[URGENT] Problem with dash

Alright so I was messing around with Howlitzers this morning to find out the perfect timing for dash. I realized that when I dashed right before the bullets hit me, I started the dash animation but it was canceled by the attack. I could see the cooldown timer start at the bottom of the screen but I was able to dash again shortly after. So apparently you can CANCEL an opponent's dash by attacking. I can see this being a problem in lockdown vs players with maximum asi flourish. Please make it so you are invincible the exact moment you press that button, thank you. It should act like a guard in Guilty Gear where it's instant. Just a heads up guys I think it should be a perfect guard the instant you activate it so it cannot be canceled by an attack. Otherwise there would be no point to dash--to give the new players some sort of out. It should be invulnerability from the instant you activate up until past the midpoint of the dash where your opponent can punish you
EDIT: Also I was able to jump over the spike traps by figuring out where you removed invulernability (?). I guess removing the initial vulnerability was how you thought you could fix the jumping over spikes issue?
You can jump over a portion of the spikes but not the entire span of the spike trap. So the problem is still there.
EDIT 2: False alarm about those spikes, it's good. I was able to jump over a corner or two but any wider than like say like a block was a no-go.

As for the problem, could it be lag delay? Like when I raise my shield but I still get a direct hit.
Dem 2 bars connection >.<

If someone grabs you before you hop, you should get hit
I don't see why not, it has happened to me before and there too little frames at which it happens to be game-breaking
Just more timing required, that's all...
I have done so many runs on the test server to know it's only half a block that you *can* get hit and you can still perform a dash afterwards... so, nothing really urgent IMO

T1 hurts my brain; how does it work and why is it so special?

Stability--it's not particularly fast but it's stable. I still get 4bars constantly. It's legacy tech, basically. So ADSL would outperform it. However, it's paid for by sponsor (SSBM+SS4:AE evo2013 root for team pls T_T) so idc. I don't think you need to worry yourself that much about it since it's old tech. It used to mean you were pro if you had T1 but that was back in like the arena shooter days.
what button do you use to shield bash and dash or jump?
also was there any new mobs or weapons?