Testing Feedback: 7 out of 10

Ok first off, I must say that this is new content is good, but it need to be tweaked.
The new content has a little bit of everything: New monsters, Color Scheme, and UI.
These new swarm monsters are a good addition to the game, they remind
me when in the beta when monsters were revived they spawned 3 more with them.
If you didn't kill the menders fast enough you would soon have a army of monster to deal with.
But the new swarm monsters are nowhere near that level of awesome. In my opinion the new
monsters need buff so they actually put up a fight. The swarm monster also need to be able to multiply.
Like have a head/mother/brain monster that is spawning these thing and you have to fight your way to it.
The Bunnies: Are cute, but a joke. One hit and they go down. They need to have attack speed increase
and accuracy increase.
The Scarabs: Are awesome looking and i love that the can fly at you. A lot of potential with these monsters.
Movement speed increase and give them the ability to grab on to you and take life from you or something.
Gel drops: The monster where the only one is saw a threat. They are agile and hard to hit when they reveal there spikes.
But I think they need to have a size increase it is really hard to hit them with sword, gun ,or vile.
Cool ability would be the spikes shoot out after a few seconds after it dies.
The UI: I must say I love it! It's clean cut, very retro, and makes me feel like I'm playing a new game. The Viles can be hard to see on some levels depending on there color, also they don't have much hit rang when you through them. But i do love the new look for the Viles. I also love the new 3D display of you night at the end of a run.
The Color schemes. I love the new color schemes for the levels I played. Nature colors that matched Autumn, Summer, Winter and Spring
made me feel like I was look at a color palate. Me being an student of art give this bonus points.
Over all i give this 7 out of 10 spirals
Icejester - end of transmission
Love the new UI that was placed in, although the only thing I'm missing is the CE/Mist display. (having it display only at elevators and during purchases isn't really enough for me) The vials and pickups are a nice change although they kind of blend into the background on certain levels and their hit box for collecting them are not really accurate enough either.
The monsters in my opinion are pretty good The Gel Drop are definitely going to be a good addition to the game, but im not so sure about the dust bunnies or the grave scarabs. The Bunnies are fairly well off other than the fact that they really don't take much punishment, and the Grave scarabs are really pushovers. When they spawn they don't swarm the knight like the other monsters but instead go their separate ways and attack individually making them not really a threat at all and easily avoided or ignored. Their attack is ok but it need to be faster, or either implement a damage system similar to zombies where they latch onto you and do damage until you shake them off.
Love the new levels, its a great way to show off the art styles of the game, and it kind of gives you a heads up before hand of what kind of monster you can expect to see when your down there.
The only thing i had trouble with was that when i was in the game, some of my friends told me you were supposed to see the name of the enemy you were attacking in the upper right corner of your screen with its weaknesses and strengths. However, during my hour long play time i didn't see anything like that at all. The only time i saw something like that was when i picked up a gold key and its description showed up for about 3 seconds. Maybe I'm just incompetent and missed an option somewhere but i was kind of hoping to see all the features in the update. Also when i was playing i clicked on the instants button in the top right above the map when i was in haven and it froze and crashed my game. Just something to look into OOO's, and the CE symbol at the end of elevators likes to hang around for some reason after the display retracts from the screen just as you go down/up in an elevator.
Well that's all i have to say so I'm definitely looking forward to the new content, and the future of spiral knights.
Glitchedpixel - final report