Would you add 5 new buttons?

7 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de The-Worst-Knight

Now we have just few buttons exсept WASD and mouse buttons. I think that you can reduce the number of buttons if you add double clicks. For example, to activate bash hold shield and press attack, for dash hold shield and press W(A,S,D) twice. And... we got 2 new functions without adding new buttons so we can reserve E,Q for battle sprites.

Portrait de Zeddy

Currently, you hold shield and then attack to shield-charge. If this got removed, a lot of people would be irked over the loss of an advanced technique. (Shield-charge is when you start charging a weapon without performing a regular attack first, letting you start the charge faster.)

In addition, double-tapping only lets you dash easily in four direction and only at all in eight. You may want to dash more precisely than that, hence a button.

That being said, I don't see why dash and bash can't be the same button, modified by whether or not you're currently shielding.

Portrait de Shamanalah
my 2 cents

I don't want double tap dash or shield bash

Double tap is for run, like Minecraft uses (which is good enough) but if you tried playing like this with Super Smash Bros and double tap forward to attack, you will get confused and sometime mess up (plus we won't get to dance in funny ways in CW anymore :S)

That's a no for me

@ Zeddy I am trying to find a negative thing to say about it but I simply can't... It could be good and I could use 1 less button being used, but IDK if it would work well... :S

Currently I'm satisfied with Q being my shield bash and E my dash, well see how BS mess it up >.<

Portrait de Narfle

Ya, that's my concern too--3 more actions coming soon to a keyboard near you...

Portrait de Ewbte
I agree with topic starter,

I agree with topic starter, It is not good when constantly used operation has absolutely different keys. New features could use hold down key + already used keys, for example: Shift + Attack = Bash (so u can easily chose direction you want to escape+attack) and Shift + Shield = Dash (again you can easily chose direction you want to jump off) - so player don't need to move his main fingers out of WASD.

Of course all keys are on player choice: Shift, Ctrl or Alt. This key scheme already used in popular programs such as image/video editors, and even operation systems, so why not? Easy to remember, easy to use and no need too move or twist fingers. Q & E is not best choice, there is lose in control of your knight while you move fingers from A & D.

Portrait de Reto-Da-Liz
How many fingers do you guys

How many fingers do you guys have?
Cause i got only 5 per hand, and i already know i will never use dash/bash because of my "lack" of fingers.
I feel like using these new things properly with no gaming mouse will be impossible.

Portrait de Flaame
@ZeddyCurrently, you hold

Currently, you hold shield and then attack to shield-charge

Isn't this TECHNICALLY an unintentional feature/exploit? If not, what if it was considered an exploit? Have we been abusing it all this time?

Personally, I would love to see an option for when you presently have your shield up, press attack to shield bash. I don't see why this wouldn't make sense.

Also saying this again, I would love to see a double-tap dash option. I've played plenty of games where Double-Tap was to run, however with knights constantly running, I can't see how this wouldn't be a problem; why would there be any reason NOT to make this an option to dash? The way I see it is that you can double-tap a key to dash, and hold that direction to keep walking in that direction if you needed to get away.

Togglable options such as "Double Tap X key to dash" or a button that says "Hold Defend Key before executing shield bash" or something along those lines are some things I would like to see. This is just so the general playerbase of Spiral Knights has Options.

Portrait de Narfle

To be fair, the control scheme I think we're getting does include a single key for bash/dash, it's just rather awkward to execute without remapping the keys. Double-tap would be way easier, imo, but we'll just have to wait and see.