WTS Unclean Aura , Venomus Aura , Customes.

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Unclean Aura CO: 60ke BO: 85ke

Venomus Aura CO: 20ke BO: 25ke

Prismatic Valk Wings CO: 20ke

Prismatic Wolver Tail CO: 20ke

Volcanic Dragon Wings CO: 15ke

Military Scarf BO: 8ke

Grey Feather Cowl (elem med, venom high) + Crown of winter CO: 8ke

Snarbolax Coat (venom med, normal high) + Ghostly aura and Cool wolver tail (LOL) CO: -

Snarbolax Cap (Elem high) CO: -

Kat Eye Cowl (Stun MAX) w/ Divine Halo + Divine dapper combo CO: 8ke

Vitasuit Deluxe w/ Prismatic Valk Wings + Prismatic Wolver Tail + Sprinkle Aura + Crest of Winter CO: 30ke

Vog Cub Cap (Curse MAX) w/ Volc Party Hat CO: -

Fractured mask of Seerus w/ Divine Halo CO: 6ke

Prismatic Toupee CO: -

Polaris CTR High CO: -

Antigua ASI Med CO: -

In Game: Kmito