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Toyoti's picture

Los usuarios siempre hemos querido que este juego esté balanceado para crear propios estilos y haya variedad de juego, antaño era la era de Skolver, luego cuando añadieron el buff al Chaos set añadiéndole el ctr med y el bonus dmg med todos usábamos Chaos y finalmente todos usamos el Black Kat o el Chaos por lo que se hace un meta aburrido y repetitivo por eso los usuarios pedimos un pequeño impulso a los otros sets que a día de hoy siguen siendo inútiles al lado de Chaos o Black Kat, aquí les dejo algunos ejemplos cualquier modificación o idea ¡sería de gran ayuda!

* Mercurial helm: Movement Speed Increased High
* Mercurial mail: Movement Speed Increased High

* Azure guardian helm (acutally the most usseles set like always...): Attack Speed Increased low, Damage Bonus medium (swords) , percing defend buffed.
* Azure guardian armor ('' '''): Attack Speed Increased Low, Damage Bonus medium (swords), percing defend buffed.

* Chaos cowl (nerf): Chargue Time Reduction med, Damage Bonus low
* Chaos cloack (nerf): Chargue Time reduction med, Damage Bonus low

*Crown of the fallen: Attack Speed increased med (Swords) , low probability of curse the enemy on having attacked or to recieve melee hits !
*Armor of the fallen: Attack Speed Increased med (Swords) . low probability of curse the enemy on having attacked or to recieve melee hits !

*Divine veil: status resist sleep maxium, Damage Bonus med
*Divine mantle: status resist sleep maxium, Damage Bonus med

*Dragon scale Helm: Bonus Damage Low, Attack Speed Increased low *New* Probability of burning the enemy on having attacked or to receive melee hits !
*Dragon scale Mail: Bonus Damage Low, Attack Speed Increased low *New* Probability of burning the enemy on having attacked or to receive melee hits !

*Dread Skelly Mask: Bonus Damage low Attack Speed Increased low *New* Probability of freeze or poison the enemy on having attacked or to receive melee hits !
*Dread Skelly Suit: Bonus Damage low *New* Probability of freeze or poison the enemy on having attacked or to receive melee hits !

*Grey Feather Cowl: Chargue Time Reduction low, Bonus Damage med.
*Grey Feather Mantle: Chargue Time reduction low, Bonus Damage med.

*Irongmight Plate Helm: Health bonus +6 *New* You receive 10 % less damage.
*Irongmight Plate Mail: Health bonus +6 *New* You receive 10 % less damage.

*Royal Jelly Crown: Bonus Damage low, Attack Speed Increased low *New* Probability of stunt the enemy on having attacked or to recieve melee hits !
*Royal Jelly Mail: Bonus Damage low, Attack Speed Increased low *New* Probability of stunt the enemy on having attacked or to recieve melee hits !

*Skolver cap: Bonus Damage med (Swords) , Attack Speed Increased low (Swords). (Same with snarbolax)
*Skolver coat: Bonus Damage med (Swords), Attack Speed Increased low (Swords). (Same with snarbolax)

*Vog cub cap: Attack Speed Increased med (Swords), Bonus Damage low (Swords)
*Vog cub coat: Attack Speed Increased med (Swords), Bonus Damage low (Swords)

*Black Kat Cowl: Movement Speed Increased low (Deleted), Bonus Damage Medium (Swords) *NEW* When you kill an enemy you gain rage of the black kat Maxium x4

*Rague of the black kat* You gain Bonus Damage low, Movement Speed Increased Low and Attack Speed Increased Low maxium x4 chargues, if you die you lose your chargues.

Ohh this looks good, for some

Ohh this looks good, for some gear
i want the plate mails to have Sword damage low helmet and mail
they are good for doing damage but nobody use them just me i think
they are pretty cool
AND ALSO i want them to add a plate mail BUT with Shadow defense that will be cool

Kevorex's picture

Crei que la GM Clotho ya no estaba en Spiral TwT , aun recuerdo con nostalgia la apariciones de Clotho en Haven....