
6 replies [Last post]
Heimfall's picture

Hello, I am the guild master and Co-owner of Ability, and welcome to our thread ¤_¤.

Basic information

Ability is a band of renegades and outcasts that have been swept away from the so called " normal world " and brought into a a world of marvelous misadventures, funny antics, and a life of crime. Ability have the intentions to make a name for ourselves solely off our attitude, personality, and sexiness. Ability is the type of guild where you can go into the clockwork and bully Vanaduke, or go poke your friends with a sharp stick. Me, Sixtails is the Co-Founder of the guild, I'm a pretty chill person. Overall, we are a fun, friendly, and active group of people that just love to play the game, we don't care about your gear, just be friendly and fun :D.

What does Ability do on a daily basis?

I'm glad you asked! Ability loves to kill each other in Lockdown and to eat jelly in the royal palace! We also sit around in the guild hall to talk about new ways on how to make the guild better. All our guild does day in and day out is think of ways to make our guild better and stronger as a unit.

Six, how do I get promoted?

I get asked this a million times every day, so here is your answer... you get promoted by not asking to be promoted! The leaders of the guild easily see if you are ready to be promoted based on how active you are, maturity, and what you have contributed to the guild.

Ok,ok, dude I get it, now what are the rules so I don't get a time out.

There is only one rule and it's very simple.... DON'T BEG. Begging is not only very annoying but immature. So if any member catches you begging an insane amount of times you may at first get warning, then finally kicked and banned from Ability. Just don't beg k? :)

Omg Six I wanna not beg! How do I join Ability?!

Simply fill out this short and sweet application!

1. What's your ign aka in game name?

2. How old are you?

3. What is your time zone?

4. How social are you on a scale 1 to 10?

5. How sexy do you think you are? ( this very much affects your chances ) xD

Cya soon!


1 ign:Fuyuko-Chan; 2

1 ign:Fuyuko-Chan;
2 age:19;
3 UTC+00:00)London
4 I have been a solo player but i would give a good 7.5 I try to be social
5 6'4ft blue eyed dark blond Easter European, i cant tell you wether i am or not as everyone has different taste but if i was gay i would doo me 23/7 need that hour of break haha

Heimfall's picture

Your application has been processed and accepted! Welcome to the guild Fuyuko-Chan! :D

Blitherpaladin of old

1. Blitherpaladin
2. 18
3. Europe
4. 10/10
5. Do I really have to send you pic's?

Heimfall's picture

We've sent you an invite!

Woompa Loompa

1. Vordinar

2. 19

3. GMT+2

4. I have two moods and they shift between -4 and 8.

5. *insert I'm sexy and I know it mixtape*

I'm the guy you asked if he's a PvE player. Snarby coat and Seerus Mask.

Heimfall's picture

Welcome to the guild Vordinar! :D