Hi, it's me, Drawster, im a old ex-meber of Aurora guid, i left the guild because i was Afk for a lot of time, and now im back, i got disapointed with spiral knights about all those changes... controls, HUD but it's ok now, and i wanna play spiral knights like the old times :), the guild told me if i wanted to back all i had to do it was asking you guys, so yeh... :) good to be back to spiral knights :D
<Aurora> reboot | Keeping things Chill and Simple (we has discord msg/voice call)

Hopefully everyone has been taken care of so far.
Any more takers? o:

IGN: Sierra-Blade
Q2) Nope, but still a teenager
Q3) GMT +8
Q4) Usually 2-4 hours, mostly weekends
Q5) I'm now using dusker armor, nightblade and defender. Planning to get flourish, owlite, antigua and sealed sword line. Playing style is similar to a wolver, always on the move and striking fast. Swordsman.
Q6) I feel that my current guild is not really that helpful to the more junior guildies, and I did some runs with Aurora members before. They were more sociable and friendly than your typical knight. So yeah, they left a good impression. If most of your members are like that, I hope I can join you guys!
Q7) Fun-loving, polite, crazy :)
Q8) I prefer LD as I'm not really familiar with BN
Q9) I don't mind, it'll be interesting to play with knights I actually know. And they can also guide and teach me along the way.

- In-game name? Aviyara.
- Are you 16 or older? Yes.
- What time zone are you in? EST.
- How much do you play in an average week? At least once a day, usually a few hours per day.
- Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle? Full 5*, Skolver and Vog, plus a Shadowsun. My first fivestars were a DVS and Argent, followed by the Expansion Hammer, an Acheron and a BTB. Playstyle is mostly melee, with backup guns.
- Why do you want to join Aurora? I just returned from an over-a-year hiatus from the game; I've been playing since long before the game hit Steam, shortly after beta. There's a lot I've missed in the ensuing time, not the least of which was my friends' departure from the game.
I came back because elevator costs are gone and the game mechanics seem a lot more like a proper MMO these days, but... SK is not the kind of game you play solo, at least not if you want to have fun. You folks at Aurora seem the closest to my type of people.
- What would be three words that would best describe you? Just three? Alright.
First, Provider. I was the ad-hoc Quartermaster in my old guild; I was the guy everyone went to when they needed a thing, no matter what that thing was. Stuff? I had it. Runs? I'd organize them. That was my job.
Second, Example. Part of organizing a million runs and providing a billion mats was learning how to kill the bosses and find the things yourself. Doing that involved learning the techniques to get the job done. When people see you do cool things, people will ask you how you do them. That's when teaching happens.
Finally, Professional. I've been an avid gamer since freshman year of highschool (I'm putting myself through university currently). In that time, I've learned that two groups of people get noticed by everyone else: Trolls, and Professionals.
I try to hold myself to a higher standard in everything I do, online and off. Games are for having fun, but everyone has the most fun when you win - and you win more when you're organized, efficient, and focused. (It's also great for morale.)
- Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown? I left before either of these things were a thing, so I can honestly say no. I would be open to trying them, but only with a squad I could trust at my back.
- Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown? In a heartbeat.

Invited a while back ^.^;'
Just pushing this up there.

1. In-game name?
My in-game name is Telekickin.
2. Are you 16 or older?
I am 18 years old.
3. What time zone are you in?
US West Coast.
4. How much do you play in an average week?
5 times a week (in the summer), but I think it's gonna be more later, like 3 times a week
5. Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
My playstyle is usually the "healing/support swordsman". After that battle sprite update, I mostly been the healer type, making sure everyone in my team is fully healed, but I like to attack my enemies with my sword if i have enough room for my self. Also, my loadout is more focus on protecting me from shadow, piercing, and elemental.
6. Why do you want to join Aurora?
This is going to sound really dumb, but the reason why I want to join your guild is because your guild's name. Now let me explain why. While I love the name of the guild, another reason why I want to join is because I believe you put alot of effort to make it sound unique and interesting sounding, and that also makes me beileve that you're showing proof you really want to make your guild the best it can be. You try to make fun events and try to make the group happy and safe, and I can tell by reading that name. I hardly ever join a guild because whenever I read the guild's name, I feel like they're trying to sound cool and I feel like they will soon forget about the guild along with everyone else. I want to be part of a guild that I can be proud that I joined under that name, that I know I'm part of a guild that cares about it's group and helps it grow.
7. What would be three words that would best describe you?
Supportive - Like I said above, in game, I'm more of a healer that's makes sure they are ready for a fight. But sometimes if we make a strong bond and you have a problem that makes you said or angry, I'm there to help out as best as I can.
Funny - If you know me well, my noticeable trait is that I tend to be a goof. Like, I'm not even kidding. If I make a strong bond to you, I tend to say the silliest things.
Kind - I'm always kind to people I meet in game and I want to be sure they are always feel welcome around me.
8. Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?
I recently started playing Lockdown, but not Blast Network.
9. Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown?
Yes, since I want to get some practice out of Lockdown.

1. In-game name?
2. Are you 16 or older?
Yup, I'm 19.
3. What time zone are you in?
4. How much do you play in an average week?
It really varies now that the semester has started, but probably still several hours at the very least.
5. Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
Best way to describe it is a hybrid. I have full swordsman, gunner, and bomber sets; all 5*.
6. Why do you want to join Aurora?
I'd stopped playing the game quite some time ago, and only recently came back once they introduced the battle sprites (which was purely coincidence), and now I'm really interested in playing the game again. However, most of my friends that I had way back when aren't playing anymore, and my old guild has pretty much disbanded, so I'm looking for a new mature community. Aurora looks pretty promising.
7. What would be three words that would best describe you?
"I hate these." But really, it's always hard for me to do this sort of thing. I guess if I had to...
Helpful, and um...
Man, this is difficult.
8. Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?
Yes, I can play both, though I have to warn you, I'm pretty awful at Blast Network. I tend to play as a bomber in LD nowadays; I used to play as a striker, but it's been a while and I'll probably be pretty out of practice.
9. Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown?
Yes I would.

In-game name?
Are you 16 or older?
What time zone are you in?
How much do you play in an average week?
week-end, depends
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
colbalt gear, t2, hybrid
Why do you want to join Aurora?
i was a member
What would be three words that would best describe you?
two word, The Royal
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?
Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown?

In-game name?
Are you 16 or older?
What time zone are you in?
How much do you play in an average week?
Weekdays: ~5-7 hours Weekends: >7 hours
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
Gun+Sword (usually Silversix)
Why do you want to join Aurora?
After coming back to Spiral Knights, I want an active guild so I have people to do runs with and have fun with.
What would be three words that would best describe you?
I kill things.
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?
Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown?
Note: While I have a couple of high-tier stuff, I'm currently working my way up from T1 after a very long hiatus.
1 : IGN : Ninveus.
2 : Are you 16 and over? : No. Im 13. Did that ruin my chance of getting in ?!
3 : What time zone are you in? : Eastern.
4 : How much do you play in an average week? : Each day I play about 3 hours or less.
5 : Gear/Loadout/Playstyle? : I have a Spur , and a Frost Gun. Im not sure what you mean by loadout , but my play style is Swordsman , Support , and Elemental.
6 : Why do you want to join Aurora? : I've recently started playing like 4 months ago. And I decided it was about time i joined a guild. I went onto the Spiral Knights site and went to the forums , and that's where I found Aurora , it seemed like the best choice for me! You AnkokuFlare, sound like a nice guildmaster. Like Makarov from Fairy Tail. I want some friendly people to be around.
7 : What 3 words would describe you? : Fun , Funny , Happy , and Helpful.
8 : Do you either play Blast Network or Lockdown? : I suck at Blast Network , but im good in Lockdown. I'd have to say Lockdown is funner. Or is that a word?
9 : Would you be interested in Guild Lockdown or Guild Blast Network? : Yeah!

1) IGN : Sir-Turbo.
2) Are you 16 and over? : I'm currently 19.
3) What time zone are you in? : GMT + 1:00
4) How much do you play in an average week? I manage to play about 3 hours per day, though with summer coming close to an end it might lower to about an 1-2.
5) Gear/Loadout/Playstyle? : Currently switching between gunner and swordsman at the moment (with the weapons being the Silversix and the Faust respectively)
6) Why do you want to join Aurora? : I personally don't have much guild experience when it comes to this game, in fact I only started to get really into this game a few months ago. The main thing i'm looking for in a guild is for it to be a nice community with polite people I can make friends with. Aurora looks like a really friendly community with nice people. After all the game is really fun, but I feel i'm missing out on a guild experience where i'm able to make friends with fellow players. (Not to mention the name Aurora is great and I used to use it as an alias some time ago, Roman goddess of dawn gosh gosh gosh).
7) What 3 words would describe you? : Dork, Polite and laid-back
8) Do you either play Blast Network or Lockdown? : I play a little bit of both, though I wouldn't exactly say i'm actually good at the gametypes.
9) Would you be interested in Guild Lockdown or Guild Blast Network? Sure! Sounds fun.

In-game name? robooknight
Are you 16 or older?20
What time zone are you in?GmT
How much do you play in an average week?everyday
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?mercuiral helm skolver coat Final flourish and Voltedge asi vh and Acheron
Why do you want to join Aurora?i was a ex aurora member I was a vet I want to come back because a lot of the guilds I loved died u guys are the best guild ino
What would be three words that would best describe you?sporty social crazy
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?Lockdown
Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown? GLD

I should have gotten you all.
Now then...*claps hands* anyone else interested? c:
In-game name?: Trevbomb
Are you 16 or older?: Yes, I'm currently 17.
What time zone are you in?: CST
How much do you play in an average week?: 12-16 hours
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle? Just started a couple days ago, so I don't know too much about gear yet.
Do you have Skype?: Yes
Why do you want to join Aurora?: To join a friendly, active guild that can help me and vice versa.
What would be three words that would best describe you?: Calm, Nice, Quiet
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?: I haven't done either yet.
Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown? Possibly in the future, once I get used to the game more.

Invite sent~
I'll be waiting for any more... *shifty eyes*

In-game name?
Are you 16 or older?
Nope, 14
What time zone are you in?
UTC +1
How much do you play in an average week?
it varies, i mostly play in weekends. Dont acctually have a number on it.
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
Slasher is what i play right now, but i think i am going to get some more sets once i get farther in the game
Why do you want to join Aurora?
Mostly in order to have people to play with, and because of your apparently GREAT community ;), and because you seem to be a gennerally good guild
What would be three words that would best describe you?
Thoughtfull, polite, and I-like-to-help-people
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?
not really
Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown?

In-game name?
Are you 16 or older?
Yes, I turn 17 in January
What time zone are you in?
I live in Indiana, so EST
How much do you play in an average week?
Occassionaly on weekdays due to schoolwork, hours on the weekend
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
I only have 2 star items, but I have all 3 star gear, plus 4 star weapons. I can't equip any till I finish the stupid missions.
I have: sealed swrd, swift flourish, kilowatt pulsar, super blaster, cold iron carver, electable cloak, elemental hood, horned Owlite shield.
I like to run sword and gun, get I there and poke 'em in the face, then escape like Houdini before I take any damage.
Why do you want to join Aurora?
I want to join a mature yet fun loving guild. I've had problems with immature guilds before, or strick one that if you don't do exactly what they say u get kicked. I've ears a lot of good thigs about your guild, and I would love to be part of it.
What would be three words that would best describe you?
I am very athletic, I play varsity tennis as well as varsity golf, I swim and dive recreationally, NAND I love mountain biking. I am a thinker, analyzing situations to provoke the best possible outcome.
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?
Not now but when over higher stared items I will love to do LD
Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown?
Yes, Guild LD
Information About My SK Experience
I have played for over 3 years. I have OBVISOULY started over multiple times, to perfect my load out. Reasons for my setup? Shadow sword, elemental gun, cold iron for the undead damage bonus and blaster for LD. I am a very mature person who loves to chat about anything just as much as poking gremlins I the face.

I now have all 3 star gear!!! Elemental Cloak and Hood, Horned Owlite Shield, Kilowatt Pulsar, Sealed Sword, and Ascended Calibur. Hope it helps:3
Sorry i cant log in temporarily because my computer table broke and i cant log in till we get a new one , sorry i haven't been logging in lately!
In-game name? Kenky
Are you 16 or older? double that
What time zone are you in? EST
How much do you play in an average week? Just started up again, clocked in 4 hours on my first day back. I'll keep that up.
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle? Was dualy swords but I kinda like the sword/gun loadout in a pinch. Ummmmm, T3 but almost T4
Why do you want to join Aurora? I'm looking for a guild that I know I can be myself on and be active.
What would be three words that would best describe you? Smart,Goofy,Programmer
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown? I have in the past, I will continue to get better.
Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown? Sure, why not.
Also I was thinking it would be cool if I RP, but if that's not allowed then i'm ok with it.
i have recently got a new computer table back , and i am active again!

Application questions:
In-game name? Darkensang
Are you 16 or older?I am 16 close call?
What time zone are you in? 5:30 GMT+
How much do you play in an average week ?6-7 hours
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle? Hybrid
Why do you want to join Aurora? You people seem to appealing to me. A guild with no gear limit and looking for fun is what I want.
What would be three words that would best describe you? Handsome, Public-speaker, Amazing, Humourous, Talkative
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown? Lockdown
Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown? Yes
Hey guys!
So.. I have some questions for you... Do you like ice infected jellies? Ok that actually sounds like another super annoying enemy but whatever!
I went on a SL with Fenririon (Think thats how you spell it) and I wanted to do another one but since he wasn't sure, I figured I'd host it!
(Me hosting something... What a GOOD idea!)
Now for when to start it? Good question I figured I could wait until I had all the people that wanted to play it and then see when is a good time for them.
Will it be this year? No its gonna be in the next 4.
It will be hosted on Elite so train up your gear! And get your blenders to make nice ice jelly smoothies :3
Good luck and I hope we get some people to participate! On a side note if you wanna come send mail to: Trk-Kronos in-game not a Z (Long story)

You should post that on our forums, I'm sure out members would be more opt to read it.
Finally back from work. Time for some mad bumpin' skill yo
I will immediately rejoin this guild as soon as they introduce a large, meaningful patch to this game.
Till then, I'll be playing Warframe and Dota 2.

Totally understandable, feel free to let me or any of the officers know. Mail me in sk, that's probably the quickest way to get my attention
Still play bn here and there.

Hello yes I'd like to join.
1. Ugibre( I know it's ugly, RL nickname, I have no idea where that came from, but it's here to stay...)
2. I'm getting to an age when you actually start missing scholl. Does that answer the question?
2. -3 gmt
4. Depends. If terraria and dota 2 let me, and I'm having a good time, it could be as much as 30h, maybe more. If not, 5h, it really depends.
5. Currently, Dusker, 3*,with a couple of swords. But I just found out I really like bombs, so I'm trying to change to that.
6. Because playing alone is boring( and hard T.T), and playing with random crybabies breathing on their open mics is even worse.
7. Skinny insomniac geek, I guess...
8. Blast what?
9. Sure.

1. My ign is tt-ham
2. Yes i am 16.
3. EST
4. I play every day unless something comes up.
6. Gear ; umbra driver , storm driver / play-style; gunslinger
7. I want to join because im currently in need for an active , fun , and big guild because right now i am currently guild less and i am starting to feel lonely ;(
8. Weird/fun/Ham
9. I am a lockdown player.
10. I am willing to participate in all guild antics
1. Saph-Fire
2. Yes.
3. CST
4. Usually more or less than 2 hours.
5. Vog set, Chaos set, DA, GF, FoV, Almire Crest, ect.
6. To find the most fun in SK while contribute to a strong guild.
7. Prideful, calm, and FABULOUS!
8. Occasionally Lockdown.
9. Lockdown.
In-game name?
Main char is "Mirhaslhethu"
Are you 16 or older?
Yeah, I'm some just pre 20 dude. That is 19.
What time zone are you in?
GMT +1, that's Spain.
How much do you play in an average week?
Umm, I can put in at least 2 hours daily, more on weekends.
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
I am the noobman. I guess I like a swift playstyle that focus on melee and lots of damage but with little defense.
Why do you want to join Aurora?
Because I am looking for a Guild in which to incorporate myself so as to have fun people to play with and a nice time.... and attention, I am a lonely soul.
What would be three words that would best describe you?
Silly, talkative, bipolar
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?
What are these things. The noobman is afraiden! :<
Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown?
Again, I am at loss, sorry 'bout that Mr. Recruiter man! ;D
Thank you for your kind attention!
In-game name? Daemon-Xii
Are you 16 or older? 18, and proud.
What time zone are you in? Eastern
How much do you play in an average week? 24 so far this week, pretty average for me.
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle? I really enjoy the wolver/dusker, etc, gear, with a sword/gun combo. I like to poke hard and then get out before recieving any damage.
Why do you want to join Aurora? I really feel that a good guild would heavily improve my experience with this game, I'm a bit bored of doing things alone and not really having anyone to talk to on a regular basis in-game; my friends typically dislike this game for whatever bizarre reason.
What would be three words that would best describe you?
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown? I don't, but only because I'm not sure that I'm up to par quite yet.I will be willing to join in if the guild decides to do a few runs.
Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown? I will be willing to join in if the guild decides to do a few runs, and if I'm any good then I'd be happy to keep playing them (and if I suck then I'd be happy to improve xD)