Continuing to play player, need help with loadout

So I continued playing quite some time ago and recently decided to see whats new and to keep working on what I have. My current weapons are as follow:
I used to farm on Vanaduke before stopping, the set I was building was around that (5* Black kat and mixmaster, 5* Seerus mask, Volcanic plate shield and Blitz as well as Shiver), but I dont know if its worth to keep working on those since they're all UV'd and done or if I should start something new.
My playstyle is basically sword + gun + bomb or just one or two of those in any combination, use a lot of charged hits on blitz for those pesky zombies, crowd control from afar when needed with guns and bombs but also have everything else because why not.
Which weapon skin should I go for next? Thanks in advance.

Try getting all 36 hundred padded sets.
Oh, or the 3 trash kat sets.

I'm actually working on the 3 trash kat sets. There's something really satisfying about knowing that someone else isn't getting a black kat set.

You weren't here around the guild hall update? You didn't have the honor blade in your collection.

You must have overlooked it; I have it and it's in the picture.

Yeah, for some reason I thought the sword's name was exalted and was looking for it at e.
I think you've milked the 5-star items for all they're worth. So now is a good time to start working on 6-star items. They're not a big improvement over 5-star, but they get you ready for 7-star, which is big. Of course, finding the Nuclear Fire Crystals is a pain, but that's what depth 38 is for.
For more information, you might check out my kind-of-crummy high-star equipment guide.