Battle Sprites skills feeback.

6 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Quaquonfaes

After testing The battle sprites, I have 3 complaints:

1.) The skills, the cool down is too big to make battle sprites effectively used in combat, even when fully upgraded, I think it sould be cut in half, also, separate the cool down meters.

2.)Heat, after a certain level (around 15 I think) it is almost impossible to heat up the sprite, decrease the value needed to heat them up.

3.) Damage, yes, in T1 they may seem overpowered, but in T3 they are totally useless, a fully upgraded firebolt (the dragon's first skill) only deals 40 damage in T3 making it useless, I say buff the Damage or make it increase more with higher levels.

Also some other minor observations:

1) The cat sprite is useless, the beam is week and has a minimal area of effect, the ''Heart Attack'' isn't helping anything, and you can't use the actual defense ability until a very high level. Diffidently Needs a buff or total rethinking of every ability.

2)The phantom is all good round, I think some value increases can help but nice work here!

I agree on the first point.

I agree on the first point. The cool downs are to hight and should be seperate. the 1st skill does need to much of a decrease in cool down but the 2nd skill needs atleast 20 sec less cooldown. Also concerning the damage it is kinda useless in T3. I also agree with the point of the cat sprite. It is extremely cute but the 2nd skill does nothing.

Portrait de Klockworx

The sprites do need separate cool-down timers per ability and it should be as simple as first ability 10 seconds, second ability 20 seconds, third ability 30 seconds. That way the more powerful attack has a longer cool-down. (A revolver can be fired 6 six times , a missile only once. Therefore the sequential number of attacks is always predetermined.) Follow that theory.

Cat is also useless ATM i agree.

It is ridiculous to try and heat a sprite after lv 15, i just spammed super food after that.

Portrait de Little-Juances

Leave the low raw damage, I want a stronger fire instead. Let enemies BUUUUURRNNNNNNNNNNN *evil laughter*

Portrait de Quaquonfaes

Me too, heating sprites after 15 will be impossible in the normal game unless players somehow get access to the heating level (never going to happen) Imagine if this is difficult how difficult it will be for an extreme level like 30, impossible I tell you, unless you can somehow acquire superfood.

Portrait de Traevelliath

I've only used the Maskeraith (trying out the others later), but I think the cooldowns for each skill are good as is... but need to be separated. I thought part of the fun of using him was to go invisible while constantly placing exploding hexes on all enemies you slip by.

As for the cooldowns, you can already spend 1/3 of the time invisible or 1/3 of the time exploding anyone within Shiver-range. I think that's good enough for the Maskeraith. Can't speak for the other sprites though.

Portrait de Zeddy

Could there be an option to choose a quantity of foods to craft? Alternating between pressing "transmute" and the escape key gets old very fast. Since I assume super food won't be available on the regular servers (at least not very often), people are going to want to craft a lot of these.