So the string of missions and the Artifact?!

So the Artifact (when you go to the back of the lab) is now... well, in the back of the lab. I'd like to know how >.> that's kind of like "how did this happen?" I expect a transmission or an actual mission to steal it back.
Now the mission Arc. I liked each of the missions, but the 2nd floors weren't really necessary in my opinion. It was like "Yay! I tested all their... abilities... on this floor... Fuuuuuu." And some of them I didn't really remember what they did (Sera's Heart Attack and the Ghosts [forgot its name] invis ability) and found out after all the missions. I ended up choosing Sera (I'm named my pet already, sorry) and leveled it to max level... but can't evolve it b/c idk how to get an evo thingy (forgot what it's called as well).
Overall, I loved trying all of them and it was so fun to have something refreshing and new to the game. I'm looking forward to it finally coming out, but I think a better tutorial explaining the abilities of each (and the fact you have to map the keys to use the abilities). I give it a 7.5 out of 10 overall. But thanks for working so hard on this new element to the game. I'm not trying to bash it and expressing my opinions, so if you have anything to discuss, I'll gladly (maturely) argue w/ you :)

You can't get Ultimiate Evolution Catalysts through the supply depot in the preview server. I assume what OP is referring to as "max level" is 89.

Yeah, I noticed that too. They Veteran Knight and the other guys surrounding it said it was the artifact we found, so I'm assuming they're either changing the Razwog mission or adding something afterward of the "steal it back" sort.
... is it bad of me that one of my favorite parts of the sprite missions was the ample opportunities to hit Rhendon with Bomb Shells?

You can do that? I will have to test that very thoroughly soon. That'll show him for giving up the artifact (unless they changed it of course)!

It doesn't actually do anything to him, but they do blow up when they hit him, so it's still fun. XD

Maybe Razwag has secret agents that are decieving us.
Or maybe... we aren't the good guys anymore.
Other than that, it does look pretty dang suspicious that we suddenly have the artifact back in our possession.
Evo catalysts can be purchased from the supply depot. Also, I'm pretty sure you can rename your pet multiple times.