Testing Feed Back Health Wise

1 Réponse [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Nickolaix

Mkay, so it was alot easier focusing on shielding and health when the health bar was at the bottom. I suggest the health bar remain at the bottom while rems and caps, and vials of course remain at top. Although the shield health would be well placed under health bar or along the top of it.

With the placement of the

With the placement of the vials at the bottom, you can no longer run backwards and shoot a gun at enemies while grabbing an hp capsule from your inventory. If you are not using shortcut keys, whenever you move your mouse down to grab a vial, you will have to turn your back to the enemy. Same goes for running and trying to pull out vials... good luck doing that. They were better off on top--in the direction you are usually running through levels.