What's in Development - November 2011

134 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Good news, everyone!

I like all the new stuff.

The Featured Auction House is hopefully a good Crown sink, that the game needs with the Elevator pass.
The Scenario Rooms are giving us some more lore, that is actually rare. And I hope it's also fun to play.
About the Drones, just yesterday I thought why no Game uses still enemies with random behavior. I like the Retrocharme of that Drones, and SK has in my opinion a lot of that.

Bild des Benutzers Miiyu
Drones - NO.

Drones are a horrible idea. We already have enemies that are predictable enough, what we need is an enemy that is tricky, unpredictable, and dangerous. Any 5 star player can predict the moves of every enemy. Having drones will just lengthen each level by putting more enemies in the way to slice through. Please come up with a monster that is more like a player and less like an AI.

Bild des Benutzers Echo
@Miiyu Drones move in random

@Miiyu Drones move in random patterns, so they wont be predictable. Anyway all this stuff sounds good, scenario rooms sounds like the best to me.

Bild des Benutzers Happyapathy
How many people actually know

How many people actually know what their talking about when they say "drone"? Unless you use Spiral Spy you likely have no idea what they look like. I wish I could say my thoughts on what it may be like but the devs will probably kill me if I do.

From what I can see though, IF my guess is right when they do appear chances are they will be quite a surprise to players.

I'm also 90% certain about the family of monsters they come from, unless they are something different from what already exists.

Bild des Benutzers Milkman
@ Happyapathy, Yeah drones

@ Happyapathy, Yeah drones are not quite what I expected. Who knows how they will work?

@ Nick, Updates sound fantastic! Keep 'em rolling in!

Bild des Benutzers Eclecticmessiah
Please add friend list invite

Please add friend list invite only LD matches if you could :)

Bild des Benutzers Borobudur
now where is asia-oceania

now where is asia-oceania server :) maybe in singapore or indonesia LOL

Bild des Benutzers Aumir
Oh, god...!

Thank you, thank you for real! I was beginning to feel those itches I get everytime I begin to get tired/annoyed of a MMO for any reason, and you cleared them all in just this announcement! ^^ I got nothing to say than... "thanks and please give us that stuff when you can!"

European server... I am so waiting that!

Bild des Benutzers Tseico
As always...

Looked pretty much like all the other updates: Absolutely no new content and nothing that would add any value for the game. Most recent updates have just been desperate measures to try make players use money on the game, whilst doing nothing to the core problems of it. And if there somehow in these updates is something that would otherwise be good, it's usually either unplayable (like IMF: it just rocks to play with both frames per second) and/or designed so awfully that it makes me wanna cry (like LD: I'm forced to play with people I don't want to play with and am not able to play with the people I want to play with).

Scenario rooms SOUNDS good, but so did Candlesticks when I first read about them.
Personal Color Changers? Are you frigging kidding me?
Featured Auctions? Oh great, please make more of these features for the game that are available only for the people ridiculously rich with crowns. Your average SK player who propably doesn't have 5 million crowns to use on a cool vibrating pipe for your character that's only visible in character window, doesn't get absolutely anything from this kind of features.
Drone class monsters? Ok another monster type. That's ok, but in all honesty I couldn't care less (I'm still waiting for some actual content for the game).

But after all that, for the first time since I started SK (during steam promotion) I'm starting to feel like 3rings can after all do something right: European servers? Finally.
Now if you could still make the game playable with a computer that's way above the minimum requirements, you'd have a paying customer in here.

Bild des Benutzers Bluemach
cant wait!!

cant wait!!

Bild des Benutzers Razor-Dash

Took 'em long enough with those European servers..... as for the rest, as long as it's not incredibly overpriced, buggy like hell or just plain useless, it might be a good addition. This game needs more lore stuff, like Npc quest-givers and stuff of the like, for a little variety once in a while.

Bild des Benutzers Erika-Maeda
+100 internetz for Nick, I

+100 internetz for Nick, I love you!
Have been waiting for the color change for quite a long time. Hope it's not some 6-digit-stuff ticket.

Bild des Benutzers Souffle
I regret choosing dull grey colored gear...

Let me change color on spiral tailed helm~!
Or maybe add a yellow-y version of emberbreak helm, like THIS

Also: will Euro server have any positive effect on asian players? I think it's closer than here to US, but I don't know how those server things work...

Bild des Benutzers Sir-Cazm
This sounds awesome!

I'm very excited for the color changers and scenario rooms :p.

ok sounds good but when

ok all this sounds not bad but when will it be out in november ?

Bild des Benutzers Tadician
everything is great, except

everything is great, except for some of the items in the featured auctions, i want to get all the weapons in the game, just to have them, and if a weapon happens to have a limited quantity then i may never get it :(

Bild des Benutzers Mejezfeld
>> New servers >> Ability to

>> New servers
>> Ability to change personal color


I have a question though- Will we also be able to change the style/design of the starter armor?

Also... about the Limited Edition weapons... I would love to hear a few more specifics...

I'd really like a Red Shocking/Searing Edge like the one unthemed Mecha Knights have... will it ever end up on the AH?

Bild des Benutzers Rommil
color change

being able to change your player color is awesome. it'd be even more awesome if for a (exhorbanant fee) we could modify armor colors too!!!!! It sure would be sweet to be able to make more "evil" armor (Black) or "girl" armor (pink).

pink snarby for my friend's anly, cootie, watermelon-soda...i be they might be interested.
Black vitasuit (in place of the ultra white) u bet i would!!!

in fairness, costume armors would need to be unchangable. Can't have everyone with green rose regalia paying to turn them white.

it would be another expensive crown sink for upper end players.

also: accessories and aura's for weapons and shiedls...........no idea why this isn't avialable.

Sounds pretty good.

The mobs that use the normal AI in combination with the drone class should make for some interesting combat. Also, there will be a TON of sales on the Color Changer.

I am most excited about the Scenario Rooms.

Bild des Benutzers Smogrn
The legend of zelda twilight princess

We say RA\/\/R n0t b0ring r0ur Y0 /\/\a/\/\/\/\ \/\/0\/\/.

Bild des Benutzers Batabii
Why tease us with all this

Why tease us with all this when there's no ETA whatsoever? It's worse than Valve Time.

Bild des Benutzers Gigitrix

I love it all! Crown sinks, European servers...

This is all excellent news!

Bild des Benutzers Mejezfeld

>>pink wolver/snarbolax armor

*falls over laughing*

Bild des Benutzers Rommil
@ mejez

wolver, dusker, vog, skolver, snarby.....Luv puppy!!!!
Yes. l said it. Luv puppy armor.

looks like: Pink Vog/Skolver Set.
Helm looks like a luv pup head (think similar to Dragon/Salamander Helms)
Instead of sword damage/speed bonus it could be + 8-10 health points.

i know. i know. suggestions thread, lol.

while i am mal-using this thread, i'll suggest the love aura. pink haze with redish pink hearts that float up off you.

Bild des Benutzers Aumir
A quick question!

"Regarding Euro Servers - Players would experience no change. There would be no server selection, etc. However we would group players in random parties, pvp groups etc. with other players of a similar region as we do currently. This is currently dictated by your language setting." ~Nick

What about Spanish and English though? Because there are American and English people and Hispanic and Spanish people... How would this be decided then? I think a server selection would be nice ^^u Also because Clotho and the Spanish translation use some hispanic words and I would like to play in the European server...

Bild des Benutzers Kinggobi
People need to stop being

People need to stop being butthurt over trivial things. Seriously it's getting old.

D: D: CE'S TOO HIGH OOO DO SOMETHING. Grow a pair and lrn2Clockwork.

THERE'S NO ADDITIONAL CONTENT. It's called being social, you know, talking to people.

NOONE'S WORTH TALKING TO. Not my fault your unsociable.

Bild des Benutzers Orangeo


Bild des Benutzers Julienxh
Ummm featured auctions...

i like where all these ideas are headed but now there is an even newer, more powerful way to seperate F2P and P2P players. Can we just have some new gear without fatal prices?

Bild des Benutzers Fraxur
Don't I love these What's in Development threads

Yay to the EU servers. Hopefully FSC won't be LSC after this is implemented.

Bild des Benutzers Fallconn

yes 2 color changer yes 2 drone class yes 2 scenario room YES 2 THE SCISSOR BLADEZ!

Bild des Benutzers Bulby
Color Change!?!

Awesome. I don't know if I want this to cost a lot or a little though. Too much and I'll never be able to bring myself to use it, but too little and it may not make a dent as a crown sink. Man, the fence I'm sitting on is really uncomfortable. >:\

Bild des Benutzers Grievos

-So I guess you only spam my posts?

Bild des Benutzers Rommil

any updates on when we can expect this? I am just wiling away the time while waiting for this>

i do fear i"ll be broke by the time they get here opening too many lockboxes (wasting ce because all i get is barrel bellies and other junk :(

Bild des Benutzers Cryoworld
"If you release top tier

"If you release top tier weapons on these auctions you are going to lose so many players."

It's the top tier players that have the most crowns. It's going to be a crown sink, so it will be aimed at those players. The best rewards are often the hardest to get, after all. (barring a few exceptions.)