<Impervious> Recruiting Mature/Active Players for T2/T3

Just going to copy this over but...
We are now only recruiting mature/active/friendly T3 players to join us at Impervious because of the extremely limited amount of spots available and most members have T3 access (so if you're close to T3, we may consider your application as well). I do apologize that ever since they implemented the Steam account login on the forums, I am unable to edit my very first post/topic so sorry if you have been directed falsely into this thread! :P
Furthermore, many members enjoy playing guild lockdown whenever we can and have been on the leaderboards every week (emphasis on that there is relatively high guild pvp actively and we like to play as a guild for fun, since leaderboards don't really determine much else as of right now). With this, I just want to put it out there we are looking for more active/skilled 5* players to join our community both for clockworks and for those that want more than just doing random teams all the time for pvp! We have some greatly skilled players but would love for more to join us. Please refer to our first post if interested! :)

- IGN: Kazne
- Star of Gear: ★★★★★
- How often do you play?: Very frequently.
- Do you play Lockdown/Blast Network or enjoy playing LD/BN?: I enjoy lockdown often. I Dislike blast network, since i suck at it.
EDIT: I'm sorry, i didn't see that the thread was old before i posted. >_<

Oh my, this has been buried for so long, I'm not sure how you managed to dig it up!
Either way, thanks for your interest. If you can, add me as a friend letting me know you're interested and i'll touch base with you in-game. In the meantime, you can find and check out our new Impervious thread here:

IGN: Spirit-Memory
Star of Gear: All 4 star gear but gonna make it into Snarbolax Set
How often you play:I play Everyday about 4-5 hour and sometime my brother take over to play a bit.
Do you lockdown/blast network or enjoy LD/BN: havent tried it yet but hoping to plan to play it because it seems fun.

IGN: pickle-head
gear: 4.3 star
I play alot 2-3 hrs a day
do i like BN or LD? yes alot
why do i want to join? this is the BEST guild ever!

IGN: Saphirality
Gear: 4.3141529 stars (one five star)
Daily Gametime: About 1-2 hours
Like ---> BN or LD: YES LUV EM <3<3<3

IGN: Skitzor
Gear: full 3Star(have one 4 star item atm)
Daily Gametime: around 1 - 3 hours a day(Online everyday!)
i enjoy both LD and BN getting better at both each time i play :D
Why i want to join ? seems Legit and fun :D

This is the old thread. Post in: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/28848

Oops, sorry posted the recruitment info in the place...hope this won't bother anyone having 2 posts :/
- IGN:Adfire
- Star of Gear:5
- How often do you play?:1-2hours on weekdays and same on weekends
- Do you play Lockdown/Blast Network or enjoy playing LD/BN?: Yes I play LD, I have tried Blast network but it didn't really appeal to me. I definitely enjoy LD. I'm also keen on doing BN (although I'm not really experienced in it)
(We have many players who love it and others who don't and we respect that. However it would be nice to have more knights who would be flexible enough to jump in if needed to get a game going)
lol i posted to the wrong page sorry >.<
ign lightningelement
full 5* with many 5* things
i play every day unless somthing happens for 1-12 hours a day
timezone cst
i love to play t3 LD and gvg
im joining because when i was a noob this was the guild i wanted to be in but was too .. erm nooby to join so i got good and came to join =D
tkx .. L.E.
I am a 5 star Vog that is close to having 3 5 star armers i have many 5 star guns, bombs and sowrds for instant i have a btb, Blitz needle and a shiv i am very active and i like lock down alot
-IGN: Timonxd
-Star of Gear: full 5* and vanguard
-how often do I play?: 5-10 hours a week
-LD/BN: I like it but I'm not so good
I want to hav a new guild with new members to meet :D
Thnx for reading!

Use this thread instead: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/28848

IGN: Monsterdestroyer
I play lockdown and I play every week.
All 5* gear( I'm a gunner and a swordsman)

IGN : Pokovan
I play lockdown only, i play every week.
I am 5* and i play with swords only.
(I'm french but i speak english)

-IGN: Neigh-Knocker
Star of Gear: Fully 5*
How often do you play?: Once a day at least, sometimes several. Sessions between 1-4 hours.
Do you play LD/BN?: I enjoy playing lockdown quite a lot actually, but not so much BN. I'm a decent, not amazing, but decent player.
Well, I hope you take interest in my application. Thanks!
-Star of Gear: 5*
-How often do i play? EVERY DAY 2H HOURS
- Do i play lockdown/blast network or enjoy playin LD/BN? no

I die for no reason in vana too, derpy derp.
EDIT: Wrong thread, my apologies.
Hello my name is The-Lancelot ingame. I have around 26 5* gear. I play around 1-4 HOURS.I have contacted some of Impervious's guild memebers and they told me tips. I wanna do Lockdown, PVE and Blast network with 𝕚ℳ𝓹ℰℜ𝒗ℐo𝓾𝓼 Members. I'm very good at PVE and Lockdown. I could HELP OUT in Guild Lockdown and fellow MEMBERS in Clockworks. I think 𝕚ℳ𝓹ℰℜ𝒗ℐo𝓾𝓼 is a friendly and nice guild so I would like to join.
Thank you for reading this
☉ ☉
Hi:) my IGN:Norenveil I'm a 5* how often do I play? Umm twice a day on Weekdays and mostly play on Weekends:)
I don't usually play LD but if I have to I would likely play and I'm not good at BN I never was xD
So yeah:) Thanks for reading^^
Edit:Sorry didn't know it was a old thread XD
hey my name is hassanakbar
i am 16
i wish to join you guys as i think you guys would help people with their runs and you are friendly
i speak English ( cant understand any other language)
i am T3 in spiral knights :P
hope u guys can add me up :P
btw you guys are awsome when it comes to runs
furthermore i also have CHE(crismon hammer expansion_) so <--- i can do these runs too
i can play 16 hours per day however the entire next week i will be off due to my exams
- IGN: Jr-Rade
- Star of Gear: 5*
- How often do you play?: I play about 2 hours or more everyday.
- Do you play Lockdown/Blast Network or enjoy playing LD/BN?: I love playing lockdown, but I don't play Blast Network at all. Blast Network isn't my thing xD. But LD is, I also love doing Clockworks like Vana and stuff. :)
-I want to join because my friend Lastinfamous told me this guild was really fun, and i wanted to help out in GVG and a lot more activities that u guys do, :D

IGN- Becca-Bob
Gear- currently all 4*
How often i play- as often as i can, weekdays easy 2 hours and more. Weekends, a good 3 hours to 5 hours. But most times I play every other day but more often then not it's every day.
I LOVE both BN and LD, but I enjoy LD just a little bit more than BN
I would love to join Impervious because I need a great guild with players that will help me on missions if it needed and everyone in this guild is very nice and funny!
Thanks for reading this!!! It really means a lot to me!!!

Sorry, but this is the wrong (very old) thread. You need to apply to this one if you want someone from the guild to see your app. Thanks~
Hello! my ING is Genzaki, as you can see. I would like to join impervious because I wanna feel a new atmosphere a new environment, I hope you can look up to me and invite me to your guild.
I am full 5*
I am not really a beast in LD but I have quite the skills.
I am friendly, not a scammer, not a bully (well maybe sometimes :) )
I am a good swordy and I can go gunner as well
And I have done all The "Shadow Lair" adventures and have finished them all
I have also soloed all the "NORMAL" bosses
Hope you can look up to me :)

- IGN: Eurekka
- Star of Gear: 3-5 Star
- How often do you play?: I play mostly as i can, and i try to help my current guild and friends far as i can too. :) I was looking to join to Impervious for a long time. and i hope to get accepted! ;D
- Do you play Lockdown/Blast Network or enjoy playing LD/BN?: I enjoy LD, but im better at BN :)
Hope to get accepted!
Bye! -Eurekka
-Star of Gear:All 4 star gear and by tommorow tier 3 player.
-How often do i play? Daily until i run out of energy usually.
-Do i play LD/BN or enjoy playing? I haven't play much lockdown/blast but i'd like to play with guildmates.
Sincerely, a future -i hope- Impervious Knight
- IGN: Electriix
- Star of Gear: 5*
- How often do you play?: 4 hours per day
- Do you play Lockdown/Blast Network or enjoy playing LD/BN?: I play ld, i don't like playing blast network.
I hope u considering me thx!!
1) Zephyrknight
2) Not sure (Im from Singapore)
3) 5*
4) No, but i can get it.
5) November 2011
6) Prismatic Glory, First Blood I left prismatic glory as I was the creator and could not support my guild anymore. I left first blood as they don't make me feel like a part of the family and they mess around a lot.
7) Almost everyday.
8) I am good in both. I am a good LD striker and a swordsman, gunner, and bomber in PVE
9) English of course!
10) I have seen a lot of active members from impervious and I would like to join as I think this is the correct guild for me.
11) I am looking for active members in a guild and a lot of LD I think i could train members in PVP and PVE
12) Impervious means a hope for change for the title of best guild! I think impervious is the second best guild and could eventually emerge 1st!
13) I love accessories and costumes... I love Spiral Knights!!!

Hey guys, please post your apps to this thread : http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/28848
This one is defunct :P

1. Hi, my name is parripoo :)
2. I live in Australia
3. I am fully 5 star
4.I just play sk online (no steam), but i can get steam if it is necesarry
5. started playing about 1.5 years ago
6. Have been a member of guilds such as wpp, rigorous, first blood. I left them because they were quite serious and paranoid. I left cuz they played to be pro rather than play for fun
7. every day for an hour or 2
8. i like doing pvp alot, and a bit of prestige
9. main language is english
10. i know some people from impervious and they seem nice and friendly and have a sense of humour. I want to join cuz i want to be in a fun, laid back guild.
11. In a guild i look for friendliness, humour, and enthusiasm. I can contribute with assisting people in runs and participating in lockdown matches. And making random jokes. (some may be lame, but oh well)
12. The word impervious means:Not allowing something to pass through; not penetrable. :p
Thanku for considering my application :D
- IGN: Cameleio
- Star of Gear: 4* some 3 star bits and bobs of weaponry
- I play every day at the moment
- I play lockdown sometimes and blastnetwork sometimes i mok at LD but bad at BN but i like both.
Hi, I've been looking for a good and active guild, I have been in a couple of guilds and they are normally not on
and not active, so finally i have found a good guild and Im looking to join :D I am 5* and im on nearly everyday.

Please post an application in the active guild recruitment thread:

-IGN: SirKeeghan
-Gear: Ashtail set 4star, weapons DA. Dark Thorn Blade, and 4star guns
-How often do i play? I dont play much BUT if i have a good guild AKA Impervious i will play ALOT more, game is not fun solo :C
- Lockdown/Blast? Yeah it is fun i suppose :D
- IGN: SmooshLove
- Star of Gear: Everything 5 stars
- How often do you play?: Arround 3-4 hours a day
- Do you play Lockdown/Blast Network or enjoy playing LD/BN : Yes i enjoy LD but i really love Blast Network!

2.....Timezone: EU west same as UK time
3.....Star of gear: 5*
4.....I play sk through steam
5.....when did i start: started w years ago
6.....i was a pass member of impervious i left coz all the members i got along well with either left or quit
7......i play everyday
8...... im a pvp player but i do pve for heating and if friends invite me
9...... my main language is english
10...... as i said before im a pass member
11..... i would like to do some gvg
12..... a very sociable guild
1) IGN: Templarknight
2) Timezone: EU (GMT 00:00)
3) Star of Gear (in total): 22 Swords, 14 Handguns 15 Bombs, 14 Helmet, 9 Armor and 11 Shields. (Mostly 5*)
4) Do you play SK through Steam or have it?: I play through SK, but my alternative account, I played on Steam.
5) When did you start playing SK?: I started playing SK, since the beta SK was gone.
6) What other guilds have you been a member of? Why did you leave them or think of leaving?: I have been a member of Aeons, Parallax, Obliverated and Beware. I was thinking of leaving, because I wanted to join a bigger community of SK.
7) How often do you play?: Everyday 1-2 hours, in weekends ranges to 2-5 hours.
8) Are you more of a PvE or PvP player? What do you usually do with your time on SK?: I usually do both, with loads of time to spare. I go to FSC runs mostly and every 3 months I go to SL with someone.
9) We are a largely international guild with people from all across the globe. What is your main language?: My main language is Filipino and English, from Asia and I live in EU for a long time.
10) How did you hear of Impervious and why do you want to join? Do you know someone from our guild?: I heard Impervious way back in 2011, when someone was in it and recommended it to me, but I didn't join because I had my own guild back then.
I want to join Impervious because to help other people and to join the community.
I know someone from Impervious named: Produkt, Flame-XT and Kingkrystal. I known Produkt back in 2011.
11) What do you look for in a guild and how do you think you can help and contribute?: I want to look forward meeting people in the guild. I can help and contribute by supporting people and donating to the guild.
12) In your opinion, what does Impervious mean to you (for example as a guild, the word, etc)?: I think it means "penetrable" or "resistant".
13) Tell us more about yourself (optional):
Played: 56 days, 6 hours, 31 minuets.
Achievements: 56/60
PvP skills: I don't use Auto Target anymore, turned it off 5 months ago.
Swords spam: I mostly use BTB and GF with, Kat Claw Cowl and Vog Cub Coat or Skolver Coat.
Gunning spam: I mostly use Storm Driver and Magma Driver with, Chaos Set.
Bombing skills: Mostly use DBB and VT with, Chaos Set.
I think that's it. Thanks for taking the time.
heya i want to join impervious cuz is a popular guild i have 2 years game experience. my gear:chaos set, snarby set, argent peacemaker, glacius, dread venom striker, blitz, storm driver, barb thorn shield, final flourish, gran
faust, 5* trinkets, 5 * maskeraith. thanks
IGN: Usdeqw
- Star of Gear:5* to 4*
- How often do you play?: i am on 2 hours a day 4-5 on weekends
- Do you play Lockdown/Blast Network or enjoy playing LD/BN?: i love to play bot i am a regular player or lockdown and blast network
and i enjoy the pvp to see who is the best
1) In-Game Name (IGN): Roomble
2) Timezone: GMT +3
3) Star of Gear: i have like ten 5* and close to twelve.I have quite many other armors and stuff I still upgrade.
4) Do you play SK through Steam or have it? (We have a steam group where we post announcements): Steam
5) When did you start playing SK? I started playing Spiral Knights at 2011 august if I remember right
6) What other guilds have you been a member of? Why did you leave them or think of leaving? I have been a member of many other guilds such as dark guardians,reign of fire,reign of chaos,unity and even impervious (was on a christmas photo)! I left most of them because of member inactivity and lack of teamwork and people who care about other members.I loved impervious while I was in but got kicked due to inactivity when I didnt play for a while because of school and stuff.Though it was my fault for not telling I would be off.
7) How often do you play? Right now I play Friday,Saturday,Sunday but on those days I play quite a lot :3
8) Are you more of a PvE or PvP player? What do you usually do with your time on SK? I play much PvE since I want to get money right now but I play much PvP especially lockdown when I wanna check how my strength is compared to other players and to get ideas about weapons and sets I should build,I also love GvG on LD.
9) We are a largely international guild with people from all across the globe. What is your main language? English and Greek only.
10) How did you hear of Impervious and why do you want to join? Do you know someone from our guild? I wanna join the guild because I was in for quite much time and I really liked it.It was fun!I really want to join this guild and other members in it.I have a friend in the guild,his name is glowenko!I also wanna join because members are actually active and its quite a big guild so you can play and be-friends with many people!
11) What do you look for in a guild and how do you think you can help and contribute? I look for active-members guild.Thats my only must.I like guild events and activities too!But i dont find them neccesary when looking for a guild.I can contribute by offering crowns and other stuff so the guild stays alive.I will help members who need help since im free to help someone most of the time.
12) In your opinion, what does Impervious mean to you (for example as a guild, the word, etc)? Im not sure what you ask in this question....but Impervious sounds and looks like a big family right now.
13) Tell us more about yourself (optional) : More like friendly,chatty and wanna-help person.I always wanna become better(at my skill level) I try to find people who have the same interests as me.I will never ignore someone ( only beggars) I will also never beg.If I ask for something I will ask it once not try to make someone do something for me.If someone in the guild (even those who dont talk much to me) have a problem I will try to do something for it.Thats preety much all I guess. Thank you for reading
IGN: Anoola
Star of gear: 5* ( Creating more 5* sets aswell)
Timezone : EU West
I play SK through steam.
How often do i play: 2+ Hours on weekdays and 3+ hours on weekends
Do i play lockdown/blast network: I dont play much PvP since i am more of a PvE person but my max dmg is 13K (I know not very good)
(The next questions are from the other post)
What other guilds have you been a member of? Why did you leave them or think of leaving?: I used to be in The Exceeds however i was lied to badly ( if you want details, ask me)
We are a largely international guild with people from all across the globe. What is your main language?: English
When did you start playing SK? : I started last year but took a break due to a few things but i came back a few weeks ago and im loving how spiral knights has changed
How did you hear of Impervious and why do you want to join? Do you know someone from our guild?: I was looking for guilds as i was practically homeless and came across this guild which seemed perfect for me.
What do you look for in a guild and how do you think you can help and contribute?: I look for guilds that is not just PvP and that have a decent amount of active players, i think that i can help since i am on alot and i like to liven guild chats :)
In your opinion, what does Impervious mean to you (for example as a guild, the word, etc)?: I have no idea XD
- Enddar
Star of Gear:
- Everything is currently 3 stars.
How often do you play?:
- Around 4-5 days a week an hour or more every time.
Do you play Lockdown/Blast Network or enjoy playing LD/BN?:
- I enjoy Lockdown but I'm afraid I'm not very good at Blast Network.