Incoming modification to the Recon Class?
[...] We've also made some tweaks to the Recon! [...]
Recon Class
- A Recon Knight's shield can now take multiple hits, much like Guardians and Strikers
- A cloaked Recon Knight will briefly appear when hit
Truthfully, I'm more surprised at this change than anything. I like it. The thought of the Recon Knight's shield being able to take multiple hits might be the greatest, and most balancing buff that this class could have received since Lockdown's introduction.
Do you think the Recon class have the potential to be more widely used than it is now? I may want to start using this class now when this update comes.

Ah, I thought that strange too, how you could get hit and BAM WE CAN SEE HIM KILLKILLKILLKILL!!!!! while strikers don't even lose any shield energy when getting hit as they dash. (Or atleast that's what I think it is.)
It's annoying. >.<

Or maybe we could revert Recon and just remove trinkets from LD already.

Extremely happy about the incoming buff.
Being as recon is my favorite class, I was weary about playing LD because of the ohko on the recon shield. And I've really wanted the plague needle and stagger storm for a while now. But now this seems like a buff that might make the ride a little less bumpy.
Can't wait to play when it's released.

Yes, this is good.
..but honestly, guardian is just as UP as recon is (was).

I'd love to actually test this but test server doesn't get that much traffic right now. I'm wondering how some even got to test.

Test server is open to those who have paid at least $4.95 within the last 3 months. So basically if you buy an elevator pass every month you should be good to go.

Sorry that's not what I meant.
How could people test recon is there aren't even 8 people playing in que?

When I tested there were around 10 people hanging around in t3 random LD.

Right now there are 6, so if anyone could play I would appreciate it
I don't claim to be a pro, and I am definitely not OP in LD so don't think I'm talking out of ego here.
My concern with giving the Recon multiple hits is that you will get OP Recons. I have a stock Vog set, a stock GF, no trinkets, no slot upgrades, and no UV's yet with Recon I can produce minimum dmg 5k to 7k every time, produce 7k to 10k most the time, and sometimes working into the 10k to 13k range.
I have gone against substantially better equipped skilled strikers in a 1v1 setting and with a little luck and strategy, I've come out ahead. Now don't get me wrong sometimes I fail over and over because I'll happen to get popped by a random swing, but I usually always deal some dmg before this happens; however, like people have mentioned once you are visible, a strong striker is going to work you over fairly quickly.
Being a Recon is about adjusting your movement pattern to the situation/player you are currently engaging. Usually my dmg rate increases in the last bit of the match because I've had multiple encounters with players and can adjust my movements to the way they have dealt with me as a Recon earlier in the match.
Allowing Recons multiple hits allows them to adjust their play style between hits rather than between encounters. If I get hit and stay hidden I can pull back adjust and re-engage, or not, depending on the situation without having to pay the price of the rev timer.
Bottom line, Recons learn quicker and log more time alive in the match. Not sure if this will result in OP Recons, but figured I'd throw it out and see what some more experienced players thought.

Evreone is kicking evreone's [bucket] with recon, i don't see why it should get buffed...

^ Have you ever played as a Recon? As soon as your cloak dies you get slaughtered. Whether or not this is an OP buff will depend on the player. I can see some good Recons wrecking havoc with this update.

I don't understand, since when does a striker's shield take hits?

Buff strykar plizz I wnt 2 take mltiple hitz wit ma shieeld totly not OP
Buf gardian pliss i wnt invincable sheild dat heelz 999hp pr scnd
Recon isnt underpowered. Everybody just tries to "tank" as a recon. use trinkets to your advantage. be an ASSASSIN, not a tank. tank is for guardians. Ive been playing recon alot lately and I feel it's op with the "invincible charging" and "instant dissapear". hardly anybody has killed me the past few games I played as recon. fix those two before buffing it.

I've tested several matches and honestly I see nothing out of balance. If anything there is balance that wasn't there before. Anything that seems out of the ordinary to you is just a large difference in player judgement and skill.
Yes. I am very happy with this change, I've always been a bit upset about how one tap will snap my shield, removing my ability to shield cancel (reducing me to a helpless combo spammer :P) while strikers and guardians can shield cancel as they please.