Please, just don't.

I don't have access to the test server currently, but that doesn't matter. All I can tell (both from the picture from earlier and from current reviews) that this will be an update that will probably make this game lose around 50% or more of its playerbase. So please, Three Rings, just don't.

Please don't what? If you don't have access to the test server community, you might want to reconsider where you're posting. :)

I may not have access, but I've read enough reviews and analyzed the picture OOO released earlier this week (or was it last week?) that this is going to be Spiral Knights' downfall.
If they don't listen to what their customer base and loyal players are saying, this is not a company I want to continue to support. Sadly, I will be out of here too.

I'll definitely be gone too if this doesn't get a fix.

I feel like leaving because of a UI overhall is a bit drastic. I wouldn't quit my job because a new office layout was strange
I just don't quite get your reasoning behind giving up
Also, 'everyone will leave' 'downfall of the game' - Haven't people said that for just about every significant update?

We wouldn't leave because of the UI.
We would quit if the developers don't listen to our feedback, and fix the UI.
The reasoning is because they are doing something that is worse for the game and they aren't listening to their players when they are giving legitimate FEEDBACK and SUGGESTIONS. Why would you want to support a company that doesn't care at all about its customer and player base?
Maybe you should take a look at the new changes to see the disaster they are trying to force onto everyone.

You haven't exactly given anybody the chance to fix anything yet. And I'm sure threats to quit the game are the best encouragement for the so well-loved developers
Personally, the UI hasn't presented any deal-breakers to me. Some things need fixing, yes, but so does every other game that's ever been made

logicia please take [woah] out of your mouth before you speak. This is just rude.
Actually, when people start making threats, that's because they feel strongly about the issue at hand. It should actually be the BEST encouragement, because that means you actually have a serious problem.

Like dwayne said, devs need to realize that they're going the wrong way with this UI rework.

Why are you implying there is something wrong with homosexuality cytrixx?

You're free to debate the UI changes on the Testing Server to your heart's delight, but please refrain from any personal attacks or the use of any language that is filtered in game. Thanks!

*Cytrixx peers into the hole that this predicament has fallen into

How can you spell "predicament" but can't spell "peers?"

Guys, you realize that they opened the test server exacly to get... FEEDBACKS and SUGGESTIONS?!? Sayin that they doesn't listen to them, doesn't care, etc. is kinda stupid as they are... STILL taking FEEDBACKS and SUGGESTIONS...
Anyways, most of those complaining and saying that they will quit, etc. said that a dozen of times and will say that at each updates... If you are mad cause, apparently, OOO doesn't *listen* why are not you guys *listen* yourself and do what you are saying? Seriously...

Invinc. has a point. There could be the possibility of changes after the course and time of proper feedback.

Would visit again. So if you aren't testing it why bother making a thread here.

I love how non-tester have negative comment to say about something they can only see but did not touch...
Seriously the UI isn't THAT bad... Some thing are just annoying and are exaggerated because they REALLY want it change :D
And it's a big update, new UI is always scary for a dev team :S

I think we've all come to the conclusion that the creator of this thread (Who isn't involved in the testing process) is being, for lack of a better description, a loose screw in society. I can understand the idea of complaining just to get invited to something but clearly that doesn't apply here.
Of all the things I've heard of, a review based on a picture is by far one of the weakest arguments I've known in my general experience. I will, however, applaud the effort regardless because at least he's trying to give some kind of it non-constructive in any way.
I motion for this thread to be shut down, under the notion it isn't productive to the game developers in any moderately significant way I can fathom.

Funny, when they first released pictures everybody was saying this was the best thing to happen to the game in a while. Make up your goram minds.

Your reasoning makes no sense at all.
Please stop annoying me with far flung statements of what you beleive will happen.
Speaking as someone who's played with it, new ui is almost same as old one.
Greek tragedy much?>

Dfliyerz has a point.
The interwebs is teh cause of all teh problems. And for those of you who don't like the new UI, well, give it a chance. If you really don't like it, than make notes and suggest WHY and HOW they can change it. You like this game? Give logical, reasonable, and detailed reasons why it should change, if you invested your time.
50% seems like an exaggeration, but personally ill definitly be gone