Arcade Incorporated is now Hiring!

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IGN: Gerudum

Welcome to Arcade Incorporated, I hope you have a great time working at the company. This company has just launched we may not have that much content. However, we are still offering jobs for you to complete as you begin your adventure in Spiral Knights! These jobs will spice up your gameplay, allowing you to make some extra money and possibly some other sweet rewards. We also do various events and fun things every now and then. We will be having weekly live auctions soon.

We are also now doing weekly events for our members to reap the benefits of and are always adding new things to play with inside of our Guild Hall! We are constantly offering help to our members and are growing. Come on down and join! You can also partake in one our jobs to gain extra cash, information down below. If you do consider joining send me a mail you I can invite you and send you the introduction letter. There's more to it than what's on this forum post!

You are not locked into a job. You can do switch your jobs any time! I'm flexible. I will have all your jobs listed so that I can easily know who's doing what and call people in appropiately.


  • Recipe Hunting
  • I may hire you to hunt some recipes at basil. Most of the time, I'll ask for any recipes and you can find as many as you want.
    Starting Pay: 5kcr per 3*; 11.5k per 4*, 28.5k per 5*.

  • Item Scouting
  • I may hire you to note down what people are selling and buying. If a buyer isn't selling or buying a particular item anymore, I expect you to update me on that. This is probably the easiest and fastest paying job I will ever offer. Starting Pay: 200cr per item listed.

  • Material Hunter
  • I may hire you to gather 5* Materials! 5* materials are always needed by everyone in Spiral Knights community, whether it be for pet food or other reasons. Get going!
    Starting Pay: 150cr per Material

  • Golden Slime Coin Grabbing
  • I may hire you to gather Golden Slime Coins for the company. I plan to use these for a future project of mine and will definitely need them. I will have a reward system in place for Golden Slime Coins, you can get as many as you want. The more you turn in, the more you're going to make. I am mostly offering item rewards for this. Starting Pay: 150cr per coin.

  • Recruitment(Officers Only)
  • We don't just hire anyone off the street, they must be interested in the company and want to make money in order to join, once you become an officer, you'll be hired for this job regularly if the company requires it.

  • Box Hunting
  • We are always after lockboxes! Seek after them and sell them back to me. I have static rates.
    No Pay Raises.
    3-4kcr for monthly boxes.
    7-9kcr for Slimes.
    10-15kcr for Iron.

  • Events Specialist
  • We are going to be running a lot of events at Arcade Incorporated, many things going on weekly to keep people interested! Events Specialist are in charge of organizing and helping to host events, they also keep events in order when they are going on.
    Starting Pay: 5kcr per event and bonus items

    These are just among some of the jobs that you can be hired to do. Other weird and wacky jobs may appear as time goes on. Not every job will be listed.

    Rules, Regulations, and Ranking Up
    The only rule is to have common sense when it comes to rules, don't be mean, respect each other, etc, you know about it. You'll earn access to better rewards and higher pay rates as you complete jobs for the company! You'll be promoted! I'll start offering jobs unique to your rank. As this company becomes more successful, I can create much more content for you guys. For now, this is the base.

