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Sooooo ok where do I begin?

New Mobs:
Ehh, since I haven't had the chance to play in a squad of 4 they added some challenge. Although still possible to navigate through them, so I guess you can call that balance. Like the hidden mob spawners; way to add immersion, I like that. BUT, they should still drop something, even if it's 1cr.

New UI:
Love most of it, I can imagine the new look growing on me with ease. Again, put back the freaking currency, it is relativley hard to check on the fly. Maybe I don't know what button brings it up; either way that is something you cannot change this far in UNLESS you plan on making some serious changes on how this game relies completely on money. Now the shield bar is HORRIBLE, please make it sexy.

I am pissed, not because of the new mobs or new UI. We're 4 months into the new year and this is all you have? Honestly even if there was battle sprites I still think that would be putting off the bigger issue. On the upside, you did a good job with what you've done thus far. Kudos on the new weather, I'd like to see weather on the outer layer of the planet, aka New Haven.

If you can't introduce more story line, then atleast add more armor. Reach out to the community, have an art competition! (There is already 2 very possible submissions I've been hearing alot of chatter about) Also I'm scared to say this but, armor acessible from pvp tokens? NOT PVP ARMOR, for the love of god, I'll quit on the spot.

-We should be getting paid, like we're knights doing a job. It should be proper, higher the difficulty higher the payout. Higher the prestige higher overall benefit through the terminals. This would be a good place to implement a reason for prestige, because right now its a worthless lable. (Benefits? Recon Armor?) WE ARE NOT MGHTY HOBOS! WE ARE SPIRALKNIGHTS! Right now, it feels like we're doing all the work, and paying them for it. That is bull%&*!, and probably why the economy looks so disgusting.

Something has got to give. If not then your gonna see alot of people leaving in the 2nd quarter. T3 felt special for about the 1st month. Now I don't even know whats keeping me here.