Why, OOO, Why.

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Dementia-Praecox's picture

AND BEFORE YOU START LOCKING AND GRAVEYARDING THIS, it is in the right forum section, or so your BS copy/paste excuse says. But, go ahead and lock it, prove me and all the angry forum-goers right, that you honestly don't care about what our feedback is, if it isn't licking your boots. The reason why forum-goers are all flustered is not only the thread-locking, it's that you don't even bother giving them a valid answer. If you truly only cared about that the threads were in the wrong section, you would have moved them instead of locking and graveyarding like it was going out of style. I've been on the test server, I've essentially bought my right for an opinion, according to you. Welp, I'm calling your bluff, OOO.

Why are you doing this to us?
Is it because you can't take criticism?
Is it because you worked so hard on this mechanics update that NOBODY asked for, so you're just going to tell us to bugger off?
Is it because you honestly hate us, but love money? You're coming awfully close to biting the hand that feeds you.

Tell me OOO, why.

Doctorspacebar's picture
Butt out, Sega

They already bit it when they ruined the shard bombs. They decided biting the hand that feeds them wasn't enough and they'd like to suck all its blood out while stabbing it repeatedly with a rusty shiv.

I love the battle sprites- they allow for many unique strategies. I also like the new boss- it's a unique challenge for Tier 1 Knights. But the Sparks of Bribery and removal of Health Reviving is so dumb it overshadows all the good stuff.

Aphrodite's picture
Community Manager
The Testing Feedback forum is

The Testing Feedback forum is for posting your observations and feedback about new features on the Preview Server.

It is not the place to rant about Game Masters enforcing the forum rules.
It is not the place to use terms 'dumb' 'lame' or make other unhelpful comments.

It is a place to provide constructive criticism and feedback so the developers can improve on game features that are still in development.