Question about testing server discussion

So, where do people who are not on the testing server discuss the new features? As of now, anything mentioned from someone who doesn't have access gets booted. Why is this? This is maddening to many people because they have concerns about the update, or are finding it hard to contain their excitement and really want to tell others about it and what they cannot wait for. Canning them is sorta hurting their feelings, I think.
I have access to the testing server, so you can't tell me that I am not authorized to post here. (Sorry if that came off a bit rude...) If the community cannot talk about the updates here, and that is still an issue for the next server, I am going to open the doors of my now inactive guild's forums for such discussions. (Because, to be frank, I find this whole thing frustrating!)

I'd really like to discuss the terrible decisions made in other forum sections as well. Some of the changes, granted, cannot be adequately discussed without the test server, such as the Battle Sprites themselves. However, other proposed changes, including the ones that are bad enough to merit mentioning everywhere so the developers get the freaking hint (the removal of heat revives and Sparks of Bribery), can be completely described in two or three sentences. Yet Three Rings refuses to accept this and has indiscriminately persecuted anyone who doesn't have test server access that dares bring up these topics.
Also unsettling is what many mods have said: "Please post only constructive criticism." Reminds me of something else I remember seeing in some terrible threads: "Only post if you agree with this suggestion!" I have a bad feeling about Three Rings's latest policy.
@Traevell: Three Rings needs to know that they are doing something wrong. The last time we kept the discussion in the Test Server, we got screwed over, so this time, I don't plan on holding back. I will find whatever way I can to make health reviving "on topic" and make my opinion very clear.
EDIT: Oh, yeah, Autofire. Can you link to said forum?

You can either ignore this and pretend it is Eurydice ignoring your posts like you are ignoring hers... Or you can take it as sign that, just because they aren't responding to you, doesn't mean they aren't reading what you have to say.
But that is for players who have access to the testing server, I thought.
Right, here it is...

Only people on the testing server have access to the proposed changes. People are reacting based on previous notions, not based on experience with the content. While yes, you can still propose legitimate feedback based on theory, it's not nearly as valuable as those who have actually played with it. OOO doesn't care about theoretically what the changes would cause. They open the test server to see the practical implications of the changes.

What Traevelliath is saying is a cool-headed and indepth explanation of my previous rant.
If you haven't played the test server, chances are you won't know how some things work, and speculating how they work or will impact the game is just causing unnecessary uproar on the forums.

Hex, traeve, believe it or not, some people do have working brain cells. Test server access or not, we can tell that the new revs and part of the new loot are bad ideas.
Heat revives are probably the single most common for of revives. If I have to deal with increased monster health from being in a team, I want their heat. If I can't get it, I have no reason to go with a pug team, and all my guild does is grind KoA- boring! Heck half the time I go is to give my guild heat anyways, so even then I don't have a reason then.
I am concerned with how rev costs and these new orbs will affect the stability of the CE market, but I'm not sure even testers could answer that.
However, if I understand it right, not only do we now have to go through every single room instead of being efficient and splitting up, it sounds like if we do split up our loot could disappear before we get to it. What???? Once again, how on earth does this encourage team play?
And to everyone that is like oh it's just the test server it doesn't mean it won't work that way when it comes out: actually, that's *exactly* how OOO has worked for the past 2 years. They have never backed down from their glorious plans despite huge community reactions in several occasions, and everything in test server launched pretty much exactly as it was (I honestly don't remember them even changing the test server versions except for LD)

I'm not saying that...
Why would you possibly want to open a test server... Because you want feedback from people playing the new content. If they just wanted theoretical feedback based on the patch notes, then what's the point of opening up the test server in the first place?
That's why the discussion is limited to those who have access to the testing server.

What if people discuss the aspects of the game that don't explicitly require you to play them? You don't need to play on the testing server to understand how the new loot system will force people to stay together even in maps that you're meant to spread out in, or how the removal of health revives encourages players to fight for themselves and not their team.
Admittedly, there are things that people shouldn't argue about without firsthand experience, like the mechanics of Battle Sprites. You can't just look at them and give any meaningful input. The revised loot and revive systems are a different story entirely, since they're removing existing mechanics as well as introducing new ones that are fully explained. Sparks of Life don't have ranges, damage numbers, and cooldowns.
"But Draycos, what if the Sparks of Life are incredibly cheap?" They won't be. If I remember correctly, Nick stated that the overall costs of alchemy and reviving won't be too heavily influenced by these changes.

In the case of battle sprites I'll agree with you. I don't feel like blowing more money on this game with virtually no return, so I'll content myself to critique when I can play them on the regular server myself. I said the same thing back with Dash and Bash.
I'm also not critiquing the crafting changes since I couldn't know how they will work, so there's no right for me to.
But the rev and loot changes I don't need to test to know it's a bad idea. Those I can actually understand thanks to the notes and other comments *gasp*. I've been playing two years, I like to think I have a fairly decent grasp on how things work, and my brain is more advanced than a 5 year old to wear I can actually use it to think. Apparently this is a hard concept for you to grasp.

Maybe I should explicitly state this...
I don't agree with the policy of shutting down discussion of the upcoming patch in the general discussion, but I can understand their reasoning. You have to admit, it was getting out of hand. You can either take the conspiracy approach, where OOO is just trying to repress player's opinion, or they're just trying to calm things down so they can gather and collect well-thought-out criticism.

So testing the the changes is the only way to form well thought out criticism? Um .... No. Not with what I'm limiting myself to talking about.
You can tell how well the criticism is thought out by the mere tone of a post. If Eury indeed spent her training time in the depths of 4chan, she should at least be able to sort that much out. And of course the difference between the posts going "rahh rahh this is stupid" (which I don't agree with either) and the ones that give reasons.
People are jumping the gun...
It's not even clear if the entire update is going to take into effect, and already people are calling bloody murder and hailing the coming of the SK apocalypse. It's really gotten absurd, and all the panic is not helpful, if not irritating.