A new player looking for an active and social guild!
Thu, 09/29/2016 - 12:29

Hello there!
Apologies if I've posted this in the wrong place, heh, pretty new to these forums.
I'm Lula, and I'm looking for an active and social guild with mature, yet still fun, members willing to accommodate and help a new player such as myself.
Whilst not exactly an MMO noob ( I hope, heheh), I began playing SK just over a week ago, and I'm at the rank of Knight and enjoy PvE. I'm not looking for any sort of specialist guild, just one where I can relax and talk to fellow members and hopefully make some friends!
I play practically every day, and I love to relax and talk to other players.
Any suggestions?
Sat, 10/01/2016 - 08:33

Or you could join love tiramisu...
We are always looking for people.
yo can always join us "the tinkering gremlins" were an all round social guild so if you're interested let me know ingame or post a aplication our node here http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/110310/