Thinning Out Inventory - Selling Mostly Handguns & Armor Sets

Hello there!
I've been playing this game for 7+ years now, yet due to interests in other subjects + playing with only a limited amount of gear, I've been selling several items to clear out my inventory a bit. Even with all the items listed here, I still have more in-stock that I need to trade away sooner or later.
What I also did was create a website to display every weapon, armor, helm, and shield I have for sale, and more to be placed up, visually.
Here's the link to it:
And to recap for those that would prefer to view here than the link above,
" For how I base my prices, I tend to go by the exchange rate of 9,000 crowns = 100 energy as the average. The prices listed for each item is not firm and I am willing to bargain, especially with bulk purchases. Payment can be with either Crowns, Energy or a mix of both."
"I won't unbind the accessories attached to the gear placed here unless I either find the offer reasonable or plan to unbind the accessories attached anyways. Unbind fees are included with the stated price to note for what I'm selling."
"For the sets, I am trying to get them purchased together more than separate, which is why the total for both the helm and armor is discounted. The goal is to lessen my inventory more than hold onto various items, after all."
- Vog Cub Cap w/ Elemental Maximum: 8ke/Offer (Looking for Wolver to Ash Tail as well)
- Chaos Cowl w/ Stun Maximum: 7ke/Offer
- Chaos Cloak w/ Stun Maximum: 7ke/Offer
- Chaos Cowl w/ Normal Maximum: 7ke/Offer
- Chaos Cloak w/ Normal Maximum: 7ke/Offer
- Royal Jelly Crown w/ Shock Maximum: 8ke/Offer (Looking for Jelly to Rock Jelly as well)
- Royal Jelly Mail w/ Shock Maximum: 8ke/Offer (Looking for Jelly to Rock Jelly as well)
- Acheron ASI Medium: 6k energy (2 in-stock)
- Amputator ASI Medium Beast Low: 6.5k energy
- Combuster Undead Medium CTR Medium: 6k energy
- Divine Avenger CTR Medium Slime VH: 8.5k energy
- Divine Avenger CTR Medium Slime Medium: 7k energy
- Glacius CTR Medium ASI Low: 5.2k energy
- Glacius ASI Medium: 5.1k energy
- Gran Faust Beast Medium Construct High: 7k energy
- Voltedge CTR Medium: 6.5k energy (2 in-stock)
- Arcana ASI Medium: 7k energy
- Blitz Needle ASI High: 8.5k energy
- Callahan CTR Medium Gremlin VH: 7.5k energy
- Grim Repeater CTR Medium Slime Medium: 7.5k energy
- Grim Repeater ASI Medium: 6.5k energy
- Hail Driver CTR High: 8.5k energy
- Iron Slug Gremlin High ASI High: 10k energy
- Magma Driver CTR High: 8.5k energy
- Phantamos CTR High: 8k energy
- Plague Needle CTR Medium Fiend VH: 7.5k energy
- Polaris ASI Medium Undead VH: 9k energy
- Polaris Slime VH CTR High: 9.5k energy
- Sentenza Slime VH Construct VH: 7.5k energy
- Storm Driver CTR Medium: 5.5k energy
- Umbra Driver CTR Medium Gremlin High: 7.5k energy (2 in-stock)
- Valiance Undead High CTR VH: 14k energy
- Valiance CTR Medium: 5k energy
- Volcanic Pepperbox Slime VH Construct VH: 7k energy
- Wildfire ASI Medium: 7k energy
- Ash of Agni Undead Low CTR Medium: 6k energy
- Dark Briar Barrage CTR Medium Fiend High: 8k energy
- Obsidian Crusher CTR Medium Gremlin VH: 8.5k energy
- Shivermist Buster CTR Medium Undead Medium: 6k energy
- Torpor Tantrum CTR High: 11.5k energy
- Voltaic Tempest CTR Medium: 6k energy
- Kat Hiss Cowl (w/ Military Grand Topper & Military Eye of Fury attached) Fire Low Normal High: 13.5k energy
- Sacred Firefly Shade Helm Elemental Max: 11.5k energy
- Azure Guardian Armor (w/ Divine Trojan Tail, Heavy Tome of Rage & Twinkle Aura attached) Stun High: 15k energy
- Sacred Firefly Sentinel Armor (w/ Vanguard Crest attached) Stun Medium: 6.5k energy
- Vog Cub Elemental High: 6k energy
Armor & Helm Sets:
- - Almirian Crusader Set: 27k energy (10% Off)
- AC Helm (Shadow High, Candy Striped Scarf, Grey Wide Vee and Volcanic Raider Horns): 14k energy
- AC Armor (Normal Medium, Divine Cat Tail and Mewkat Monster Pocket): 16k energy
- - Divine Set: 11.7k energy (10% Off)
- Divine Veil (Normal Low, Shadow High and Stun Low): 6.5k energy
- Divine Mantle (Freeze Low, Stun High and Shadow Low): 6.5k energy
- - Drake Scale Set: 18k energy (10% Off)
- DS Helm (Dusky Node Reciever, Dusky Headband and Prismatic Glow-Eyes): 9k energy
- DS Mail (Dusky Dragon Wings, Dusky Bomb Bandolier and Haunted Aura): 11k energy
- - Dragon Scale Set: 17,550 energy (10% Off)
- DS Helm (Piercing Low, Toasty Node Reciever and Toasty Spike Mohawk): 6k energy
- DS Mail (Piercing Low, Poison Medium and Fall Leafy Aura): 13.5k energy
- - Grey Feather Set: 14.4k energy (10% Off)
- GF Cowl (Poison Medium, Shock Medium and Toasty Spiralhorns): 7k energy
- GF Mantle (Stun Low, Elemental Medium and Toasty Cat Tail): 9k energy
- - Ice Queen Set: 24.8k energy (20% Off)
- IQ Crown (Poison High, Frosty Scarf, Frosty Com Unit and Polar Round Shades): 13k energy
- IQ Mail (Poison Low, Frosty Cat Tail, Crest of Winter and Fancy Slime Aura): 18k energy
- - Justifier Set: 18k energy (10% Off)
- Justifier Hat (Curse Low, Shadow Medium and Volcanic Pipe): 6k energy
- Justifier Jacket (Piercing Medium, Elemental Low, Fancy Wolver Tail and Fancy Munitions Pack): 14k energy
- - Mercurial Demo Set: 15.3k energy (10% Off)
- MD Helm (Shock Low and Elemental Low): 7k energy
- MD Suit (Elemental High, Toasty Barrel Belly and Toasty Trojan Tail): 10k energy
- - Mercurial Set: 29,750 energy (15% Off)
- Mercurial Helm (Freeze Low, Shadow Medium, Normal Max and Prismatic Toupee): 23k energy
- Mercurial Mail (Fire Medium, Stun Low and Piercing High): 12k energy
- Royal Jelly Set: 10,440 energy (10% Off)
- Royal Jelly Crown (Elemental Medium, Fire Low and Fancy Monocle): 5.1k energy
- Royal Jelly Mail (Curse High): 6.5k energy
- - Valkyrie Set: 32,725 energy (15% Off)
- Valkyrie Helm (Shock High, Divine Halo and Divine Monocle): 16k energy
- Valkyrie Mail (Shock High, Hoptimer Monster Pocket, Divine Cat Tail and Divine Wings): 22.5k energy
- - Vog Cub Set: 30k energy (20% Off)
- VC Cap (Curse Max, Fire Medium, Heavy Flower, Heavy Ribbon and Heavy Mech'Tennas): 10k energy
- VC Coat (Fire Medium, Volcanic Wolver Tail, Crest of Summer and Volcanic Valkyrie Wings): 27.5k energy
- - Volcanic Salamander Set: 25.2k energy (10% Off)
- VS Mask (Elemental Medium): 5k energy
- VS Suit (Shadow High, Normal High, Volcanic Dragon Wings and Volcanic Bomb Bandolier): 23k energy
- Barbarous Thorn Shield Piercing High: 7.5k energy
- Blizzbreaker Shield Fire High: 1.2k energy
- Crest of Almire Elemental High: 7k energy
- Military Node Slime Wall Normal High: 5k energy
- Omegaward Shadow Medium Stun Max: 14.5k energy
- Stoic Shell Normal Medium: 135k Crowns
- Feral Kat Suit: 4k energy
- Primal Kat Suit: 4k energy
- Savage Kat Suit: 4k energy
- Wild Kat Suit: 4k energy
- Dread Seal: 6k energy
- Dusky Raider Horns: 4k energy
- Prismatic Dazzling Gem: 4k energy (x2 in-stock)
- Prismatic Heavenly Halo: 15k energy
- Prismatic Seraph Wings: 52k energy OR trading for Enchanted Aura
- Prismatic Seraph'Tennas: 4.5k energy
- Shadow Dapper Combo: 75k crowns
- Shadow Exhaust Pipes: 5k energy
- Shadow Side Blade: 125k crowns
- Shadow Wind-Up Key: 4k energy
- Shadow Wings (Gen 1): 6k energy
Thanks for checking in!
On another note, here's another seller for more items and wares to look into:
Nomnomly's Node
Too expensive for those Wolver tails ._."
Fancy tail is cost like 6ke but here it's 12ke..
I’ll b/o for 5.5ke if you’re able to take it off reserve .. I’m really really interested ..
If you have anything to say contact me on discord @ melonkush#8448 .. I don’t check forums often ..

Hey I'm interested in Winter Grave (ASI:M), but I think it may be a bit expensive for me, mail me in-game with the lowest price you can go for, I can provide other items too as payment.

Thanks for trading. Enjoy the Winter Grave. :)
Hey im mostly interested in buying the Obsidian Edge how can i contact you dude.
IGN: Valera-Valera

Have you friended in-game for any time of discussion.
@ Il-Jeffer-Il
Thanks for the bump, mate!
Already bought it dude sell it to who needs it sorry.

No problem. Apologies on my behalf that I couldn't get back to you on time, yet glad to hear that you've got what you wanted.
I want to buy the Gorgofist. Please see the ingame mail, thanks.

Added a set I've owned for a while now. Everything is unbound, including the costume helm.
Hello,I interested in Stagger Storm.
Please contact me in-game mail.
Thank you.
IGN: Sha-Sa

Sent a message in-game, along with a FR to keep track.

Been a while + added another note before purchasing.

Been a VERY long while since the last update to the main post.

More items added + Wanting to buy Military Wolver Tail for one of my costume sets. (:

Does the price include binding fee or I have to pay for it?
I plan to buy Wildfire ASI Medium next week. But if you have another gun (lower star) in wildfire line with ASI medium or more, i'll buy it instead.

Apologies if I couldn't get back to you in time.
All prices for the gear listed include unbinding fee within the stated cost; No extra charges.

Updated with a few adjustments and including 2 more sections.

Looking to buy a few things now for possible sets.
Iron Slug CTR High Undead Medium, Winter Grave CTR & Slime Medium, Nova Driver CTR High, & Stagger Storm Slime Low CTR Medium) - 32ke