Looking for a fun guild

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Hey everyone, I'm kinda tired of receiving random guild invites while walking through haven and since I'm a vanguard now I figured out that maybe it's time to be social rather than solo everything.
My knight's name is Zanarkhan, I'm looking for a fun and social guild, nothing too hardcore or people who take videogames too seriously, I'm a fan of small guilds but it's not really a must.
I started playing back in 2011, however I left due to the energy grinding but here I am back to the game with a new character, I must say I prefer the orb system way more over what we had before.
My main three weapons are Acheron, Combuster and Blitz Needle for those vana runs, I'm probably going to expand my arsenal with more supportive stuff like Venom Veiler once I have some people to play with.
I switch between Vog Cub and Chaos set and the Swiftstrike buckler is my main shield, so yeah I'm pretty much a glass cannon.
PvE is my main interest.

If anyone's interested in some chill guy then hit me up

Avenger-Of-Troy's picture

If ya be wanting, come join love tiramisu :).

We used to be a big guild, but those years are gone (for now). We are pretty small, but aim to be big (if that is okay)

Shoot me a mail in game :) (ign Blazer-Of-Troy).

Also, you can join even if you don't love tiramisu.