My knight keeps facing diagonally!

Okay, I want to take a moment here to talk about an interesting engine change I've been experiencing on the test server.
I am in the minority of players who play SK keyboard-only in combat. I aim via the arrow keys and have to use the strafe button in order to fire in one direction while moving in another.
Previously, it was impossible for a player to get a knight to face in a diagonal direction without holding any buttons or moving the mouse. However, this is no longer the case on the preview server. In my experience today, releasing a horizontal and vertical arrow key within some frames of one another will make my knight face diagonally when standing still.
This has completely thrown off my gunning game! It even makes using swords harder for me as well at times.
I've spent a long time mastering orienting my knight with the help of the strafe key and quick changes of direction. This change to the engine has resulted in me constantly firing in a diagonal direction when I intended to fire vertically or horizontally.
If there were some significant benefit to the player as a result of this engine change, well, of course I'd still be frustrated, but I'd adapt, since it'd mean better performance in the long run. However, this does not seem to be the case. As it stands, it seems to me that this change will force me to readapt for no good reason. It's like if you swapped two of the keys on my keyboard; the game would still be just as playable, but it would take quite a while for me to get used to and serve no purpose other than to frustrate me until I got it down.
I must humbly request that this change not be implemented on the main server.
Or, if it is implemented, I request that the team explain to me their reasoning for the change so I don't feel I have to redo my adaptation for no reason.