Oh nice, thanks for taking the time to re-apply. c:
<Aurora> reboot | Keeping things Chill and Simple (we has discord msg/voice call)
- In-game name?
It's Vonux :D
- Are you 13 or older?
I'm 13
- What time zone are you in?
Eastern Time Zone
- How much do you play in an average week?
Everyday, such as 2-4 hours each day. ( It's so addicting xD )
- Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
I have a full set of a Chroma and a Wolver ( LD Only ). I'm mostly a sword dude but I'll like to try guns as well as bomb in the future. Basically I have a little 2* and mostly 3*, though I'm slightly struggling on 4* ( I only need to upgrade my Chroma Mask & Suit. ). xP
- Are you interested in joining a skype group or mumble server?
I would love to, but I don't have a Skype. xD
- Why do you want to join Aurora?
I like to talk and be social with other people. In my previous Guild, it was inactive. I would also like to have a active guild and a friendly one. :)
- Favorite Pokemon?
It might be weird but I like Zangoose. He's really a good tanker on your team ( Has good Speed and Attack stats. ). :D
- Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?
I played LockDown but never Blast Network before. I'm a standard player, I do at least 3k to 5k. ( 2k if I derp around xD)
-Tell two truths and one lie about yourself.
I'm humorous. I draw good for a 13 year old. I like pie.

Hiya Blaze =) Haven't seen you in while! Hope everything's doing well!

Don't mind me
Application questions:
1.In-game name?
2.Are you 16 or older?
No, I am 14, and very mature for my age.
3.What time zone are you in?
EST, soon moving to PST.
4.How much do you play in an average week?
About 2 hours a day.
5.Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
Swordsman, hoping to get all snarbolax gear.
6.Why do you want to join Aurora?
I would like to join Aurora because I am looking for a social guild. I can help as much as I am needed, and I hope to be a very loyal and honorable member. :)
7.What would be three words that would best describe you?
Nice, helpful, friendly.
8.Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?
In between missions or runs I enjoy playing both, so yes.
9.Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown?
Application questions:
In-game name? My in game name is Beinge
Are you 16 or older? I am 16
What time zone are you in? Eastern Pacific
How much do you play in an average week? Everyday, for about 2-4 hours
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle? My gear is cobalt armor, spiral flak jacket and wallet for disguise, a defender shield, caliber sword and blaster. My preferred play style is WASD movement.
Why do you want to join Aurora? I have been looking for a nice, mature and cool looking guild. When i saw this guild i was like " I have to join "
What would be three words that would best describe you? Awesome Reliable Coolheaded person
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown? I play Blast network.
Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown? Yes I would be very interested
In-game name: Mentosandcola
Are you 16 or older: Just turned 16
What time zone are you in: Eastern Standard Time
How much do you play in an average week: I get about a couple hours worth of the game in depending on how much energy I have. I mostly play weekends and Wednesdays, but as summer comes up I might as well play weeks as well.
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle: At the moment I play swordsman, I flip flop to how I see fit.
Why do you want to join Aurora: To socialize, get better at the game, and help a couple people out as well.
What would be three words that would best describe you: Friendly, cooperative, and generous.
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown: I try to get a couple matches in here and there. I really try to focus on missions, bosses, and the arcade.
Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown: Yes I would, I think it would be a wonderful experience.
Also, I'm going to be offline until Wednesday... if I do get accepted I won't be able to accept the invite until Wednesday. Sorry for the inconvenience.

The officers has ninja'd the invites
Welcome you three c:
In-game name: Doppelheathen
Are you 16 or older: I'm 35, so no. ;-)
What time zone are you in: Pacific Standard Time
How much do you play in an average week: I play for at least half an hour every day, so, 3.5 hours in a week at least.
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle: I usually play a well-rounded to heavy hitter role, but my goal is to be versatile, so I will try to fulfill other roles (gunner, bombadier, etc.) My weapons are the usual sword-gun combo, most of the time.
Why do you want to join Aurora: Because it will advance my completist goals and world domination. Or because the guild seems to be a friendly one I can hang out in. Or both.
What would be three words that would best describe you: pragmatic, adaptable, and sociable.
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown: I usually only play for the tokens, but Lockdown is annoying.
Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown: If I must, but I'm not sure how much help I'd be (my computer is slow).
1: In-game name? Illumira
2: Are you 16 or older? yes (18)
3: What time zone are you in? Eastern Standard Time (FL)
4: How much do you play in an average week? a normal week may include at least 7 hours of gameplay, when i have no others to play with. Again this is mostly due to lack of people to play with and go on missions with.
5: Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle? I tend to trade up my gear as soon as i get something better, so it is constantly changing, what i post now may not be the case in a week. Though for appearances sake i tend to stick with the original Spiral gear as my costume. I stick with swords for the most part and guns when a bit or range is required (bombs and me don't seem to get along) I am unfamiliar with the terms used when describing in game play style, but i tend to charge in fairly quickly when in more familiar territory or when i believe i have the upper hand, however i am usually one to rethink my line of action if/when needed.
6: Why do you want to join Aurora? Well i've been looking for a guild to join for a while now, and this one seemed a good fit. Plus i checked out the guild hall and i LOVED IT!!!
7: What would be three words that would best describe you? Loud, quick (take it as you will), loyal. I may not always be the smartest player but i will stick by my teammates till the end and do whatever it takes to help them out.
8/9: i have not actually played either. though by the time you read this i will probably have tried it out just for the sake of the application. If this is a necessary part of the application then i will happily answer any mail you may send me regarding this immediately.
Hi my screen name is Spiral-Magik and i would love to join you
I cant become a member for some reason can some one help me
In-game name? - Raeyyn
Are you 16 or older? - Why yes, I'm 22 actually.
What time zone are you in? - CST
How much do you play in an average week? - Considering I've only been playing for a matter of days, it's hard to say. But I plan on playing an hour or 2 a day on average at very least.
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle? - I'm currently focusing on swords and high damage output. I like to run up to people and hit them in the face. I'm simple that way. I currently have 2* gear and have just started working my way through T2 Missions.
Why do you want to join Aurora? - I feel like having a guild is a major way to add to enjoyment of an online game such as this one. A game all about playing online with other people is a lot less enjoyable without, well, other people. Even if I play solo fairly often, having that connection to a strong community all the time is something I really like to have when I play online games. The chance to make some friends is never a bad thing!
As to why I specifically want to join Aurora and not some other random guild out there; Aurora seems pretty focused on just having fun and enjoying the game and each other's company. It seems very friendly and un-intimidating, which I really appreciate!
What would be three words that would best describe you? - Obsessive, Friendly, and Teachable!
Favorite Pokemon (what? I love Pokemon, I want to answer too!) - Probably Kingdra, maybe Gengar. Or Latias. Or Rayquaza. Or. . . well, I could go on.
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown? - So far I haven't really played around with the PvP, but I plan on it!
Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown? - Most likely!
1. My IGN is Bladeofrage.
2. I am 13 - 14 years old.
3. I play in the Harare timezone.
4. I usually play until my mist runs out, and on weekends i sometimes play until it recharges enough for just one more run :D
5. My preffered playstyle is mixed: I am half Gunslinger, and half Swordsman.
6. No, I dont have skype.
7. I want to join Aurora because I like the fact that it is not a guild where you are just a number. Also, I like meeting new people and being in a close-knit community.
8. My fave Pokemon is Pikachu.
9. Truth no. 1 : I love Pizza
Truth no. 2 : I love Scooby Doo
Lie : I hate cats
I won't be on for a bit, I don't know how long. -~-

Invitations sent
We are still pleased to receive any new applications from those whom are interested.

Don't mind me...just bumping, that is all.

1. In-game name?
- Irazu
2. Are you 16 or older?
- No, 13.
3. What time zone are you in?
- Shanghai, China.
- Not completely sure about the time zone, sorry.
4. How much do you play in an average week?
- I play almost everyday
- About 2 - 3 hours a week?
5. Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
- I very much prefer swords
6. Why do you want to join Aurora?
- Aurora seems like a large active guild where it would be very easy to meet people
- Aurora has activities in the guild that allows you to meet other guildies
- Aurora doesn't accept people based on their gear
7. What would be three words that would best describe you?
- Not many but...
~ Friendly
~ Active
~ Helpful
8. Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?
- Blast Network: Occasionally, I'm not very good at it
- Lockdown: Again, occasionally, not very good at it
9. Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown?
- I would
Thanks :)
In-game name?
Are you 16 or older?
It's in the forum rules that i cannot discuss that
What time zone are you in?
Eastern time zone
How much do you play in an average week?
About 5 days a week
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
PvE, Heavy and strong weapons
Why do you want to join Aurora?
I just found this and just decided to try to join! :D
What would be three words that would best describe you?
Lazy, PvE = <3
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?
Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown?
Maybe, Id like to try it!
Others: Sometimes I can't play on the computer for 2 days in a row, so sorry if I become inactive for awhile!

1. In-game name?
2. Are you 16 or older?
No, sadly. I'm 15, which is close, right? If this is an issue, feel free to confront me about it
3. What time zone are you in?
4. How much do you play in an average week?
About 2 hours a day, everyday
5. Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
I prefer all swords with PvE, and a sword and gun with GvG
6. Why do you want to join Aurora?
This seems like a cohesive guild with plenty of opportunities to bond and have fun with other guildies :3. (Also, that Troll Lockdown sounded like it was alot of fun. No hammers? Yes PLEASE!)
7. What would be three words that would best describe you?
8. Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?
A bit of column A, a bit of Column B. Depends on what I feel like that day.
9. Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown?

In-game name?
Are you 16 or older?
I am 17
What time zone are you in?
Central Standard Time
How much do you play in an average week?
Quite a bit actually
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
Whatever works, I like to be in the action
Why do you want to join Aurora?
It seems like a community that I want to be a part of
What would be three words that would best describe you?
Respectful, Social, Useful
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?
I would love to play Lockdown
Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown?
Sure :)

1.In-game name?
2.Are you 16 or older?
yus, im 16, actually :D
3.What time zone are you in?
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
4.How much do you play in an average week?
10-15 hours, basically whenever i can
5.Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
Dusker Cap and Coat, Brandish and Snargle barb along with various handguns. So all around murderer of faces :P
6.Why do you want to join Aurora?
Because i wold like to join a guild thats active and fun, and this sounds like the perfect place to be :D
7.What would be three words that would best describe you?
Fun, Energetic and Humorous
8.Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?
9.Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown?
Maybe, would be my first time though, so don't get mad if i screw up XD

This guild seems like a nice friendly place to get started in Spiral Knights, so I shall apply.
Application questions:
In-game name? Wingcap
Are you 16 or older? Yes.
What time zone are you in? Ireland, GMT. BST +1 is currently in effect however, but normally +0
How much do you play in an average week? Seeing as I've only started, likely every day or two. After summer i will be restricted to weekends though.
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle? Sword with a sidearm. I'm only Rank 5-2, having started a few days ago, and so my only 3* weapon is a Fireburst Brandish, for example.
Why do you want to join Aurora? Because it seems like a nice, active guild that most importantly doesn't restrict joining based on gear!
What would be three words that would best describe you? Friendly, informative, fire.
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown? I have played lockdown twice as of right now. I would hope to get into PvP after all the rank missions are done, or something like that.
Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown? More than likely!
I hope that covers everything!

So many new applicants, how exciting. c:
Invitations should be sent.
We are still up for more players! ^_^
I restart my game yesterday and randomly got invite to a half dead guild,so im seeking for a guild to join.
In-game name?
Are you 16 or older?17 this year.
What time zone are you in?Gmt +8
How much do you play in an average week? Depends on how fast my mist ran out,but if it was calculated by weeks then around 70hours per week.
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?Fuse demo suit,fuse demo helm,super blast bomb,twisted spine cone,horned owlite shield,Dark matter bomb.I prefer bomb over guns/swords because in solo mode a single nitro would "boom" all the enemy from approaching me.
Why do you want to join Aurora?it seem like a very friendly guild.
What would be three words that would best describe you?Quiet,friendly,emo.
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?I tried Bn several time and yeah i do play it when got bored,LD..it normally depends though.
Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown?Yes,i never do any GBN before and would love to. :D

Applications checked
We are still looking for more recruits c:
err hi der anko, im daboze and while i dont want to join aurora i want to say hi ^.^, im actually somewhat looking for a guild right now :O, so if you want to try to entice me into become an aurorian now would be a good time :D. i bumped cause i love aurorians ^^, dat means -> Kupoo, Thefallylord, Turtle-Fighter, Serioussimon, and da list goes on ^^. yall are awesome :D good luck finding new members. oooooh and my favorite pokemon is any ghost type pokemon that is epic: that means spirit tomb/sableye

~In-game name?
~Are you 16 or older?
Yes, just turned 25
What time zone are you in?
CST, I live in Dallas, Tx
How much do you play in an average week?
1 hour a day at bare minimum
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
3* Mix-Up... Just got 4* Vile Striker
Why do you want to join Aurora?
I was in a similar guild called, Owsla... They closed advancement within the guild. I want to have the ability to move-up in responsibility. Just like IRL
What would be three words that would best describe you?
Responsible, Helpful, Friendly
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?
Don't care for Blast Network, I play Lockdown occasionally
Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown?
Guild Lockdown sounds very interesting

In-game name?: Chimerya
Are you 16 or older?: I'm 18.
What time zone are you in?: Eastern Standard Time
How much do you play in an average week?: Well, steam tells me that I've played around 30 hours this week. But that's because it's summer. Generally, I play a couple of hours a day.
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?: Ash Tail Set, Dark Thorn shield, Nightblade, Kilowatt Pulsar, Dark Thorn Blade. I recently got my 4* certification! I'm currently working on upgrading my pulsar and nightblade. I like swords, but to play it safe I carry my kilowatt pulsar as a side arm.
Why do you want to join Aurora?: I actually restarted playing last month and I discovered my old guild was dead. I'd really like to join Aurora because it is an active and fun guild, two traits that I have yet to see in any previous guild I've joined unfortunately. It gets lonely in the clockworks sometimes and I'm hoping to get the chance to meet other mature people to play with in Aurora!
What would be three words that would best describe you?: creative, peaceful, loyal
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?: Truthfully, I have yet to try pvp but I've been meaning to try it sometime this summer.
Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown?: Sure! Maybe if I discover that I'm good at pvp.

Alright I should have all of ya ;]
perhaps not that slippery Daboze.

IGN: Rekun
Are you 16 or older?: 21 here :P (3rd year of college)
Time zone: UTC+8
How much do you play?: Around 2-3 hours a day, give or take. Once (if) I get an Elevator Pass though, my gaming time will surely increase. :o
Gear/Loadout/Playstyle: Just started, so I've only got 2* gear (cobalt) underneath my starter equipment :P| Planning on getting all sorts of diverse equipment | Regular Sword + Gun playstyle
Reason for wanting to join: It seems like a fun community of people that actually know each other, rather than a huge guild with nothing but strangers >.>; plus SK seems like it'll be more fun if I join a guild instead of play solo :P
Three words that would best describe me: Lazy, Arrogant, (insert redeeming quality/word here) <---Honesty is often the best policy :))
Play Blast Network or Lockdown?: Nope, though I'm quite interested in both :o (PvP seems fun!)
Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown?: Greatly, but only once Ive gotten my bearings in PvP. Wouldn't wanna drag anyone down. haha
Thanks for your consideration :P

Anyone else looking to jump in the train? o:
Time to upgrade my Minecraft to premium freeminecraftgiftcodes{dot}net :D

Alright, I'm back if anyone remembers me :) My life is back under control and I have free time again! (I had a very strange year...)
In-game name? zephyr-ww-ww
Are you 16 or older? Nope :)
What time zone are you in? PST
How much do you play in an average week? I dont know, but Ill generally make sure to use my mist everyday, and i might decide to end up getting a pass
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle? Status Bomber although I *can* play as a swordie. Still working on some damage bombs, but I have enough to do more than just crowd control :)
Why do you want to join Aurora? Used to be part of it and I loved it, although I had to stop playing :(
What would be three words that would best describe you? Smart, Curious, Obsessive
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown? Sometimes. I do enjoy T1 Lockdown, and I do T3 sometimes when Im trying to get krogmo coins
Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown? DEFINITELY

1) IGN?
2) Are you 13 or older?
I'm 16.
3) What time zone are you in?
GMT - 4:00
4) How much do you play in an average week?
10~24+ hours (rough estimate)
5) Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
I use the Vog Cub Set, Grey Owlite Shield, Avenger, Dark Thorn Blade, and at times Kilo Pulsar. I usually play it safe and do what is necessary to stay alive, at the same time making sure I'm not moving at a slow pace.
6) Do you have Skype?
I do, but I don't use it much anymore.
7) Why do you want to join Aurora?
I've started playing over a year ago and quit a few months back, but I've recently started playing again. I feel I should get back on my feet with a strong guild, and after searching I feel this one is the right one. Great name too!
8) Favorite Pokemon? (Got stuck on this for like 10 mins)
Really hard for me to pick... I'll go with Salamence though.
9) Two truths, and one lie about yourself.
I like to make people laugh.
I am a human being.
I scream on the toilet.

Hello again Aurorians! It's been awhile. It seems like no one is on around the time I am. :p I hit a rough spot and wasn't playing, skyping, etc. May not be on long, or once a week but I can see what I can do.
i have sent a message and hope to join you all soon
In-game name?:Hhggpp
Are you 16 or older?:16
What time zone are you in?:GMT
How much do you play in an average week?:at least twice a week
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?my loadout contains wolver cap and wolver jacket,calibur and blaster and the owlite shield
Why do you want to join Aurora?:to meet new freinds,to help out and to have fun
What would be three words that would best describe you?:brave,smart and strong
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?:i play both
Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown?:yes
In-game name? Piroletta
Are you 16 or older? Yes.
What time zone are you in? EST
How much do you play in an average week? A lot, many hours.
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle? Gun/Sword. Support.
Why do you want to join Aurora? Looks promosing, friendly, and nice name. :P
What would be three words that would best describe you? Nice, Smart, Dedicated.
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown? Yup.
Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown? Yes.
** In game now.
I was in the guild yonks ago, and since I'm back I thought I'd just throw in another app! (EDITED FOR CLARIFICATION.)
In-game name?
Are you 16 or older?
What time zone are you in?
How much do you play in an average week?
A few hours, nothing major.
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
Mostly 4* stuff, building to Vog cub. Drakon, mainly melee with blazebrand.
Why do you want to join Aurora?
It's fun to play the game together! And Aurora was a nice guild when I was there.
What would be three words that would best describe you?
Goofy Friendly Toast.
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?
On occasion.
Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown?
If other people are doing it, sure!

you get an invite
and you get an invite
invites for everyone and no one can stop me!!
welcome to the flying rainbow train.
Posting here on the forums too.
In-game name?
Are you 16 or older?
Yes, I am 19 years young
What time zone are you in?
How much do you play in an average week?
Just recently got back into the game after seeing they got rid of energy costs on elevators
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
I really love my Wild Hunting Sword. I'm pretty sure i have full five star gear.
Why do you want to join Aurora?
Looking for fun people to play with & socialize
What would be three words that would best describe you?
Relaxed, Funny, and VERY Handsome :b
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?
Nope, I dont really know what those are.
Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown?
I suppose so if I find it amusing
Heya Guys! I... I wasn't sure if this or the other thread was the correct one to send the application to, but the other one looked to be necro'd, so I'ma try this one!
Anyway, I have been away from Spiral Knights for roughly a year now, having been playing other games (and being a little sad at the play limit Spiral Knights had) But this update completely fixed the only issue I had with the game, and have been playing every day since the update! :D Sad part is, well, being gone so long leaves you with no guild or active friends on return (in my case anyway) So, it is time to make new friends!
In-game name?
Nakiva. No alts.
Are you 16 or older?
16 plus 10!
What time zone are you in?
How much do you play in an average week?
Well, so far I have been playing two to three hours a day now with the update, so lets go with around 15 hours? Somethin' like that.
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
Current best loadout is:
Barbarous Thorn Shield
Ash Tail Coat
Ash Tail Cap
As for playstyle I generally go for largets hits possible and preventing hits on others via Shield Bashing and the blades' charge attacks, abusing knockback. I generally get hurt more than others in combat, but it is worth it.
As for what I am gunning for... I am working towards the Snarbolax Set, Sudaruska (for even more knock-around power) A Voltedge, and...
Well, I am really, really liking bomb usage now. I got a compatible USB controller for SK and it makes using bombs so much easier. I may eventually start building a good bomb set too. I know from experience how valuable they are in Shadow Lairs. Always good to have a bomb guy nearby for a run. So from there probably a Volcanic Demo Set and... a combination of one of the vortex bombs and a valuable status ailment bomb, probably Voltaic Tempest.
Why do you want to join Aurora?
I have seen you guys run around, and got in some random parties with you guys. You tend to be talkative a fun, so with no problems, I would like a large group of folks to start to get to know!
What would be three words that would best describe you?
Friendly, Talkative, and... Loud. I tend to laugh and yell a lot in a comedic fashion over the voice chat function. Not to fear, I don't rage :D
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown? Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown?
I do not know how unfortunately, but would not be against trying to learn! Some awesome recipes on the Krogmo vendor. Such as the Triglav.
Anyway If accepted I will try to get in contact with someone when possible! I generally play in the afternoons or very late at night (11 PM onwards, woo insomnia!)
UPDATE: Thanks to Nostalgicreaverbot, I have officially joined Aurora :D
Hey Anko,
I spoke with someone from Aurora a long time ago, and was invited. I didn't respond because I went inactive for a while. Still want to join and staying on and off active :)
In-game name?: Mrgrey
Are you 16 or older?: yes EDIT: I'm 20
What time zone are you in?: PST/UTC-8
How much do you play in an average week?: ~10-15 hrs
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?:
5* Gear: Vog set, BTS, WHB/DVS, Hail Driver/Callahan/Shivermist, Sentenza
Current Loadout: Vog, BTS, WHB, Callahan
Preferred Playstyle: Shield bump enemies into a corner/ away from gunning teammates, attack and shield bump (repeatedly). Sometimes tactically release charge attacks, or full combo + 1 shot from Callahan
Why do you want to join Aurora?: It's a solid guild with a good amount of people it seems. Plus you events for the guild to participate in :). Overall looking for a mature guild where I can make friends and have something more to look forward to in-game.
What would be three words that would best describe you?: Curious, talkative, friendly
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?: Mostly LD, but only because I try and figure a way to use the cutter branches (sadly unsuccessful)
Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown?: mmmyes