IGN?: Minicoder
Are you 13 or older?: Yes
What time zone are you in?: Pacific Standard
How much do you play in an average week?: 3-4hours, sometimes more depending on homework/energy (mist, crystal, IRL)
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?: Standard loadout - Mighty Cobalt armor/helm, Boosted Plate Shield, Ascended Calibur, Blaster.
Do you have Skype?: Yes
Why do you want to join Aurora?: It seems like a fun and friendly community to be in :) As well as the fact that it gets kinda lonely being a lone adventurer =P
Favorite pokemon? I'm hugging everyone that says Pikachu <3.: My favorite pokemon is actually pikachu, no lies, not saying this to be a faker. The reason i say this is because the first pokemon game i ever got was Pokemon Yellow, and Pikachu followed you, he was your starter. I literally beat the entire game using only my Pikachu... then i caught a Mew using the glitch to catch him and a really weak Abra i caught to fight him.
Two truths, and one lie about yourself.:
1.I bought some CE.
2.I am receiving full 5* gear, CE, and a bunch of crowns.
3.I have Diablo III Limited Collectors Edition
<Aurora> reboot | Keeping things Chill and Simple (we has discord msg/voice call)
IGN?- Lollerisms
13 or older? - 13
Time zone? US pacific, or GMT-5HRs
How much do you play per week? Every 2 days, or whenever I have energy.
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle? Ash tail+khorovod and heavy plate shield, Kiting.
Skype? No
Why do I want to Join Aurora? My friend(Minicoder) is here and the people seem nice.
Favorite pokemon? I'm hugging everyone that says Pikachu <3. Electrode
Two truths and a lie: I like Minecraft, Eat Lots of homestyle Chinese food, and really dislike techno music.

2.Are you 13 or older?
Yeah, 15
3.What time zone are you in?
UTC/GMT -5 hours, EST
4.How much do you play in an average week?
Well, I just started yesterday. Both days I played until I ran out of energy.
5.Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
Well, I haven't been playing long enough to really decide on that now.. I don't like using guns though.
6.Do you have Skype?
7.Why do you want to join Aurora?
Well, I just got kicked out of a guild for no reason and that kind of made me a little angry.
So I wanted to join a nice guild with mature users (Really, It's so hard to find people like that on the internet, so it seems.) so that maybe I can make more friends and actually stay active on this awesome game. (It's so much easier to stay active when you have friends, though I don't think i'll be leaving spiral knights for a while. Too addicting.)
8.Favorite pokemon? I'm hugging everyone that says Pikachu <3.
Ohh. My favorite pokemon is Victini!
9.Two truths, and one lie about yourself.
I enjoy watching people play video games more than I like playing them myself.
I'm a derp, I say some pretty stupid things sometimes.
I'm really honest, sometimes to the point where i'm blunt about it.
IGN? Charlogit
Are you 13 or older? 15
What time zone are you in? SE
How much do you play in an average week? Everyday
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle? All 4* stuff
Do you have Skype? yes
Why do you want to join Aurora? cuz my other guild sucked
Favorite pokemon? Kingdra Gengar or Salamance, cant really decide between em.
Two truths, and one lie about yourself. I like games, I play often, I hate cats.

Are you 13 or older?
-Yes. I'd rather not specify just for safety's sake :X
What time zone are you in?
-Pacific Standard Time
How much do you play in an average week?
-Fri-Sun. Usually in the afternoon or the evening
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
-All 2* gear (just started a few weeks ago). Wolver set, defender, 2 brandishes (No I'm not crazy I'm making 2 different swords :3). A smart swordsman but I'm planning to be a jack of all trades (gunner and bomber sets) once I get 5* gear and I have a good amount of CR.
Do you have Skype?
-Yes but only on my laptop and used special occasions.
Why do you want to join Aurora?
-Sometimes I get lonely :( and you guys seem to be a humble guild not the 5* gear jerk-ish gods :)
Favorite pokemon? I'm hugging everyone that says Pikachu <3.
-Do I have to choose? :( Magikarp no joke ...
Two truths, and one lie about yourself.
-I have been in Aurora before. I have had a knight with all 5* gear. I have never run a FSC before.

Are you 13 or older?
Yes, 18
What time zone are you in?
How much do you play in an average week?
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
Shadowsun Stetson
Shadowsun Slicker
Barbarous Thorn Shield/Crest of Almire
Polaris/Umbra Driver/whatever gun I'm heating
for pvp, I usually replace the "whatever gun I'm heating" with Storm Driver
Do you have Skype?
Why do you want to join Aurora?
I like the name and you look active?
Favorite pokemon? I'm hugging everyone that says Pikachu <3.
Pikachu is majorly overrated, it's all about Dragonair.
Two truths, and one lie about yourself.
I am an Eagle Scout, I am an art major and I have a younger sibling.

*Are you 13 or older?*
*What time zone are you in?*
*How much do you play in an average week?*
Quiet irregular, depending on the mood, I could as well play two hours a week or 20.
*Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?*
I mostly play with swords, but I don't mind guning or bombing.
Keep in mind, I'm a really ancient player (used to play 1,5 year ago) but I deleted my character somehow. Now I'm getting back with a new one. Still need to build my stuff ;) Shouldn't take long though.
*Do you have Skype?*
*Why do you want to join Aurora?*
Tbh, the name is catchy. And the fact that despite beeing a well-known guild, you're not basing the recruitment on stuff or skill. I don't like elitism, at all.
*Favorite pokemon? I'm hugging everyone that says Pikachu <3.*
Pikachu I guess?
*Two truths, and one lie about yourself.*
I'm a noob, I suck, I'm a pro.
1.IGN? The-Lonely-Warrior
2.Are you 13 or older? 13 July 16th, 1999
3.What time zone are you in? North American Eastern Time Zone
4.How much do you play in an average week? just joined monday knight and i play quite a bit
5.Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle? i have 2 star equipment that you get from missions. my preffered playstyle is mainly up close with swords or ranged with guns
6.Do you have Skype? no i do not have skype
7.Why do you want to join Aurora? Well i like the name of the guild itself. and i have heard about it. and i think it would be really fun to work with some cool people like Lovingly
8.Favorite pokemon? I'm hugging everyone that says Pikachu <3. My favorite pokemon is typhlosion
9.Two truths, and one lie about yourself. Two truths are that I love pokemon and i love pizza. One lie is that i think minecraft sucks

After the day of scary movies, creepy pasta, and candy
Some new opening have arrived! Get them while they are hot!

Still open for enlistment~
IGN? Luna-Lovegood
Are you 13 or older? 13
What time zone are you in? North American Eastern Time Zone
How much do you play in an average week? good amount
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle? 1 star equipment. using swords
Do you have Skype? nope
Why do you want to join Aurora? cause my friend
Favorite pokemon? I'm hugging everyone that says Pikachu <3. pickachu
Two truths, and one lie about yourself. 2 truths ;i am annoying, female. one lie ;i like spinach

We are recently having a demand of getting enough people to do casual gvg ld games. So anyone yearning of some of that action should post here. ;3

We...We have a rep? Its all Nevermoon's fault!
I am 13 and turning 14 in january
I am in the eastern time zone
I play SK about everyday
I am 5* Snarby or Skolver voltedge Gran faust Blitz needle Barbarous Thorn Blade and i love playing with swords
I have a skype
I want to join aurora because my friend told me it was a fun guild with nice people and i can tell by valene thank you :)
Favorite Pokemon? lol um lucario i guess

1. IGN? Not-Lame
2. Are you 13 or older? Old enough to party. Lulz, 16.
3. What time zone are you in? Central Standard Time
4. How much do you play in an average week? Only the weekends, since school's a bit off a drag. :l
5. Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle? I'm a gunner, so you can expect general gunning gear(Gunslinger, Alchemers, etc.). Although, I am only 3* atm.
6. Do you have Skype? Yeah, but don't use it often.
7. Why do you want to join Aurora? Just seems like a nice, friendly and fun guild. All other previous.guilds I've been in were mostly LD and weren't friendly. :l
8. Favorite pokemon? Blaziken because über kickboxing >:).
9. Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown? O yeh, I play lots of LD, not much BN.
i agree with u not-lame. all other guilds i've been in weren't friendly. Although i love GVG i hate when no one talks and no one is friendly. Aurora seems like a perfect mix :)

/agree Lord-Jake
I've already been through 3 LD guilds in a row (Hit-no-run, Brmc, and Vets), and all of them were not... nice. They took PvP pretty seriously. And inactivity was common too... :l I tried joining Knights and Day, but no response for a couple weeks now...
i've been in every LD guild there is except spampire (jempire) and impervious. dark guardians destinatus tainted perfection first blood all of them. none of them were nice except maybe destinatus

1. Verquez
2. yes
3. Central
4. varies greatly, sometimes little, sometimes a lot (up to as much as 10 hrs a week)
5. Wolver gear with 3* sword and shield, as well as a 2* sword. plan to upgrade the armor soon. swordie, definitely
6. no
7. Mushy and Det told me about it a few weeks ago. Been gone for a week, but still wanted to join. Then i went to the guildhall, and the people were nice. :3
8. Picka-chuuu! :P
9. usually not, im at the point where im still too weak to be very successful in T2 LD. im plain bad at BN. (i will fill slots in matches if need however)

lololololol Verquez IS Mushy
1. Turtle-Ninja
2. Yes
3. Eastern Standard Time
4. 3-5 times per week (I'll usually play for a couple of hours, I need time for school and homework :P )
5. Im usually mixed, with swords and side guns, but mostly a swordsman. I have all the "major" swords, and my fav is the combuster. I;m currently working on bombing.
6. No, and i prefer not to, but I can if you really want me to.
7. I have friends in Aurora, and I want to help it grow. Ive been playing SK for awhile (since Roarmulou came out) and have been in two major guilds, Silent Night and Cosmiccalamity/TAO that have died off. I want to participate and help others, and want a guild that will make SK more fun. I'll also try to help work on the guild hall and donate if needed, but I;m not really that rich to be honest. (I just do FSC and Vanaduke a bunch, but I do get bored of it...)
8. Scythor. (I used to play Pokemon Leaf Green on my gameboy all the time, but sadly I dont play anymore)
9. Blast Network a lot, where I met Kryptik, Nevermoon, and Kupoo who wanted me to join Aurora. I think Im pretty good and wanna help out the Guild BN games. As far as Lockdown, I suck, even though I have decent equipment for it.
Other notes: I can solo FSC/Vanaduke (have done it a couple times), have done SL Snarby twice. I'm five star, t3 player. Thanks for listening.
Hey there! I'm eager to join, so here's my application. Have a look! I look forward to your reply, and if possible, do PM me in-game, too, since I always forget to check on these forums >< (Things tend to slip my mind fast. I hope that isn't a requirement. LOL)
Are you 13 or older?
Yes, 16.
What time zone are you in?
GMT +8. Timezones has always been a problem for me about the gaming community, and this guild looks like something I'd want to be part of. I hope them blasted timezones don't get in the way this time! Hahah
How much do you play in an average week?
My timings are quite irregular, but if I were to take a guess, I clock about 5 hours a week. Now that I'm on holidays, I could probably throw in more hours!
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
I usually go with just two swords, but depending on the situation, I like to bring along a gun once in a while.
Do you have Skype?
Yes! :D
Why do you want to join Aurora?
I'm mostly a casual player, and the way the guild operates really appeals to me as one.
Favorite pokemon?
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?
Not a lot, thanks to my horrible connection in Lockdown, although I'd love to play more Blast Network. I don't touch much of the PvP modes.

Is there some jelly cake stached somewhere ? Please share.
Recruitment Application
1) IGN?
2) Are you 13 or older?
13 1/2
3) What time zone are you in?
CST I live in Dallas, TX USA
4) How much do you play in an average week?
1-2 hours
5) Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
Pistol/Shield with occasional sword.
6) Do you have Skype?
Yes but I don't use it.
7) Why do you want to join Aurora?
Looking for a harassment free environment. And all my friends are here. ;)
8) Favorite pokemon?
9) Two truths, and one lie about yourself.
I'm mature
I am FTP
All my gear is 5*

2)Are you 13 or older?
I am 15
3)What time zone are you in?
My time zone is CST
4) How much do you play in an average week?
i play up to about a hour or two, even longer if someone need my help
I like to help out people to the best of my abilites
5) Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
I have 3* gear and i like to use a sword
6) Do you have Skype?
no but i do have a mic
7) Why do you want to join Aurora?
I find your guys guild to be a what im looking for. Guild that want to help there members shows how well connected the guild is form.
8) Favorite pokemon?
9) Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?
I mostly do Lockdown

Welcome to the new guildies. I'm still hungry for jelly cake, please!

Haha we recently had some applications to an old recruitment thread XD Post them here!
We are really quite a laid-back guild, with a big focus on just supporting and joking around with each other. Guild chat is always full of random (and non-random XD) shenanigans and there are about 12-22 people on at most times.
Our family has been growing pretty rapidly recently but we all always looking for new additions!

More tweaks to the application and the guild navigation. Took the liberty to add Val's nice newsletter on the second reply. ^_^

We're are still accepting new respectable members :3
Application questions:
In-game name?
Andersenio - this account (Bobby-Duck)is on the wiki cause my main account (Andersenio) is on steam and i already had this account
Are you 13 or older?
yes, 15
What time zone are you in?
GMT England!
How much do you play in an average week?
usually craft during week because of lots of work at school -.- and then play 3-4 hours on saturday and maybe sunday
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
swords - currently leviathan blade, vog set and barborous thorn shield. Working towards blitz for vana
Are you interested in joining a skype group or mumble server?
no skype
Why do you want to join Aurora?
Because i wanted to be in a community of friends so that I can enjoy the game and help others to do the same.
Favorite pokemon?
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?
Not lockdown atm, but I love playing blast network once my mist has run out or after crafting :)
2 truths, 1 lie
this is the lie
this is the lie
this is the lie

We've got 117 Aurorians on the boat, we have room for hundreds more.
Fancy towels not included. :c
updated the wiki and change the slogan

I am 13 years old
I am in Pacific Time Zone
I play pretty much every time i get to but mostly on everyday for 4-5 hours or later with school
I currently have Blizzbrand, Ash tail cap and coat,Mighty Defender,Atomic Freezing Bomb all 4 star items. swordsman and bombing are what i do.
Yes i do have a Skype! :)
I heard this about this from a good friend and i am glad you guys help people out with this and i hope to do fun vana runs with you all too
I like Snarb set! and love the Elemental Power of ice! I like vanaduke and thing he is boss
I hope you guys will let me in i cannot wait! :)
- Joeboom
Are you 13 or older?
What time zone are you in?
How much do you play in an average week?
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
Do you have Skype?
Why do you want to join Aurora?
Favorite pokemon? I'm hugging everyone that says Pikachu <3.
Two truths, and one lie about yourself.
Uh i would like to join Aurora
1)My ign is Eyrie
2)my time zone is est time
3)about 6 times 1-2 hours
4)i have mighty defender mighty cobalt (helm and armor)kilowatt pulsar ascended calibur and avenger
5)No i do not have skype
6)i want to join you guys cause i know you guys are good in blast network and my guild is not that active, people are barely online and i have some friends in Aurora Turtle-Ninja and Lovingly
7)i dont really play pokemon that much XD but i would say tyranatar or Regigigas.
8)hmm i like drawing, I like Blast network and I stink at Blast network

In-game name?
Are you 13 or older?
What time zone are you in?
GMT +2
How much do you play in an average week?
21 hours.
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
I have Wolver, Calibur and Bristling Buckler. I do slash'n'dash.
Are you interested in joining a skype group or mumble server?
I can do both.
Why do you want to join Aurora?
I have already been part of it and the people I had chance to play with surely knew how to have fun time even when dragging my sorry and unsuspecting T2 butt through Vanaduke's place. Since I installed the game again, I wanna get the most fun out of it from the beginning.
Favorite pokemon?
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown
Neither actually.
In Game Name: Swordclaw
Am I 13 or older? Yes, I am 14, almost 15.
My time zone is PST.
I play almost daily.
I like to play as a gunner, used to be a bomber, suck at swords.
I'd rather not join any skype or mumble group.
I want to join Aurora because I am currently looking for an active guild, and haven't found one to my liking yet.
My favorite pokemon is Ampharos(THUNDERPUNCH!!!!!!!!!). Lol.
I don't really like playing in PvP.
2 truths, 1 lie:
I like Mexican food, My girlfriend's name is Mindy, and I am stalked nightly by my neighbors' cat.

Tickets to the train have been passed down.
Anyone else on their way to the trip to watching the illuminating Aurora? :o
Updated Valene's newsletter: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/59548#comment-428504
Application questions:
In-game name?
Are you 13 or older?
What time zone are you in?
Newfoundland Standard Time
How much do you play in an average week?
4-8 hours
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
PVE shadow for now.
Are you interested in joining a skype group or mumble server?
Mumble no. Skype I can live with.
Why do you want to join Aurora?
I am new to the game, learning the basics to what it is all about and how to succeed in it. I want to join a guild to learn the game through the help of others, one day help new players, and play along side a group of community of heartful gamers.
Favorite pokemon? Blastoise
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown? Nien (No). But that doesn't mean I can't give it a shot in the future.

Invite sent~
Any more lovely applications?
IGN: Sushipaypay
13 Years Plus: Yes
Time Zone: PST
Play Time: 1-5 Hours Daily (I'm a computer addict xD)
Playstyle/Gear/Loadout/Prestige (If Needed): My armor sets are: Volcanic Demo and all three wolver sets. Playstyle: Mainly a master with swords, I actually
don't use my bombs very often. Prestige: Currently 15.5k. I have a wide variety of items so I'm not going to list all of them. =L
Skype: Yes, but I only Skype with people I know about IRL. I hope this will not be an issue.
Why Do I Want To Join Aurora: I've been in a guild named In The Jelly for quite awhile now, about six months, and I don't feel like I'm being treated with the proper respect. I also want to find a guild that is generally active.
Favorite Pokemon: I don't really play Pokemon, but I'll have to go with the all time favorite; Pikachu.
Two Truths - One Lie: I love hacking and slashing it up with swords, sushi is my favorite food, and I like to eat lots of yummy veggies.

Hello there! I'd like to say that I am attempting to return to playing more Spiral Knights! If I can have another invite, it would be much appreciated! :D
Do I have to fill out another application? D:

1) My IGN is Suspicio.
2) YESH! I am 14 years old :)
3) GMT+10 Aussiee timmeee ^.^
4) Depending on the day my play time can vary from 2 - 5 hours per day. I play every day :)
5) I play swordy for now, but am planning on making a gunner set.
6) Hmmmmmmmm........ Not really unfortunately :-/
7) I am looking for a guild that has at least 2 - 3 players o/l at my timezone which is aussie/NZ/Oceania time. Hopefully Aurora is the guild that i am looking for :D
8) Hands down its Blastoise, why? Because water cannon is simply awsome and he was my first pokemon i got :3
9) Currently i only play t1 LD because i want to get all my 5* gear first(currently have three 5* items) but after i finish my current 5 star set i will get my LD set asap. BN i play occasionaly.
10) 2 truths and 1 lie. I like milk, i touch my toes while watching spongebob, i am both mature and immature.
Sorry if this is to short because i was typing this on my iphone :P i am looking forward to the mail in game if i have been accepted or not :-D
I am olderr then 13, my name is King-Kane.
Central time zone, 5 days a week
Dark gunner,
I want to join Aurora because i like blast network and want to get challenged
don't have skype
1. In-game name? Rablax
2. Are you 13 or older? Yes, I am 14
3. What time zone are you in? Central Time Zone UTC
4. How much do you play in an average week? Not really sure, as I'm seeing it now I play almost every day with what time I have.
5. Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle? Thwack Hammer, Pummel Gun, Cobalt Helm, Spiral Scale Helm (Costume), Cobalt armor. As for play style I'm unsure on what you mean by that, would combat style work for this question? If so, usually find myself switching between weapons constantly. Or if Play style means just how I play control wise, I use an Xbox 360 controller I got originally to play Assassin's Creed.
6. Are you interested in joining a skype group or mumble server? Possibly. I have Skype.
7. Why do you want to join Aurora? Just felt like joining a faction, one that doesn't require OP players.
8. Favorite pokemon? I am actually unsure as to how I would answer that question, as I have not played a lot of Pokemon. I guess Charazard? I only played Pokemon Red for the Gameboy Color.
9. Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown? No, but I may look them up, if they're free, I'll think about it.

Invites sent out~
Holiday guild events are coming soon in you guys!
I will urge any guild seekers to give us a whirl so you do not miss such fun opportunities ahead!
1.Dvntbjh: the man with no vowels...
3.US Rocks!
4.3-7 Days
5.imma hybrid. Good helper in teams.T3 :D
6.no, but if you want voice chat, i got steam for that.
7.cause I want to kick monster butt with my buds. ;D
8.Lucario! The aura is with him!
9.My name is Daniel, pizza is my thing, and this guild doesn't sound awesome(lie part)
Thanks for looking here!