A silly, silly suggestion :P

Idea #1: Let's have crows as pets!
Idea #2: Let's have a new mode called "Spiralmon"!
Idea #3: A flying spaceship!
Idea #4: Free crows for everyone!
I'll post more up soon :3

Idea#1234567890: Let's make "Necro Day" a reality!

let the snarbolax rule all of cradle

let be ok whit Pipipipipipipipipipipipipisomething

what okay with me
suggestion, make a Popoixd to english translater

Be ok to let snarbolax rule cradle
PS english is not my first language .

How bout we have spiral balls to steal other people's spiralmons

better yet a sprial ball that steals other people

How about We can eat Monster for more energy
Like eat royal mini and then you regain your mist energy
Or eat Jelly king to regaind0.000000000000000000000000000000000001 mist energy

Let's have an arena stage where you fight absolutely nothing but Mecha Knights. And I mean NOTHING else.

Let have a arena where you need to kill a Gold Trojan to pass.

remove all beast bell in gloaming wildwoods
everyone gets 20 free ce if thay beat vana solo each time

open to core just to find a banana
What are we supposed to do here again?