Is dread skelly bad?

4 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Scorpeli

Is dread skelly bad.

Imagen de Darklordskull

dread skelly is good.

It's just that it competes with snarbolax, sacred firefly ghost, and black kat, which are extremely strong and have shadow defense too.

Imagen de Neometal

Pros: It's obtainable via the HoH, and has good defense stats. Also looks good if you care about that.

Cons: No offensive bonuses like the sets Darklordskull mentioned above have.

Imagen de Fehzors-Forum-Alt

Dread skelly is bad not just because black kat is better but because it's relatively uninteresting to play with. Whereas black kat and chaos let you do stuff dread skelly is "just armor". If it had some kind of defensive perk of some kind, or even something like MSI, CTR, etc. then it would might be worthwhile.

Imagen de Bopp

Dread Skelly has nice defense. And it has no offensive penalties. It just doesn't have offensive bonuses, in a game where "the best defense is a good offense" definitely applies.