow Eyes
Prismatic Halo SOLD
Divine Round Shades
Divine Wings
Divine Scarf SOLD
Volcanic Scarf
Surge Round Shades SOLD
Saphire Crown SOLD
Shadow Valkyrie Wings
Twilight Aura SOLD
Twilight Aura SOLD
Twinkle Aura SOLD
Polar Leafy Aura SOLD
Surge Flak Jacket
a load of promo costumes that I don't know what to do with and can't be bothered adding them all to this list. Not sure what to do with them
This is all I'm looking to sell right now however if I change my mind at all, I'll add it to this post.
Hey Elliel, how much are you selling the twilight auras for?

Hi there, the going rate seems to be 70-80k these days

I want the one on the cyclops but if i dont get the money in time then RIP lol

A number of things reserved for a number of people for now. Will update again if they are sold or become unreserved
I Mailed you in game regarding the Triple Max BKC you're selling.

I haven't personally seen divine wings being sold for a while so I'm not 100% sure. I'll go with 14kce but any suggestions let me know

Sold some stuff. Reserved some stuff. Added some stuff I forgot I had

i wtb your shadow valkyrie wings. msg me ingame mail. i want dibs on the shadow flak wings. been looking for em for ages.......

dibs on the sapphire crown plz. too. msg me in game. and do you have glacial flak jacket or polar warden costumes?

tell me what u think about my wall of text. sorry but i am desperate for the wings plz.
id send you a screenshot of all my cr and energy as proof too.

Got anything Amethyst (Not Tabard or Chapeau)

i have finally sold my stuff and have XXXXX amount of energy if your willing to accept. check your mail in game plz

I've got Amethyst culet, scale mail and winged helm.

As per our talks ingame, I'm affraid you don't have enough CE. Whilst I understand you're dissapointed, I'm afraid the gap is just too far for it to be possible
Would like to buy your Shadow Valk Wings.......have mailed you in-game

Noted. However I haven't received any mail from you, could you send it again please? IGN Elliel

Hi, I sent a mail and friend request in game the other day, and have not gotten word back about the EV bomb. What's the price you're selling it for?

Marked some more things as sold. Also mailed some people as per above

offer 1.6 million crowns for Final Flourish asi vh?
ign: Legendary-Master

Hello Elliel, mailed you in game with some offers

Sorry for the inactivity recently, irl stuff.
@Legendary-Master I won't take any less than 1.7 I'm afraid
@Aeliospherein Perfect thanks, will log on as soon as I've saved this comment!

Sold some things, a couple things on hold now too.
@Aitu mail me ingame or add me on steam

Sent you a mail in game and added you on steam, and posted here...I'll get hang of you someway or the other haha >:)

I've sent you a friend request via Steam as I'd to take a look at whatever recolors you might have. I'll contact you if I see anything of note.

I'm running a giveaway during christmas and am trying to stock up on accesories and maybe some costumes under 100kcr but over 20kcr. Do you have any/alot i can buy in bulk for a discount?
PM me at Salty-Peaches
Will also mail you this too
Do you have a Final Gasp for sale? (Scarlet Scout event shield)
Interested in the Arcana Grim and Valiance and potentially the shadow valk wings.
Id like to buy that darkfang, i sent you a friend request through steam for negotiations, Im GaleStar

Hey guys, I'm back again - sorry for the gap. Damn "real life" got in the way

Hi, I know you're busy. But I'm looking for a dangerous armour costume (any of them) and it seems almost every merchant is sold out. Do you happen to have one?

Sold some stuff - updated.
@Liu-Kon 9kce
@Eddiefresh 100kce
@Love-Me-Dead 18kce
Update: sold GM brandishes.