Dark City Recruitment

Looking for a great guild to aid you on your way through Spiral Knights and do all sorts of other fun things! Join Dark City!
Just like any guild we offer basic services like helping out on runs and access to our guild hall facilities and storages. However, we do other things that sets us apart from other guilds. For example: We have weekly events that you can participate in for some great prizes! We also offer jobs for you to do to make a bit more crowns than you usually do grinding in other missions. These jobs should pay a higher salary than your normal farming locations!
To join, you can send a message here with your IGN or mail me directly ingame. My IGN is Rakaraka. I am the founder of this guild. We've been around for about half a year now.
Recruits are not required to donate to the guild. However, Members and above are required to donate. 3kcr per week minimum, you can also donate for future weeks
Rank Member is earned by being loyal to the guild and requesting it. We'll be monitoring the activity of all of our recruits and will send an invite when we think you're ready to join. Becoming a member is completely optional , but required to receive all the benefits of Dark City.
You'll become a Veteran after being an active member for a while, giving you access to Veteran storage.
The only way to become Officer is to receive an invite and pass the examination. We'll look at your activity, donation activity, and how nice you are to other guildies. Once becoming an officer you can recruit people into the guild!
--Activity Policy--
Logging on at least once a week should be fine. We don't enforce the activity policies on new recruits. As a new recruit you should be decided whether or not you like this guild!
If you are unable to log on once a week, let a guild master know and we'll let you have a longer hiatus. However, if you don't let a guild master know, you risk demotion and suspension from the guild.
--Donation Policy--
Members and above are required to donate a minimum of 3kcr a week. If you unable to do this please let a guild master know and we can make an exception for you. If you do not let a guild master know that you're unable to donate weekly, you'll risk demotion and suspension from the guild. After all, if no one is donating we cannot improve our guild hall and fund some interesting guild hall related events.