Traevelliath and Friendly Tim

I'm just guna use this thread to jot down things I notice while playing through the test server. I'm trying to take it slow instead of rushing to late-game stuff, as well as savor some of the smaller details.
When I got the choice for a Sprite, I decided to go with the cuddly Maskeraith. While fishing around my inventory, I found out you could infinitely rename him (which I heartily approve of) and instantly called him Friendly-Tim. Thus our friendship was born <3
There are a few bugs every now and then, mainly with the conversations and the completion of missions. A few of the missions would cut off a few conversations, and some didn't trigger the mission complete pop up (where it shows the rewards and such). Also, I couldn't drop vials onto the ground, which really annoyed me. I hope this was a glitch. However that's just minor stuff that expect will be ironed out soon/eventually.
I'm confused as to why the cooldowns are shared, in that if I use the second ability for the Sprite, the first goes on cooldown for the same amount of time. The cooldown for the second ability is already painfully long (I feel it should be a good 10-15 seconds shorter, but I guess that's why you level up), and it feels like the sprite is a bit useless without it's other ability. I also think the Maskeraith's first ability would be a bit better if the shots had a bit more spread to them. Often what would happen is all the quills would simply fly into one target. Also, I couldn't tell if all the quills were detonating at once or were not stacking properly, but either way only the first attack on the target would trigger the quill explosion.
So I powered up my sprite to lvl 10 and decided to run RJP. I threw it on the hardest difficulty and decided to see what happens.
First thing I noticed were the crowns! MONEY! Everything was dropping tons of crowns, even the mini-jellies that before did not drop anything. Of course then you get the problem of that one room which infinitely spawns mini-jellies that are dropping crowns and heat per kill (even the respawning ones were...). This becomes a bigger problem at the boss himself, because all the insta-kill minis were dropping crowns as well.
Second thing I noticed was the screen flashing whenever I took damage. I kinda like it, but it is a bit annoying. I'd love an option to turn it off or at least lessen the brightness of the flashes. Then I noticed that when you get below 25% health, the screen just starts pulsing red. THAT is REALLY annoying. Once again, I kinda like it... but I'd love to be able to turn it off or at least make it significantly less prominent.
While almost dead I noticed another thing... enemies weren't dropping hearts. In the entire Royal Jelly Palace, not ONE enemy dropped a single heart. Only two pills were dropped throughout the run as well. I honestly love this idea. I was suddenly far more defensive (and wishing for the Seraphynx) in a game that, up until now, was focused on offense over defense. I like to think I'm a good player but I was honestly struggling a bit and playing really defensively in the RJP on the hardest difficulty (solo that is).
In the end, with a single RJP I died twice... but walked away with 9167 CROWNS! It was difficult and all, but I hope this get's changed, else the market is guna go HAYWIRE! 4000 to 5000, if not almost 6000 crowns I feel would be more adequate.
I power-leveled my sprite to 20 now (only to realize he evolves at 15, but whatever...) and tried a Roarmulus Twin run on the highest difficulty setting. I find the IMF easier than the RJP due to the predictable nature of the traps and obstacles, instead of mobs of enemies.
The heart boxes made the run far easier, and I found significantly more pills than my RJP run. Also, the respawning enemies did not drop crowns and heat like the ones in the RJP did. I found it just like my other Roarmulus runs, and I could tell Tim was getting bored with it (at least the spamming of poison of poison on the Royal Jelly kept him busy in the RJP, but there was nothing for him in the IMF). The only thing that threw me off was that the all the enemies, more specifically, the Roarmulus Twins themselves, had about 50% more health. Normally when solo, it takes two full combos with my Combuster to send a twin from one stage to another. On the highest difficulty setting, it often took me two openings (or even three if the scuttlebots messed me up) to send a advance one of the twins one stage. In the end I only walked away with 2779 crowns, which is just about the same I normally get from the RT. It probably needs more payout on the higher difficulty.
I just realized how long this post is already, so I'll add to it later when I get around to testing tier 3 and the new party mechanics (which I honestly dont like the sound of).

Wow, I'm glad someone actually bothered to do mid-game stuff.
That would have been disastrous. And amazing. :| Can't tell if I like you or hate you for that.

So I did a few more Royal Jelly Palace runs, this time with a fully powered up Maskeraith. With his third skill, I just hexed everything and didn't even bother touching the boss. When the Royal Jelly finally went down, I finished the run with 10,672 crowns.
Just now I finished a run on normal difficulty, instead of Elite, and walked away with only 5017 crowns. There was an update before the run, so I'm not sure if that changed anything. Regardless, the respawning minis were still dropping crowns and heat (They were dropping hearts too!), and that's a LOT of crowns for a fairly easy run.

There was an update before the run, so I'm not sure if that changed anything.
The Update had nothing to do with the crown payout, the only major difference was a testing-server bug that was patched to prevent players from entering Lockdown.

Agreed, the Royal Jelly Elite battle is borked. With a small upgrade in my equipment from live servers, it was minimally more difficult. At the same time, I could just drop Voltaic Tempests (as a gunner mind you), wipe out mini-jellies in the boss room, and walk out of the mission with 16k crowns. At the same time, so many hearts dropped that I didn't even bother with my sprite.

Honestly though, I think this payout adjustment is so that we at least have options of farming other than just FSC.
wow... just waht the blimmy hell will happen to the CE prices if this thing hits FCS... please figure out the pay out on it.