Scroll wheel doesn't execute abilities

5 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Qwote

I um.. can't use the scroll wheel for battle sprite abilities. Even the scroll wheel on my keyboard doesn't execute the ability. Is it just happening to me?

Portrait de Klockworx

You have a scroll wheel on your keyboard?!

Portrait de Etharaes
(Witty topic Here)

This should really be allowed. I thought I would've had the new controls for the battle sprites sussed: scroll up, scroll down and middle click respectively, but sadly no.

~Ethanol, the guy who doesn't know what to bind the battle sprite commands to.

Portrait de Cakemask
Well for the time being

I have Ability 1 (the one you need to aim) bound to middle mouse, which works fine for me.

As I use the scroll wheel to switch weapons, I haven't tried it using for abilities. But I have them bound to Numpad - & +, and if you don't have a numberpad, \ & ] shouldn't be that hard to reach. Or just do Q & E.

Portrait de Qwote

patch 7/11 doesn't have the scroll wheel fixed.

and yes, i have a scroll wheel on my keyboard (notmyphoto).

Portrait de Quinzal
hi qwote

Thats a nice keyboard.