Looking for a guild to join.
Sun, 01/15/2017 - 22:28

Specifically, a fun and a chatty ( Meaning lots of green text on a daily basis ) guild.
About me:
Just an experienced vanguard. On the USA server. I like to do both PvE and PvP ( Recon Gunner ), but mostly PvE ( Lots and lots of FSC ). I'm willing to donate and participate in events, should the guild community is good and fun enough. I suppose I'd be interested in leadership positions should that pop up.
If interested in recruiting me, leave your guild name, your knight name, and a little blurb about your guild and what's so special about it! Questions are also welcome. Thanks in advance.
You should check out Gods. We're currently being revived but we have a lot of kind and active members that do everything from merching, to PvP, to PvE.