So now that lockdown is balanced--how about adding a new que for advanced players?

21 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Neodasus

That would be great...really!

Imagen de Rangerwillx

Guardians still definitely need a buff.

Imagen de Neodasus
No! Don't do it!It's

No! Don't do it!

It's balanced the way things are! If you're going to 'buff' guardians then the least damaging way to do it is to heal by 1 pip instead of half a pip. Yet even that is just crazy! Adding extra health to either shield or base health is too much! Add that to ancient plate set +12 via trinkets and you have yourself a guardian bomber that can outlast ANYTHING. Would take 4 hits with a Gran Faust under DEATH MARK at very high damage minimum to kill him!

Giving Guardians any boost to CTR for Bombs would make them more viable than Recons, and giving them medium asi for swords will just makes things even worse(Guardians have a natural advantage of 2 asi points versus Recons--adding 3 points would make the matchup imbalanced). Guardians already have the greatest ability of them all and that is the ability to negate all damage. Please don't do anything more, and I'm saying this as a Guardian.

+1 for Advanced Players Cue

Awesome idea! I'd love to spectate those matches.

How would you control it to prevent trolls or inexperienced players from entering? Obviously they'd get owned if they joined, but we both know that doesn't stop T2 or poorly equipped players from ruining a T3 match.

Just tossing stuff, but would say all 5* minimum, maybe require trinks and/or weapon slots to be eligible?

Imagen de Kimahsonite

'...maybe require trinks and/or weapon slots to be eligible?'

Having money doesn't make you an advanced Lockdown player.

Imagen de Neodasus
Yes it does

Yes it does

Keeping It On Track

So let's bypass the money vs advanced player argument...

So Kimahsonite you don't think trinks/weapon slots should be a measure of an OPLD eligible player... Well what are some measures?

I like the idea of measures being dynamic opposed to static.

For example, if you were to say all "Vanguards" can enter OPLD then that's static. You hit the requirements once and you have it forever.

I believe I read a post by Neodasus in another thread that suggested a ranking system that would require you to actively maintain the OPLD eligible status. That seems more fitting.

Beyond eligibility, how would you prevent it from being a ghost town 90% of the time or creating a ghost town out of the current T3 LD?

Imagen de Klockworx
how about this

How about an option to let those in spectate join in on the current match if there is an open slot.

This way you can watch the match your gonna join while your cuing.

Or i could be a complete idiot and this could already be a feature.

Imagen de Hexzyle

Beyond eligibility, how would you prevent it from being a ghost town 90% of the time or creating a ghost town out of the current T3 LD?

Limited slots. Also allow Lockdown players elegible for elite Lockdown to enter regular lockdown if there are not enough players signed up for it.

Imagen de Neodasus
I was taking a shower earlier

I was taking a shower earlier and while I was scrubbing myself clean from impurities an idea came into my head and would not stop nagging me.

bam passive resistance to all damage--guardian fixed for all thank me later

Striker gets DMG max on average(Chaos and Skolver are the meta), Recon gets the opponent to 0 defense, while Guardian has temporary invincibility. Great right? Well you can get locked in shielding animation so how about this:

passive defense + all the while maintaining balance. I know some of you are gonna be like "why is this so different from giving the Guardian a +6 health boost?". Well, it's because of how exploitable that is with Ancient Plate set or even just double Pentas...they might also have to add a mysterious 3rd layer to the health bar which I heard only exists in fairy tales. I would so be in favor of a passive damage resistance--oh man that would make things so much easier for players wanting to play lockdown for the first time.

Imagen de Blaknt
im pretty sure the whole tier

im pretty sure the whole tier 1.2.3 ld thing was supposed to seperate noobs from pros( at least thats what i imagine OOO was shooting for) but you could use the players ld points total as a requirement for entering advanced ld matches along with Dbltap's idea for only allowing 5* gear. it could be like you must have over 1000 points in order to play

Imagen de Klipik-Forum
I think this is a suggestion?

I like Hex's idea of having the game group advanced players if a full team is available, but treating them regularly if it's not. The problem still remains of who gets to be in this "elite" class though... which makes this the perfect opportunity to introduce a ladder ranking system.

Grandmaster leauge SK, anyone?

Imagen de Neodasus
@Klipik all of my money


all of my money

Imagen de Hexzyle

Average score in matches where score = (captures x defends x damage) / (20 x points on map)
Unlike a Win/Lose ratio, inexperienced players won't be thrown up there if their team wins a lot, and a player who caps a lot can do a little bit of damage and still get a good score.
Top 50 players are elegible for the advanced lockdown queue.

Imagen de Shamanalah
my 2 cents

I hope people realize that OOO would have to get ppl off battles sprites and bash n dash in order to do so?

Which is something LD don't need, what it need is more gametype, not more ego-boosting

I don't want SK to become like SC2 or LoL and be only mini-games, it's an ARPG too -_-

Ladder ranking = only works with resets, you have already a point system, why fix something that ain't broke?

Cause you lose most of your matches and want a cap/def/kills/death ratio now? boo-hoo let me cry with you

Imagen de Neodasus
Well we were talking about

Well we were talking about mostly win rate but ok. Some people can actually have alot of fun in a competitive atmosphere so it's not exactly for ego but just another way to enjoy the game.

Imagen de Hexzyle

Ladder ranking = only works with resets, you have already a point system, why fix something that ain't broke?

Player who plays a lot in one week =/= Skilled player

Like myself. I have a great time bombing in Lockdown, but I'm not really that good because I have suboptimal armor and bad latency. But I can still work my way up into the top 50 by playing a lot. That's broken.

Imagen de Klipik

"I hope people realize that OOO would have to get ppl off battles sprites and bash n dash in order to do so?"

BS and dash/bash have been discussed as to being in LD or not. If you meant they would have to take dev time out to work on this, no one said it had to be done right now.

"Which is something LD don't need, what it need is more gametype, not more ego-boosting"

PvP needs more gametypes, not LD. ;) As for ego-boosting, that will be a definite side effect. I think it's outweighed by 1) keeping the pros from demolishing new players and discouraging them from playing LD and by 2) the fact that with the new, more competitive environment, it might force people to stop boasting about how good they are and actually play the game, since there's actually kind of a way to judge skill level.

"I don't want SK to become like SC2 or LoL and be only mini-games, it's an ARPG too -_-"

Relax, a few PvP updates won't kill PvE outright. And LD could use some more love anyway.

"Ladder ranking = only works with resets, you have already a point system, why fix something that ain't broke?"

A ranking system that lets you lose 1,000 games in a week and be higher ranked than someone who won 10 and lost 0 isn't broken? Ok. Have a look at any competitive game's ladder system... it has partial resets. You stay at the top if you play well and fairly often. If you fail to do either or both of those things, you drop down levels.

"Cause you lose most of your matches and want a cap/def/kills/death ratio now? boo-hoo let me cry with you"

Because I don't like seeing games go 500-25 and 900-75, no matter if I'm on the winning or losing side.

P.S. Why do you comment so much on PvP threads, when you've said yourself you don't play it and have no interest?

Imagen de Shamanalah
my 2 cents

@ Klipik doesn't mean I hate LD that I don't want it to become balance and enjoy it like I enjoyed it when it was first implemented and people were experimenting

Now it's cookie cutter build (AKA skolver clone)

I still hate D3 but the fact that I hate something doesn't mean I don't want to play it anymore, just that it doesn't fit me and I would like LD to be balance and have fun in it, but I don't see it happening anytime soon...

I'm having fun in randoms matches, make a LD gametype that gives you random items w/o UV and w/o trinket, like many asked and you'll see me play LD, but as of now, getting wrecked by people with ASI VH and CTR VH on all their items is not something I call "fun"... LD is definetely a P2W section of SK... I prefer having my fun in random RJP instead...

And BN is a ghost town...

SK is more and more oriented toward PvP and not RPG anymore, it really saddens me.

I doubt OOO had any clue that LD would become this big in this small universe

Edit: Also to know more about how LD community is... and try to understand where SK will be in 1 year, will LD be taken care of by OOO or will they let it die and let SK trying to survive without even modifying PvP? Like "there's your PvP, we ain't gonna touch it no more".

And it's because of people reaction to certain things in LD that make OOO decide upon future plans... The UI was good enough for PvE but PvP shunned it down and insulted OOO instead of pointing the little flaws in a good criticism matter...




Whether you like it or not, it's what happened

Imagen de Icegill

I think what neo is hinting/suggesting at is custom lobbies in lockdown. So when custom matches start between experienced players, it's a good match.

Imagen de Narfle

I think just having custom lobbies period. As with a CW party, you could set them to guild only, friend only, open, send invites, etc. Would be easy for people to set up matches with players they judge to be of the same level, guilds could practice against each other without alt guilds, friends who want to avoid all the smack talk could play together, etc. Would just have to disable the kick so the host can't get mad and boot the other team halfway through a match.

Imagen de Klipik-Forum

@Sham: the UI update wasn't good for PvE either, aside from the enemy HP bars. (Which I might add are missing from LD, along with damage numbers.) The health is still in an awkward location, the portrait still takes up too much space, is still unnecessary, and still stares blankly at you, the hidden currency still makes you pay too much for elevators (i did this today), and the weapon wheel still obscures the screen where enemies could be (fixed, thanks OOO). And believe it or not, it should be possible to balance both PvE and PvP. I don't care which they start with.

P.S. can this be moved to suggestions?
P.P.S please?
P.P.P.S months later: pretty please?