The Elite Bomber Thread

You listened to the guy.
It's your fashion sense, so it's up to you how you feel about it. :P
@Atrumvindex: Unless you're very confident with the damage bombs (Blast and Spine Cone) you'll probably stick with a sword all the time. Note that you rarely become proficient at them until they're 5* because of their increasing blast radius. So your second slot will likely be a Vaporiser bomb (Freezing/Fiery as per theme/preference). If you get a third slot (I find it hard to bomb without one) then you'll want a damage bomb (Nitro, DBB or RSS).

What's a good bomb for a gunner or for a team of gun users?

Stops things from dodging your attacks and things like giant lichen colonies from charging at you guys

Hi after some time I´m turning in to a full bomber i got
volcanic demo helm and mad suit
Spike Shower
irontech bomb
Plasma Capacitor
Electron Bomb
Vaporizer Mk II fiery and freezing
Super Blast Bomb
I´m making my VT, tonight but im here to ask about a good sword for a bomber I got a combuster and works genial exept in FSC so for vana runs I buyed a brandish with CTR low and damage bonus undead low what is the best a glacius or the shock one?
I know the glacius is for control and make a good combo with vortex bombs but the shock result very useful in FSC and if in a near future i made the freeze bomb the glacius is pointless
the question can be, ¿what is better a "Glacius + Electron Vortex" or a "Voltedge + Shiver"?
- "Graviton + Freezy + Fire + Irontech.
if you can afford four weapon slots, and still be pure bomber, this is essential for clearing out rooms solo. basically heard your mob crowd with you graviton, stick them in one place with a freezy. drain their damage with fiery then blow the bajeebus out of them with a well placed irontech"
i made a irontech it's not lvl 10 yet but it looks like too slow, (charge and fuse) the nitro is better for solo, so why that sugestion?

A combuster works fine in FSC you just lose the status damage so the vortex-brandish charge combo still works very well.
You said that making the freeze bomb would make getting a glacius pointless so if you apply that logic to your Capacitor then getting a Voltedge would be pointless.
Now "Glacius + Electron Vortex" or "Voltedge + Shiver". The Glacius Vortex combo would kill things faster but Voltedge Shiver would be safer since shivermist makes the monsters stay facing one direction while vortexes make them face all over the place. (Retrodes+Graviton=Death Star)
About the Graviton + Freezy + Fire + Irontech combo. First of all Irontech has never been recommended and Nitronome has always been the preferred blast bomb path. Also the fire would cancel out the freeze making them move around so you wont have time to place the irontech. Stick with something like Vortex+Fire or Vortex+Nitronome or Graviton+Freeze+Nitronome

It's actually really good in pvp :P
Anyway I FINALLY got the Bomb Pics.
Heavy Deconstructor:
Freezing Atomizer:
Radiant Sun Shards:
Spike shower:
What bombs would be good for non-damaging functions besides the mist bombs and gravity bombs?

RSS for switch opening and breaking crystals I guess? What do you even mean lol

@Blaze-Breaker Well, the Irontech line is really good for throwing monsters at teammates in mid-attack. One might say it's even better that the nitronome in this respect.
I mean, I'm sort of trying to be a hybrid Swordsman/Bomber, but I don't like sacrificing any sword bonuses, so I usually UV a bomb and then use that.
I tend to stick with bombs that aren't for damage, like SMBs and Electron Vortexes, and I just want to know if there are any other bombs (again, besides mists and Vortex bombs) that can be used for things other than damage. Speaking of which, the guide on the wiki describes the nitronome as being usable as a sort of shield via the knockback it creates. Is that practical?

yes it's quite practical in the lower tiers and sometimes T3, it is very helpful with teammates who are high power gunners but in tight positions. and due to nitro's relatively weak knockback, party members usually can accept it :)

Hey everyone! I'm an aspiring bomber, and here is the equipment I have:
Spiral Demo Helm
Spiral Demo Suit
Plate Shield
Freezing Vaporizer
Graviton Charge
Spine Cone
I really want to use 2 weapons slots only (willing to go 3 max).
Most of the time I play with my friends (the swordsmen) and I get the Freezing Vaporizer and Graviton Charge. I find it hard to kill enemies when my teammates are far ahead and I'm behind. Should I add another slot and have the Spine Cone for all three types of damage, or get a Blast Bomb for the DPS? Any other loadout suggestions? Oh, and should i upgrade my bombs or armor first?

if your looking for DPS to stay with your swordy counterparts, try a crystal bomb, fiery vaporizer or yes a blast bomb. it doesn't matter about damage types, as long as you have two types (shadow/ele , ele/pierce etc) or just normal damage. it is always nice to have options. about upgrading; with bombs it is probably better to upgrade your bombs 1* ahead of armour, just because lower star bombs generally don't match swords until 4-5 stars.
back to 2 weapon slots, i section provides some basic answers in the bombing guide, but for ease i'll list it here;
options for 2weapon slots.
Option 1: Blast/Shards
Option 2: Blast/Vapor
Option 3: Vapor/Vortex
Option 4: Shards/Vapor
hope i covered it all, if not just say so ;)

I hear the Haze Bomb (the Stun one) isn't that practical in the Clockworks (why is that again?). It seems like it would be a great support bomb for a group of gunners as it slows the victims to a speed that is easy to repeatedly hit with bullets. Trying recommended the Freeze cloud bomb earlier and I can understand why, but once the gunner shoots a target once, the Freeze will break and the target may quickly continue to dodge the remaining projectiles. I don't know... One could potentially unleash a full clip of shots at a fast target with the Stun line, or in a more unfortunate case, shoot several targets once with the Freeze line. What do you all think?

The problem with inflicting mass Stun with Haze Bombs is that there is an often-lethal glitch that occurs. If a monster is preparing an attack while Stunned, and the Stun wears off, the attack finishes instantly. I think this may occur if they are preparing and become Stunned but I need confirmation. Many monsters also do not play attack animations properly while stunned (notably lunging Zombies). However if you're willing to continuously drop Haze Bombs to permanently stun monsters, your teammates can usually kill them more safely.
Now a question of my own: I have a guildmate who uses ISB in the Firestorm Citadel. He says that it does much more damage to Vanaduke than RSS despite the longer charge time, because it is Normal/Piercing. Can anyone post and compare damage values of the two bombs?

I've got a question.
I currently have a toxic vaporiser MKII, with a CTR-High, and I use it against JK, andif i get a chance, just before mobs spawn. Should I get a vaporiser for the mobs/arena places spawning, and if so, what?

sickle, if your main focus is supporting gunners, adding more damage or aiding their damage is probably more useful. Venom Veiler and Ash tend to be what i use when playing with gunner friends (and being a newb gunner myself i like having enemies poisoned to hit up them sweet critical numbers i don't often see) freeze is kind of good, but it has a problem of blocking paths, and with gunners kiting blocked paths means they aren't very happy. So yes, I see your logic behind stun; liek when the stagger storm was released I thought it would be my favorite bomb, to bad stun is broken =/
as for ween, I'm unsure about ISB in FSC, unless your guild-mate is trying to include that occasional shock to add to DPS, I really can't see how effective the bomb is against vanna. Sure it may be capable in doing a tad more damage, however spamming RSS should be better as you can place 2 RSS in the time it takes to place 1 ISB. Using RSS against vanna myself, i think i get around 750 damage per placement (assuming three shards hit vanna). Ask your guildmate next time the damage per shard (i never leveled my ISB to 10) so we can compare (take note of his damage bonuses on bombs!). I'll try and workout exact damage next time i run vanna; Kind of interesting. still, after all that the shard bombs are really only effective in the first stage so there isn't to much of a difference.

Thanks for the info! I guess I'll use the Vapor/Vortex combo when with friends. When with a random party, I'll probably go Blast/Vapor. Thank you very much!

Love your thread, fallout. I wish more bombers would read it. :3

So do you think that my theory behind the Stagger Storm would work if the Stun Status functioned properly.

Just curios, How well does Venom Veiler do in FSC Run/Vana etc.?

Stagger Storm may be useable if stun worked properly. Although it'd probably still need the duration it lasts for buffed, as it is now it's so short the effects are barely noticable.
As for Venom Veiler in FSC, it's pretty devastating if you can set it up with vortex although you will likely need to co-ordinate with the team to get it off efficently. I also imagine that should you be shivering vanaduke you can also veiler him inbetween shivermists, although I've never thought to actually try it during a run. Essentially if you have a spot for it VV is pretty great if you also bring vortex, although I wouldn't trade Nitro, Shiver or Vortex for it so only bring it if you know for a fact you'll be supporting against vanaduke and won't need to dps.

Venoms less helpful in FSC as there aren't any menders to help wreck there own team, but don't forget about shadow runs, Venom Veiler makes it so you don't have to worry about menders in those puny rooms.
Also Merry Spiralmas to all cus it's babyjesusmas in Australia ;)

I am thinking of getting two more slots.
Tempered Calibur
Freezing Vaporizer MK II(alternated with Fiery when I have 2 slots)
Fiery Vaporizer MK II
Twisted Spine Cone
Would this be okay in the future?
Also, is Poison Vialble to be switched similar to how is use Freezing and Fiery when I have two slots. When can I use poison in other places with four wep slots and what should be my loadout with Poison.
Also, in UIMF(I haven't gotten to T3 yet, but a thought), what weps other than Nitrome would be useful for DPS since AoA is useless to the majority of enemies.

For UIMF in parties you're probably better providing support via things like Veiler, Shivermist & Vortex as opposed to trying to dps yourself. So many of the rooms are tight and that makes nitro really obscuring and although RSS works you run the risk of hitting switches and the like. Generally speaking I'd focus on support bombs and using a sword for dps in that place.
On another note Venom Veiler is pretty beastly against Vanaduke. You can alternative Shiver and VV (Shiver > VV > Shiver x2 > VV > Shiver x2 > ect) and keep Vana both frozen and poisoned throughout the entire fight, which is extremely useful if you're providing support during a blitz run. I've basically changed my FSC loadout to VV/Shiver/E-Vortex/RSS at this point.
Speaking of which, has anyone got any good loadouts for UFSC? It seems to me that RSS and Vortex are nowhere near as effective against Carnavons, and VV isn't as effective when it isn't stacked with something.

hey can u invite me to your friend list?
i want to see a real bomber bombing.
do a tempered calibur a sun shards and a master blast bomb works well on JK runs?

Thank you for help on RJP :D
For FSC what would you run. at the moment i have master blast bomb.. Shivermist..Sun shard (upgrading soon :D) and 4* grav plus various other 2*bombs
Armour:Heavy Demo suit
So what weapons should i take for solo? and what weapons for a team?
Btw i always thought VT was weak in pve and only good in pvp :O because the shock dmg isnt the best
Thanks :D

Thank you for help on RJP :D
For FSC what would you run. at the moment i have master blast bomb.. Shivermist..Sun shard (upgrading soon :D) and 4* grav plus various other 2*bombs
Armour:Heavy Demo suit
So what weapons should i take for solo? and what weapons for a team?
Btw i always thought VT was weak in pve and only good in pvp :O because the shock dmg isnt the best
Thanks :D

VT has a lot of utility against certain mobs that shock affects in rather notable ways, such as Kats, Greavers, Jellies, ect and it's also very fun to stack with vortex against large groups of mobs in concentrated areas (Most of fsc for example). It's certainly not a bad bomb and against some enemies it's devastating, it's just the vast majority of the time Ash & Shiver do DPS and crowd control better respectively.

So this would be my typical 4 slot load out.
CIV(More supportive than Levi)
Shivermist Buster/G-Vortex
Shivermist Buster
Shivermist Buster
New questions:
Is DBB useful in FSC?
In UFSC, Vana is not affected by Shivermist Buster, Is he resitant to all Haze bombs?

@Atrum DBB tends to be less useful in FSC as most of the time it doesn't provide the knockdown which everybody likes about it, as for UFSC vana... I am actually unsure and haven't really thought about it.
On another note; I noticed you didn't show nitro in any set-up (most of them are pretty good) any reason? Just because the combination of Shiver and Nitro pretty much wins a lot of the ultimate stages and especially the swarm.
@Trying yeah I tend not to keep my parties open at all -> basically I only like Soloing or guild runs these days just so there's a bit of challenge in everyday levels. I usually don't open to all since i basically stop mid-level to do something else and I don't like the 'End Game' stratums (Pretty bored of Bosses; played them to death).

I tend to play in teams. And I hate getting kicked. Because of the knockback of the Nitrome, this makes this unfaviorble for teams.

I tend to play in teams. And I hate getting kicked. Because of the knockback of the Nitrome, this makes this unfaviorble for teams.

Hey I've recently picked up bombing and I am loving it. My question revolves around something written in the bombing guide.
"Pathetic Bomber
If you feel like trolling, or just making a complete fool of yourself while disgracing the specialness that is bombing; this set is for you. (caution: only use this if you are manly enough -> don't result to cowering in a corner. The Bombs
Ionized Salt Bomb
Big Angry Bomb
Irontech Destroyer
Heavy Deconstructor
Other Stuff
Bombastic Set
Dragon Scale Shield"
My question is:
Why is Dragon Scale Shield a troll item for bombing?

@Edzel Dragon Scale shield is just a worthless shield in general. Its fail is not restricted to bombers alone.

Yup, you'd think it'd be the best to give defense for bombers against wolvers and Gunpuppies; but although the stats say otherwise the shield will break with 2 wolver bites and will go orange with one gunpuppies bullet. Its all lies and is only useful for shield-bumping.

VV on fsc? Does that work seeing as i haven't seen healers around fsc
So you would take a sword to fsc and not go full bombing :O
Thanks for the help AtrumVindex
Just curious what Fallout would take with the nitronome...

On another note Venom Veiler is pretty beastly against Vanaduke. You can alternative Shiver and VV (Shiver > VV > Shiver x2 > VV > Shiver x2 > ect) and keep Vana both frozen and poisoned throughout the entire fight, which is extremely useful if you're providing support during a blitz run. I've basically changed my FSC loadout to VV/Shiver/E-Vortex/RSS at this point.
I also didn't touch upon how it works pretty well in conjunction with vortex, and it helps dispatch oilers due to their self-healing effects. With that being said you could easily swap VV out for whatever, fundamentally the only bombs you really need in FSC is vortex when in a group, and Nitro when soloing; everything else is personal preference.

I never realized that poison would stop oiler's healing; but its all logical I'm just absent minded when droning through stratums these days.
@Embo; I don't bomb to much in fsc anymore (although I never enter a depth without nitro) I usually equip my AP with 2 damage trinkets and waltz on through. the other 2 slots I have are usually for heating items; but occasionally I will take down RSS for vana's first stage or I might take down one of my 4* swords liek Vile or Winmillion (only 5* sword I own is fang of vog which I can't use cus i can't deal with fire).

Ok so my current gear for FSC with a team is:
Shivermist Buster
Radiant Sun Shards
Electron Vortex
-any bomb to include here or even a sword or gun?- this is with a team so nitronome would probably be excluded
^^that a decent set up?
Also i bought a spine cone with tokens is it worth upgrading into DBB as im not sure if im ever gonna use it. Same goes for the shock bomb. Pro's cons of the bombs. Btw i have checked the wiki ;)

For your fourth you can take either Venom Veiler (Describe all the advantages in several of the above posts), Voltaic Tempest (Relatively effective against zombies, can be stacked with vortex for amusing shock numbers) or you can take a sword/gun, obvious recommendations being either a Glacius or a Voltedge since their charge attacks combo with vortex really well and they're more than sufficent for dealing with oilers, turrets, dpsing vana's mask and so forth. Alternatively a Calibur line sword, DA, Polaris or alchemer line gun are all decent fourth slot fillers.
As for your bomb quereys, DBB is easily one of the best bombs in the game and many people will argue it's the best dps bomb flat out. Aside from the obvious difference in damage type, it's much less obscuring than Nitro due to the nature of the visual effect, the knockdown it provides is non-disruptive in groups and infinitely better for chaining against beasts, gremlins, fiends and arguably undead and perhaps most importantly, it makes a Snarbolax howl whenever it goes off. Any bomb that howls is inherently awesome, and we shall have no argument to the contrary!
As for Voltaic Tempest, if you're intending to be a full fledged bomber you'll want in in your arsenal; it devastates kats, severely restricts the mobility of greavers, jellies and mechaknights, prevents alpha wolvers turned mid-attack, it can be used to intreupt and reduce the attacks of large groups of closely packed mobs, stacks well with vortex bombs and perhaps most importantly if you wish to bomb in Lockdown; it obliterates players without shock resist. Whilst I wouldn't consider it a 'priority' bomb to make or something I would suggest to someone just casually bombing on the side, if you consider yourself "a bomber" then you should absolutely own one.
Hey, all. Is there any reason to keep trying to increase my charge time after Maximum! ? I have one Elite Bomb Focus Module, and I'm at Max CTR for all my bombs -- would adding a second EBF module benefit me at all? I suspect the answer is no, but I can't find any data.

Someone can please help me with good tactics to solo t2 with a freezing vaporizer,a master blast bomb and a sun shards?
i also got a tempered calibur but i hate swords because they kill me.
thanks for the help.

So for the final bomb should i just take DBB or VT down to those two. Any page ref number to where adv ofVVare?
Ikr? thought of that. wouldn't it be awesome if the accessory mohawk replaced the Mad Bomber Mohawk?
Which brings up another question:
Should I go with Mercurial Demo Helm, Volcanic Demo Helm, or the dreaded Bombastic Demo Helm?
Is this good for Lockdown?
Master Blast Bomb
Radiant Sun Shards
Radiant Pulsar/Cryo Driver(This is where the question is)
AND, >Plasma Capacitor<
Thanks! XD