<Starship Troopers> is Recruiting – Join up Now! And do your part.

About Starship Troopers:
Starship Troopers was created just a few days after the official release of Spiral Knights. The name “Starship Troopers” was inspired by one of my favorite cheesy movies about humans in a fascistic, militaristic future battling with giant alien bugs in a fight for survival. Spiral Knights reminded me a great deal of this movie because the troopers were high-tech mobile Infantry / Space marines. Originally, Starship Troopers was never intended to be a full blown guild, until I met my first recruit Gearwaffen who actually read the books instead of watching the movie explained to me that it would be a shame if I did not recruit. Gearwaffen became my first recruit and 2nd Guild master and Starship Troopers have been running around Haven and the Clockwork ever since.
Our Mission:
- As a Starship Trooper, we will adventure to the core together and discover the mysteries of the Clockworks.
- As a Starship Trooper, we will compete against other knight’s in the coliseum and bring Pride & Glory to Starship Troopers Guild.
- As a Starship Trooper, we will communicate, collaborate, and assist the Spiral Knight community in a positive manner to strengthen our relationship with other knights on the Cradle.
Guild Rules:
- Abide by Spiral Knights Code of Conduct and Terms of Service.
- Assist guild members.
- Have Fun.
Why Should you join Starship Troopers?
- Daily Boss runs
- Daily Guild Coliseum Matches
- Weekly Shadow Lair expeditions.
- Guild member of the week prize give-away
- Monthly 2,000 Mist Energy well refills
- Monthly GM Challenge Award
Would you like know more? JOIN TODAY!!
POCs: Leave your in game name here or PM us in game.
- Berzerkules (GM)
- Grittle (Recruiting Officer/Guild Hall Janitor/Guild Hall interior decorator)
- Roarr (Coliseum Officer/Event Grinding specialist)
I'm so close to tier 2 but everyone seems to be haten :U. And since I loved the starship troopers series which makes sense with this game I think it would be a hoot to join!
I want to join up and earn my right to citizenship.
I also want to be a citizen
just for fun
Play the sound track while playing this game it changes game play
Correct morality can only be derived from what man is — not from what do-gooders and well-meaning aunt Nellies would like him to be!
That's Gearwaffen. No "r".
Drop and invite to Laddwr. This ape wants to live forever.

Starship troopers is looking for a few good knights. If your interested leave your In game name here.. and I will send you an invite.
Berzerkules, GM

Starship Troopers are looking for a few good Knights.
hey can i join too IGN = PotHed
im still tier 1 though sadly -.-
I'd like to join. The guild I'm in now is really inactive.
IGN: Howhurl
EDIT: I have all 3* equipment and do tier-2 runs for 4* recipes.
T2 runner working my way to T3, currently run Vile Striker + two alchemers with swiftstrike and gunslinger for awesome IAS in t2, planning on going Gunslinger + Vog Cub with a Sealed sword + guns in T3. Also looking into going pure gunslinging cowboy.
Edit: IGN = Thakos
Im newish game looking for a good guild to get started!
Hello there!
I would like to be recruited, I'm t3 with 5* everything. Just didnt care to be in a guild till now.
IGN: Polaroid
I've been playing a few weeks since the PSN went down and I'm suprised at how addictive this game is. As in every other MMORPG I've played I've always been a raider at heart but have played on a casual basis so you guys might be the right guild for me. I believe in working for your share in a game, not handouts, and that wiping is a part of any online game. Bearing that in mind, however, when everyone is dying a few times on a level and the revives are dipping into Crystal Energy then it's time to call it quits and start a fresh run, I'll get deeper when the time and gear is right.
I'm currently one piece away from having all 3 star gear, rockin with a Dusker Coat, Scary Skelly Shield, Magic Hood (give me my recipe, Basil!), Iceburst Brandish, Super Blaster, Striker, and Needle Shot.
As for references to the movie... Would it help if I said that even though Michael Ironside has always been one of my favorite actors it didn't stop me from getting his name wrong and looking like a complete idiot when I met him in my store a few years back? :p
IGN: Ichy
Sounds like the kind of guild I am looking for. My IGN is Gunho. I am in Tier 2 currently.
I would also like help using bombs if possible. My name is Leafy-papercraft.

Starship Troopers is looking for a few good knights.
Join us in taking down snarbolax, Jelly king and lord
Leave your IGN here. Or contact me in game.
Berzerkules, GM

I'm just got to tier 2 and would be happy to join.
In game name: Yuiknight
Online: weekly (sometimes I won't cause of college so sorry if I log off randomly)

Starship Troopers is looking for a few good knights.
Join us in taking down snarbolax, Jelly king and lord
Leave your IGN here. Or contact me in game.
Berzerkules, GM

There are a few spots available in Starship Troopers. All experience levels are invited. Leave your IGN here so I can contact you or PM me in game.
Berzerkules, GM Starship Troopers
Sounds like a good Guild to join, hoping to get lots of runs in since I usually play often.
I only have Tier 2 stuff but working up money to get tier 3, (Skelly Armour).
I am also posting for someone else who wants to play, she has Tier 2 just like me and getting tier 3 also, (Angellic).
We're both just looking for a Guild that will do runs often and we can relax in.
My in game name is Michaelmaj
Hers is Kaailey.
Thanks for reading! And I hope you will consider us.
Oh I like to fight! So much that I end up in random groups with my playtime. Current guild is a little strange (as in hardly talks). Regardless, would love to join.
IGN: Engerz
Tier: 2
Playtime: Just about everyday. When my Mist Energy is filled up.
A little extra, ex-WoW player. So I've had my experience of grinding and whatnot. Also, I buy CE (1600) every week. So could potentially help out if necessary.
Oh, and I play via Steam. So if you'd like to contact me through there as well that would be great. http://steamcommunity.com/id/Engerz

Edit: Trying to delete this post but I don't know so I will leave it.

I think your online when everyone is offline. you make want to find a guild thats in your time zone

Well I left the guild already and I am currently looking for a new one :l
thats my knights name
i like the way u kill bugs..IGN-Theboondocksaint (active)
i want to join i have tier 2 opened and tier 1 opened i am also very active. my ign is Midnightdragon.

Openings are available in Starship Troopers, So come join us because we want you!!!

Starship Troopers is openly recruting again. any interested knights, please post a message here or contact me ign Berzerkules.


Happy New Years Day from Starship Troopers!!!

WooOoooooH!! Go Aggies!
Oh.. !! we are still recruting! SST

Thx for bump hollows YAY! :D
@Post 40: MMMM whose that handsome devil?

Hey Grit..
@Hollows Hey! who you calling old, we are only 2 1/2 years old. That's really young in real life. Old!! Pshhh!
i want to join ur guild
ign tygon
nice to find someone who appreciates good movies