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The Elite Bomber Thread

1027 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Culture
@Sol XII

Looks great! With two bomb damage trinkets you'll hit Max Damage and Max CTR, a great place to be as a bomber. (In which case you'll also not need both the Volc Demo Helm and Mad Bomber Helm.)


#452 nitro doesnt suck at all, but if ur caught off guard, ur dead, the trick is to spam the bombs before any1 gets close. shock guns make me mad tho, after all they use a weapon in order to suspend our weapons and thus limit the fun. fuse time on nitro is ridiculously short already. i usually guard capture points as bomber in southern areas(some1 guarding should have an overview) and it works well untill i get shocked alot, thats where i switch to striker and try to kill shock gunners >:l. of course bombs dont work well against very skilled players, but when i play thers usually many people, who dont kill the hell out of me. i cant speak for DBB, because i dont have it, but im assuming its even better than nitronome if used properly.

Bild des Benutzers Sol-Xii
Hide and Seek RSS

Funny thing is that you could hide a Radiant Sun Shard or any of its cousins under you in PvP.

Bild des Benutzers Irokwe
can someone plz thoroughly

can someone plz thoroughly explain corner shielding to me?

Bild des Benutzers Irokwe
xplain corner shielding!!!!!

xplain corner shielding!!!!!

Bild des Benutzers Culture
Corner shielding

Stand in the corner of an arena, use a Nitronome repeatedly. Anything approaching should be blasted away from you. Doesn't always work out well though given the mix of mob speeds and attack patterns. You should be soloing when doing this, or the rest of your team should be dead, or they should all be standing near you cowering before your awesome blasts.

I never find the need to do corner shielding, just kiting and blasting like normal is sufficient.

Bild des Benutzers Prisima
bombardier reporting in. how

bombardier reporting in.

how do i put image in for my avatar?

Was thinking if getting a

Was thinking if getting a stagger storm for PVP. Either that or a Voltaic tempest. I'm not a bomber very often, only have a shivermist atm and skolvers are driving me insane. Which one would you guys recommend? Coins/crowns are not a problem.

Bild des Benutzers Tipiak
Both are quite good, never

Both are quite good, never seen anyone who could resist SS in PvP (or PvE either...) whereas VT does more damage but people in Full divine will not feel anything...

Bild des Benutzers Negimasonic
I'm working on getting an SS,

I'm working on getting an SS, so I can't give an actual opinion but I'm kind of sure I won't care about it all that much. I can definitely say that there is a very high chance of encountering very little resistance to it though.
The only 5* with stun are Volcanic Plate, Ironmight, Royal Jelly, and Ancient Plate. I don't see those that often (I have seen a few), but you probably don't have to worry about seeing a counter to SS.

But VT isn't that bad. After all, if you're problem is skolver, then its pretty good on them and other units really. If you run into a guardian, if they have to drop their shield for even a second, that shock will get them, then even if they raise it, they're going to automatically drop it at least twice over the next few seconds, a good way to make one run away or kill one :3. If you have 3 weapon slots, then just run both your shivermist and VT. That way you can surprise them if you get a diviner and skolver running at you at the same time.

But once again, I haven't used SS so don't take my word for anything.

Bild des Benutzers Paweu
So, after the poison fix, is

So, after the poison fix, is everyone still hating Venom Veiler?

Bild des Benutzers Culture

Allowing poison to damage is nice. It is a shame that feature was removed for so long. So now, for me at least, Venom Veiler is no longer in last place for PvE :) My vapor favorites, in order, are:
Ash of Agni, Shivermist, Voltaic Tempest, Venom Veiler, Stagger Storm

If I'm alternating two hazes it is almost always going to be Ash/VT. But if it is a fire arena, for example, I'll do Shiver/VV. If it is a shock arena then I'll use Ash/VV.

I rarely bring Stagger Storm into PvE now. It isn't a bad bomb, I just have other bombs I prefer. If I had 5-6 weapon slots then I'd bring it more often.

Bild des Benutzers Fallout
I'm back

eww VV. I kid, I'll add that to my list of things to update on the wiki =S hopefully I'll get around to that tomorrow.
duuuurrr and culture, whats your recording software like? mines terrible and is stupid and stuff.

Bild des Benutzers Culture
I use Microsoft Expression

I use Microsoft Expression Screen Capture because I got it free (MSDN subscriber) and it is really easy to use, but the framerate still drops slightly when recording. Guess I should try fraps when I get around to it to see if it is any better on the computer...

What poison fix? Now that I

What poison fix?

Now that I have a Gran Faust, I don't see a reason to use Venom Veiler anywhere. Stagger Storm works on charge attackers, Ash of Agni also hurts mobs around JK, and RSS does high damage to JK. You might use it if you have more than 1 bomber in RJP.

Bild des Benutzers Fallout
The poison fix basically

The poison fix basically meant healers could do damage to poisoned mobs.... thus making arenas incredibly easy to clear. (t3 menders are great with there multiple spells xD) more stuff as well. so VV isn't useless any more.

and yeah culture.... I have fraps; seams like the best option, so i guess i better get a new computer if i want good fps =S

Bild des Benutzers Michaelb
Guess what bomb I just got :D

Guess what bomb I just got :D

Bild des Benutzers Negimasonic
Hmm, Stagger storm is OK for

Hmm, Stagger storm is OK for PVP after all. But it is always my last option, however, when you start seeing divine with max freeze...well...

anyway for me at least all my bombs there are for distractions/annoyances, not to kill (though it does happen).

Shivermist is the standard starter if possible, preferred if I see a lot of vog/divine players, and ok against half ash-tail,skolver, etc type of people, since they can still get locked. I still never communicate that if I manage to grab two players without danger, people shouldn't kill them but since its semi rare, I never warn anyone about it, and when it happens I don't have time to tell them lol. I do wish even if they were to kill them, that they do it with a charge attack. Shooting a shiverlocked frozen player is an absolute waste and can get you and the bomber killed. A singular slash is sorta ok, but it probably wont kill them and may result in a slugfest that the aggressor won't win (they usually do though).

Voltaic comes up a lot when I'm thinking full skolver is on the loose far too much. Also useful on guardians. Why? Because they want to kill you since you're super annoying with your bomb that doesn't hurt them but keeps pushing them backwards slowly. So if you get close enough, they're going to probably take a swing. When they take that swing, they'll probably get shocked. Then a teammate (preferably) or you can get hits in on the shock ticks, (which makes them drop their shields), you can at least pull off two before it wears off. If they're not dead, they'll at least be sent running for the hills for a bit. And of course if you die doing this, it definitely leaves them something to remember you by :3

Stagger Storm is ok. I'm still experienced (since I didn't use my haze burst too much). Like I said earlier, if you see too much skolver/divine players running with UVs of the opposite type, you might want to go with this. Or if you find it hard to differentiate if its a perfectly mixed team (say 3 divine and 3 skolvers, you won't know which to use first). Stun is useful in the fact that they probably won't be able to dash right in and kill you as a striker even if the mist is up, if they do get one hit in, they shouldn't get a second, and every recon/guardian can take at least one hit. Meanwhile, while they're stunned, they're not going anywhere. Take out your sword and go to town on them, don't get too stupid though, a slow swing is still a swing and you have maybe 4-5 seconds to work with this. Dance around them. Or if you don't want to kill them, then keep stunning them, with their slow speed you could actually hit them with SS explosion radius multiple times. Awesome if you have a really tough normally immune (to the other two) opponent.

P.S. This is from a casual playing recon. I'm not a pro, often times I even have the lowest damage, but when I see "dang that bomber". That means I did a good job that time haha. Standard loadout for this is sword/bomb1/bomb2 but I do have a gun sometimes.

Bild des Benutzers Fallout
=/ I have kind of moved on

=/ I have kind of moved on from bombs in PvP. Seeing as i mostly play offensive in PvE, not a lot works in LD. I mean, I don't want to be that shiver guy, or VT guy; and although spamming Nitro, DBB or RSS is fun... it get's me nowhere when defending a base ( especially when someone whips out a polaris). Although when I have been playing Bomber, I usually trap enemies with Shiver, then Gravi chain them till they die. or i just aimlessly wander around the field switching between the vortex's and irritating a lot of people. I still haven't got Stagger storm yet seeing as i keep buying mod calibrators for trinkets =S but i hope when i DO get it.. i can swap out shiver and actually try some offensive bombing while everyone is stunned =p
Where I'm playing from at the moment; Bombing is only for capping a point or playing with 2 other bombers and dominating.

atm I've been frustrating strikers with mega magnus + Vhigh damage with recon xD; lotsa epic fun. (i got like 8k damage with it once =o, which is pretty epic seeing i only used magnus.)

Bild des Benutzers Michaelb
The bomb I just got is....

The bomb I just got is.... Heavy Deconstructor!!!!! :D

Also, does the Heavy Deconstructor have higher knockback than Master Blast bombs?

Bild des Benutzers Katmint
For anyone who ever wanted to

For anyone who ever wanted to see the Irontech Bomb in real combat, your "wish" has been granted:

@Michaelb Pretty sure the Deconstructor line has less damage and knockback than the Nitronome line.

Bild des Benutzers Culture

That is a great video! Reminds me a lot of when I brought a BaB into a T2 Arena to see how it fares... just walk around and blow everything up. Do you think there is any benefit to using it instead of Nitro? Maybe the attack pattern is easier due to the knockback?

Bild des Benutzers Fallout
Shudders* just don't upgrade

Shudders* just don't upgrade it kat xD it only gets more disappointing. On the other-hand it'd be interesting to see how you find Destroyer =o I get frustrated to easily so i never really have the chance to use mine to much.
Now think how fast and easily that is completed with nitro D=

Bild des Benutzers Negimasonic
that looks...unimpressive...

that looks...unimpressive...

Bild des Benutzers Prisima
I am a Mad Bomber I have DBB,

I am a Mad Bomber
I have DBB, EV, and a Leviathan

In the Clockwork that is filled with Beast, i will have the highest DPS.
In the Clockwork that is filled with Bots, Crowd Control is Key, EV than Levi, even better your friend has a Cornbuster or something
In FSC, im a Torch. When it comes to the Vanaduke's Personal Guards, the Trojan. Shivermist is your Friend, if Shivermist fail. you as the Distractor for the team. EV to suck both Trojans away from Vanaduke and have your friend Blight Needle hi. 75% success rate becoz the trojan will run out of your vortex succesfully 2 our of 5 times, and 3 out of 5 times, the trojans will target you.
In The CLockwork that is filled with Softbody mods, instead of blowing them away, why not just knock them down and have your team finish them. The Gremlins will never have a chance of standing up.

only use Nitro when Solo, bcoz not all your friends has a good pc. inb4 i lagged someone out just by using DBB, or in othercase, someone decided to use polaris

p.s. BaB Sucks. Deal with it.

Bild des Benutzers Katmint
@Culture Well, I dunno if the


Well, I dunno if the attack pattern is "easier", it's just different. Rather than just staying around the same spot and chaining blasts you have to keep moving in a pattern to where enemies walk into the radius, sort of like a hybrid between haze bomb and blast bomb style, but with a much longer fuse and smaller radius.

It's also rather useless on enemies that don't actively follow the player, and you cannot really control which way the enemies will be knocked because of the long fuse. Well, you can almost always hit Lumbers in the direction you want, but that's just because they're so slow. :P

IMO the one thing it has over Nitro is that the blast doesn't hurt vision as much. :V


I don't plan on upgrading it any time soon, especially with all the new accessory stuff to get. :P Right now I'm just keeping it around in case OOO decides to buff it.

Bild des Benutzers Pandecoco

Hello Bombers! I have an off-topic query: I recently managed to craft a freeze low and an elemental max spiral demo helm. Since I'm no bomber (but am planning to be) I'm not sure how much this goes for. My thread at the bazaar has seen no love so I figure I could ask here. Since you all probably know.

Any help would be appreciated! :D

Bild des Benutzers Alice-In-Pyroland
I'm sure I gave you a

I'm sure I gave you a pricecheck on your first thread, guessing you must have missed it. The problem with defensive UVs on bombing gear is the fact that any decent bomber is never going to get hit enough for them to actually matter, you can safely kite out of the range of most mob's attacks without it lowering your dps and this consequently means that resisting the occasional damage you're taking is inconsiquential. What's infinitely more important is the status effect that those occasional hits can inflict, if you get set on fire without resistance it can instanteously put you into a position where another hit can kill you if it doesn't kill you flat out as well interupt the charges are bombs with longer charge times, shock can really mess up kiting patterns and set you up to get hit, poison lowers your dps massively and freeze is, well freeze. With that mind status resist UVs are almost always more important to a bomber than defensive ones are, and even if you do want a defensive one Shadow and Pierce are the most useful since Devilites, Greavers and Wolvers are the only enemies that can consistently deal enough damage to a bomber to the point where a defensive UV may save your life, outside of turret waves in arenas (Which can just as easily be shadow or pierce as they are elemental).

Anyhow since it is a Max all the same, and not a 'bad' one so much as simply not as useful as others it's probably worth anywhere between 3kce and 7kce depending on what sort of bidders you get and how many aspiring (And rich) bombers are looking for it at a given point in time. I'd be willing to offer 5kce, although thanks to the accessory update I'd need to wait for my auctions to end to actually get the ce (Damn you purely cosmetic and ludicrously expensive items!) so if you're haning on to it for a bit keep me updated on any other offers you get.

Speaking of which for future reference since I'm sure this question must've come up in the thread once or twice before I'd say the general importance and value of UVs on bombing gear goes;

Fire > Shock > Shadow > Pierce > Elemental > Normal > Freeze > Stun > Curse

Poison isn't on the list simply because everyone views it differently, some consider more irritating than fire and shock due to the damage reduction on bombs, others don't mind since it doesn't outright kill you, I'd put it between shadow and pierce myself. Freeze if unfortunately near worthless outside of Lockdown since it doesn't really do anything like the other UVs. Reduced duration doesn't matter when you're locked in place regardless, you'll still get hit 90% of the time. Bearing in mind these are subject to change with the upcoming updates to boss stratums, curse is certainly going to become more important.

Bild des Benutzers Pandecoco
I actually lost the link to

I actually lost the link to my first thread and just found it right after I posted my question here. Anyhow, since you've answered my question (thanks a lot!) and this has turned into a completely off-topic discussion I'm going take this elsewhere (node/27937). Thanks again!

Bild des Benutzers Punslinger
So, reading this thread, I've

So, reading this thread, I've heard that UVs on bombs actually reduce damage radii. Is this still true? How much is actually reduced, and how significant is it when compared to UV benefits? I have a master blast bomb with a medium damage bonus against slimes: Does the radius decrease make it unworthy outside of slime levels and Jelly King runs?

Bild des Benutzers Trying
They got rid of that a

They got rid of that a looooong time ago

Bild des Benutzers Punslinger


Bild des Benutzers Punslinger
I'm trying to plan out bombs

I'm trying to plan out bombs based on damage types but, with the current bomb selection, that effort seems highly futile. Yes, the Spine Cone series is the go-to for piercing damage, but all the shadow and elemental bombs aren't really damage oriented. For monsters that are weak to elemental/shadow: Would a gravitron/electric vortex do exceptional DAMAGE, or would a nitronome be more effective if you're just looking for damage output? Voltaic Tempest (shock does elemental damage)?

Unless there's some hope with the above questions, it seems to me that the only real thing to do is carry deconstructors for constructs and the two crystal branches for slimes/undead (fiends are already covered by the Spine Cone series' superior piercing :/)

Bild des Benutzers Negimasonic
wait no, don't get a

wait no, don't get a deconstructor anyway. Just get nitronome instead (or master blast if you have to stop at 4*). Actually here, just take Eek's and Fallout's word for it.

IF you're going crystal, just us RSS. Apparently there's some issues with the Ionized salt bomb being slower than the other bombs, and the damage bonus vs slimes probably isn't all that great when you consider the fact slimes resist piercing. RSS is also pretty cool against fiends, its difficult to use (for me at least) but you can just spam it and run away if you have distance on fiends, you can snipe them with it.

I never used graviton so I can't help with it. Electron...I'm not sure how to rate it. It is definitely a fun bomb to use, but for pure damage I cannot say. I think the other day in FSC I was dealing 260 with mad bomber suit only to the normal zombies. Nitronome would affect a bigger area and a bit faster though, but for that reason I'm not sure which would pull out more DPS as Nitro would push all enemies away (sometimes lowering DPS) and vortex would pull some enemies in + apply shock. Also the slower walking speed is going to drop your DPS.

Voltaic is not going to outdamage either, but its good in a party in FSC at least. And with the mass amount of zombies, there's lots of shock damage to be had. But you could probably do better in other places taking along an Ash of Agni as if you run into gremlins/beasts, your bomb is just a joke there.

If you're unsure, just get nitronome. Then work towards the other bombs.

Bild des Benutzers Alice-In-Pyroland
Vortex has much better dps

Vortex has much better dps than nitro if you're using it properly, although it also requires a considerable amount more practice to use effectively and isn't quite as safe. Bearing in mind this applies to solo situations, in a group vortex is ludicrously good and if you aren't carrying one at nigh on all times when playing within a team you should feel bad for being such a terrible person. The only time I can realistically see Nitro outdamaging vortex consistently against enemies weak to the vortex damage type is in rooms where nitro's radius encompasses the whole area in which case you don't have to account for the knockback.

As for planning out your bomb set up I more or less always tell people the same thing; if you want to be an absolutely minimalist bomber the only bombs you really ''need'' are Nitronome, Ash of Agni and arguably a Shivermist Buster. If you want to be a good bomber, you should have the aforemented bombs alongside a Dark Briar Barrage, Electron Vortex (Although Graviton will also suffice if you can't get electron), and although perhaps the most expandable; Radiant Sun Shards and Voltatic Tempest also have their respective merits.

Bild des Benutzers Metanat
im going to get a bomb what kind??

i am going to get at least 1 bomb maybe 2 i was wondering whats the best average bomb or set of 2 bombs that are the best i am a begininer bomber so i want to have medium damage and maybe a timed damage like fire or poison

Bild des Benutzers Glowing-Ember
Without CTR bonuses, the best

Without CTR bonuses, the best bomb is the Freezing Vaporizer line. Blast line is pretty pointless for a sword user, but Vortexes are very good with sword charge attacks.

But I'm not an expert.

Bild des Benutzers Michaelb
I'm doing bomber FSC runs. I

I'm doing bomber FSC runs. I usually go with a good sword like my Fearless Rigadoon, Graviton Vortex, Master Blast Bomb, and Plasma Capacitor.

Bild des Benutzers Metanat

ok whats a CTR bonus and FSC runs also i have heard that freezing vaporizor doesn't do any damage, also why isn't blast bomb good with swords I've heard it is a very good bomb I'm not trying to put people down im just very new to spiral and bombing.

Bild des Benutzers Culture

You can read all about bombing here, very useful guide:

CTR = Charge Time Reduction, very important for bombers because it allows for faster bomb deployment
FSC = Firestorm Citadel, the current T3 Boss Strata

All the vaporizers only do a small radius elemental blast when they initially go off. As opposed to a Blast Bomb which damages all mobs in the bomb's radius. Freezing will damage creatures when it thaws, but that takes several seconds and requires no one to hit them before they thaw naturally. For those reasons, the freezing vaporizer is prized just for crowd control not damage.

You rarely see swordmasters carrying a Nitronome (or any blast bomb) because they don't directly complement their existing weapons. A swordmaster wants to get up close to perform melee attacks but a Nitronome is going to knock mobs away. There are few scenarios where it would make sense for a swordmaster to take the time to charge up a Nitro.

There are bombs that are quite common in a swordmaster's arsenal though. Swords are rather poor at crowd control, but Shivermist is the best in the game for that. Also, someone who is a Levi fan might carry a Shivermist because it'll allow them to consistently hit three times on the charge attack. Someone who carries Brandishes would find the Vortexes very useful for gathering up mobs prior to releasing a charge attack.

Bild des Benutzers Metanat
thx and more

well i am a medium equip knight i will have a sword a gun and a bomb i was wondering which is better on average toxic haze fiery or freezing i just want votes or your opinions

Bild des Benutzers Negimasonic
they're all

they're all situational...toxic isn't really recommended though because for it to be useful, that means you have to be getting hit a lot and the damage increase is not all that great either.. Haze seems mostly useful for PVP but in PVE its only mildly useful.

Fiery is good for any non fire stratums so you can deal damage without actually fighting enemies directly.
Freezing is good for stopping the enemies in any stratum except freeze, good for comboing with swords.

Take your pick. There's also the Shock one, but I have a feeling you aren't able to use that right now so we'll ignore it.

Bild des Benutzers Metanat
actually how do you get the

actually how do you get the shock bomb i have never seen the recipe for sale anywhere also how is the electron vortex work on average

Bild des Benutzers Punslinger
Electron Vortex line: Recipes

Electron Vortex line: Recipes can be purcahsed with Krogmo Koins. As for it's stats, it's essentially a Gravitron Vortex, but it's ability to shock deems it the Gravitron's superior. It combos well with other heavy hitting weapons (e.g. sword charge attacks: The vortex clusters the enemy's so you can hit them all).

Static Capacitor: The initial recipe can be purchased from Brinks for 15 Bark Modules (tokens recieved by defeating the Roarmulus Twins). 3 star and up recipes can be purchased from Brinks.

Note: I don't actually own either of these.

I'm continuing to debate bomb choices, and I'm strongly considering Electron Vortex+Voltaic Tempest for two of my slots. I dislike freeze because it only damages if the enemy thaws out (people ALWAYS hit them beforehand), while using this combo to spread massive fields of shock sounds incredibly useful.

The bombs that I'm debating between for a 4 slot loadout

Voltaic Tempest
Electron Vortex
Radiant Sun Shards

I like using my current Grintovec, though (AMAZING at striking/killing enemy's while scoffing at their easily canceled efforts to hit me), so for a 3 slot loadout...serious selection problems start.

Right now, though, all I've got is Spiral Demo, Master Blast Bomb, Spine Cone, and a Freezing Vaporizer Recipe. Focusing on getting Mad Bomber first.

Bild des Benutzers Metanat

im warning yu about mad bomber it is mediumly weak to every status effect

Bild des Benutzers Fallout
woosh haven't been here in a while.

basically imo the two must haves are RSS and nitro. In a three bomb loadout i will usually equip a vortex or a status bomb as 3rd (depending on the stratum). I find the vortex's a heap of fun, and are easy to chain/combo etc, however Ash is good for pretty much everything apart from fire stratum's xD (vortex's can be used anywhere).
and metanat;

Bild des Benutzers Metanat
hey falllout

what is your standard equip including trinkets if yu use them

Bild des Benutzers Fallout

Well... I don't actually have a permanent set-up i change from stratum to stratum but really i follow the same pattern in each loadout

-Something to level or have fun with.

If i had to pick an all-round kit;
-Nitro (knockback)
-Polaris (status)
-Radiant Sun Shards (fun)
-Callahan (pierce)

I will use various armor dependent on stuff, then a mad bomber mask.
Then I will always have two elite true-shot trinkets (I have nothing else)

If you want to know everything i do

-Mad Mask/Nameless ~Gbreaker cotume
-Vdemo/mad suit/justifier ~Virulisk costume

-Dragon Scale/Ancient plate (only shields I have)


-Polaris/Argent/Silent Nightblade/Grand Flourish/Avenger

Bild des Benutzers Metanat

thanks i think i am going to get a bomber mask very soon to help my bombs charge times

Bild des Benutzers Metanat
which is better

which bomb is better and why the radiant sun shards or ionized salt bomb