Could You Add?
If You are reading this then you might add some stuff too well anyway why don't you add like little things like mini bosses that can give us like a special item or material and maybe pets that you can carry into battle and they will help you out like slowly healing over time or randomly shooting 3 elemental things or even more protection for like 30 days or so and try to make servers stable to have a bunch of people without lagging as much and actually to able to like instead o people in a mission taking everything have it so everyone gets them too also improve the texture of the shops and the main haven.

Ok, bro, get ready for why your suggestions are invalid.
There are no reason for mini bosses because the rooms you get locked in where you need to fight tons of monsters function like that. Only bosses can give you special materials via tokens, or from shadow layer bosses.
Ohmygod PETS?? They are coming out with battle sprites because of the numerous threads on this topic. They announced them not too long ago, so research stuff like a normal Knight before you suggest anything.
Their servers function perfectly fine, they don't lag at all if you live nearby.
The textures have no major flaws.

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Longest fuppin jeggly run-on I've ever seen... Sometimes I wish I've never learned grammar so posts like these don't bother me so much.

/sigh - Because Battle Sprites isn't what we need.
@Apophis - Lol
Go to My suggestion: . We don't need BATTLE SPRITES we need little pets to add something alil different like tame kats, Doger(Tame wolver [soz stupid name]), and tame snipes, U could get accessories for them and they could do some lil perks like heal a tiny bit. They could be 'level-ed up' w/ food like maybe monster bones for 'Dogers'?

The Battle Sprites announcement needs to be sticked on the front page of this forum, along with all other announced-but-not-released content from OOO.
This belongs in suggestions...