Old veteran trying to get back into the game

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I've been playing the game since 2011 and loved it since then. I come from those times when you could only pass 10 levels without paying CE (which costed a normal price of 3k per 100), arenas were everywhere and not 2-3 per gate, forge/orb didn't exist, chaos was no thing and everyone was wearing vog cub/skolver.

My old knight is gone, I'm taking an approach with a fresh account. I've just reached tier 3 access yesterday, have pure 4* gear and went to solo the fsc (up until 4th level which turned out to be too much for my gear without losing sparks) so as it turned out my skill from old times is still here, so is excitement for the game! The only thing I could ask for now is a guild. I enjoy the game itself so much that I couldn't leave it unplayed for any longer, but I don't think I would recall spiral knights as that enjoyable if not all the nostalgic memories including nights of chatting and running through jk/fsc/arenas with my old guild which seems to be gone now (if you remember Wiedzminski Krag).

I'm looking for a guild that is both active (which seems to be a lot for current state of the game) and friendly. That's exactly what I offer myself - I'm a grinder, I will make it to 5* in no time, but most of all...I'm always willing to help. If you're having a hard time farming or doing mission then I'm there to make a run with you.

If you want me in your guild here's my ign: Royalyoshi

Saltedpotatoes's picture

I've heard Blizzard Hearts is a nice guild. Not sure about the leader's name but I think it's Gottlitch-Jaeger. Please note that it's really hard to find an active guild these days despite what you think. Active guilds I know of right now are Embermist Scavengers, Astraea and Sexy Knights.
Hope I helped, have fun!